Chapter 5

How to remain faithful with my girlfriend???




"Kiss me." I unconsciously ordered which made her eyes widened in shock.


Did I just ordered her to kiss me?

Why did I said that?

I---I don't like her or maybe it's best to say 'I can't like her.'

She has a girlfriend!

I should keep that in my mind.

Even if I like her, she'll never like me back...


I will just get hurt.

She will... never... LOVE me.

"J-Jessica.." she mumbled, staring at me in disbelief.

I gasped when my gaze accidentally landed on her lips.

Hell! I think I now have to admit how I want to kiss that lips...

But no!

I should control myself.

I slightly tilted my head to avoid my gaze on her.

Soon as I regained my consciousness, I then faced her with a fake smile written on my face.

"I-I'm just kidding. You idiot!"



"I-I'm just kidding. You idiot!" she said, letting out a nervous laugh.

I just keep on staring at her for a moment, analyzing her facial expression.

Why does she looks like she's lying?

Why does the way she laughs looks like a fake one?

Why does I sense nervousness in her voice?

Why does... I am thinking... that...

She likes me.

Aaahh!! Maybe I'm just imagining things!

How could she like me that fast if she come to hate me for months.

Plus, she said that she's just kidding. Right?

"Ha-ha.. I never know, you'd fell for that.. You should see the look in your face." she again exclaimed with her nervous voice when she didn't heard any responsed from me.

"Cause you look so serious." I unconsciously muttered which made her smile fade away, replacing it with a blank expression.

"But I'm always serious." she then protested, pouting.

"Haha.. You're right." I just agreed, laughing.

"So, Let's go. I'll walk you home." she suddenly exclaimed, smiling widely.

I just nodded as we both started to walk.

Out of my mind, I then grabbed her hand, intertwining it with mine, making her to look at me with her lifted brow.

"What? This what friends do." I innocently defended myself.

She then flashed a silly smile.

"This.. what 'CLOSE' friends do, and FYI, we're still not that close. So-" she paused for awhile as she gently removed her hands from mine."you better not do that again, or else.. you're going to be so... Dead."

I just looked at her in disbelief but still, a smile on my face never fades away as we continue on walking.



I almost jump off my bed when I heard my alarm clock rings.

I glanced at the clock and read the time.


I then hastily prepared my things and uniform then rushed towards the bathroom.

I have to move my fast if I want to be with her.


I am currently walking, making my way towards my precious school.

Yeah! This is my every morning routine-walking towards my school, for I'm not like the other students, who have their own cars.

I'm not like Yoona who's being pamper by her parents with all she wants and needs.

But despite our big differences in life, we still managed to become bestfriends.


Yoona's parents are kind that even if they're aware of the fact that I'm not like them, they still accepted me as their daughter's bestfriend and gladly, when we took our friendship into the next level, they still, wholeheartedly accepted me.

Sometimes, I envy Yoona for having a perfect family and life because me, on contrast, don't have a family, my parents had passed away and at my early age of 6, I learned to work for me to be able to survive.

And luckily, here I am, studying at one of the most prestigious school in Korea and renting a not too small apartment by just working part time at a small coffee shop.

Unbelievable right?

Of course, a little salary from working at a coffee shop can't compare from the amount of the tuition fee I paid at my school, but it made possible because I have this what we called 'little money' at the bank after selling the house which was left by my parents.

So, I'm still lucky. I guess.

I was in my deep thoughts when I suddenly noticed someone kept following me from behind since I left my house.

I then turned around, only to saw NOTHING.

Maybe i'm just imagining things.

I then again started on walking .

Seconds later,

I can hear footsteps from behind.

I then hastily tilted my head but again, saw NOTHING.

I can't help but to feel so nervous at the thought of I was in DANGER.

I just shook my head as I continued on walking.

Once again,
I heard shuffling of feet from my back.

I can feel my hairs on the back of my neck stand up as I began to tremble.

I decided to just continue on walking and never look back but I think that's the worst idea, for I can feel that the killer, kidnapper, or whatsoever is just on my back.

"Yoona help me!" I managed to scream before that person covered my mouth.

Soon as I felt that person's hand on my mouth, I can't help but to feel weird.

This person seems so....


The soft hands

The scent


"What kind of help do you want?" a familiar voice at my back suddenly asked, which made my eyes widened.

Then suddenly the so familiar alligator laugh echoed in my ears as the 'person' removed 'her' hands on my mouth to hold 'her' stomach.

I then furiously look at the laughing Yoona beside me.

"How dare you, Im Yoona?!" I scolded her.

I am totally pissed right now.


"Haha.. Yul, you should've seen the look on your face awhile ago. Y-your reaction was... Priceless." she exclaimed between her laughter.

"Yah!!!" I shouted at her as I attempted to slap her but she ran just in time.

"Hahaha." she devilishly laugh.

"You! I promise, you're so going to pay for this soon as I catch you!"


"Aaaahh! Yul, I-I'm sorry! I p-promise to not do it again. Aaah!" I cried in pain.

We're currently entering our school with Yuri pulling my ears and I, begging her to stop.

But she seems too stubborn to follow.

We're starting to gain attention from the students around the campus.



I can see that my fans were pissed by what is Yuri doing to me.

'Aish! Yuri is so mean!'

'How can she do that to our Yoona! She's going to be so dead!'

'Aaahh! I'm going to kill that Yuri!'

Some started cursing her while some attempted to stop her, but I waved my hands at them, telling that it's alright.

"Yul, Aaahh! S-Stop! D-do you want my fans to kill you? Don't you see? They're glaring at you." I warned her.

"Huh?! So what? I don't care! You have to pay for what you did, Im Yoona."

"Aaahh! I-i'm sorry." I again apologized.

We're now walking into our campus hallway and really... we're gaining more and more attention.

She suddenly stop from walking but still, she didn't remove her hand on my ear.

I then look up at the reason why Yuri suddenly stop from walking only to felt more embarrassed when I saw Seohyun, with her eyes and jaw widely open.

"S-seohyun." I shyly mumbled.

Yay Yuri! Don't make me look like a infront of Seohyun.


Atleast not infront of her!

"Aaah.. G-Goodmorning Yoona.. Yuri-sshi." she politely greeted while cluelessly looking at us.

"Goodmorning Seohyun-sshi." Yuri smilingly greeted back.

"S-Seohyun.. help me!" I suddenly said.

Seohyun then worriedly look at me and again turned her gaze back to Yuri.

"Aaah! Yuri-sshi, do you mind if I ask what happened?" she asked, full of manners.

Yuri then smirked.

"Ahm.. Let's say that, she just need to learn a lesson."

"Is that so?" Seohyun replied, giggling and again look at me. "Yoona, you have to be a good girl. okay?" she smilingly muttered.

Omo! Don't smile Seohyun!
It makes me melt.

"Okay. Bye Seohyun-sshi." Yuri suddenly said.

Seohyun just nods her head as she again began on walking, leaving us.

"Yah, Yuri! E-Enough.. Please? I'm really sorry." I again pleaded her.

She then looked directly into my eyes before eventually removing her hand on my ear.

"Yay! Thank you Yuri!" I happily exclaimed, hugging her.

"Don't you ever do that again, okay? That's not funny." she suddenly muttered, soon as we pulled from the hug.

"Yeah! I promise!" I sincerely said as I unconsciously caressed my aching ear.

"Omo! I'm sorry! Does it hurts?" she worriedly muttered, checking my ear.

"N-no! It's alright." I lied.

She let out a heavy sigh.

"I-I'm really sorry, Yoong! I didn't notice that I hurt you so much." she mumbled, feeling guilty.

I then look into her face.

Her simply beautiful face that I'll never get tired to stare at.

A smile flashed on my face as I gently touch her face.

"It's okay.." I murmured as I gently lean forward, capturing her lips.


A frown instantly flashed on my face soon as I entered our classroom and didn't saw Jessica.

I lazily sat down on my chair and plopped my head on the desk.


No Jessica!

But why?

I then took my phone and search for a certain name on my phonebook.

To: Jessica

Didn't attend our class?

From: Yoona

I placed my phone on my desk and stare at it, waiting for the blonde to reply.


I don't know why but I feel like jumping when I received a reply from her.

I then smilingly read the message.

From: Jessica

Isn't it obvious?

To: Yoona

I then stared at my phone in disbelief.

She can still bring her coldness even in text message.
Great! Just great!

I just sighed as I placed my phone back at my bag.


"Okay class. That's all for now. You can now go." Mr. Lee muttered, which made all the students inside the room stood up and hurried towards the door.

"Hey!" I called as I noticed Jessica's friends are about to pass on me.

They then all looked with each other before eventually turning their gaze on me.

"Yoona-sshi, I'm sorry but... Did you just called us.. or.. you just called someone but definitely not us ..or.. we're just really imagining things." one of them asked in disbelief.

I then chuckled.

"I'll go with the first one."

"Ooohh.. So what do you need from us, Yoona-sshi? Is it about Jessica again?"

"Haha.. Ahm.. Sort of." I shyly confessed.

"So, you're going to ask why she didn't attend our class, right?"

"Aaah.. Y-yeah. Sort of." I chuckled.

"Haha.. Well, she's in the music room. She's currently practicing singing the song that she will sing in our upcoming program."

"Oh? Do you think she's still there?" I innocently asked.


"Okay. Thank you very much." I smilingly muttered. "Wait, by the way, Can I have your names?"

"Of course! I'm Sunny."



"Okay. Sunny, Eunjung and Hyoyeon, thank you again! Bye!" I smilingly exclaimed as I hurried outside the room.


20 minutes had passed, but still, Yuri is still not here?

What happen to her?

I took my phone at my bag and started to write a message.

To: Yul<3

Yul, where are you???


I then pressed the send button and wait for her reply.

Seconds later, I received a text message.

From: Yul<3

Yoong, I'm sorry but I can't be able to come with you tonight. Mr. Park assigned me to do something. I'm really really sorry.. Go home safely. I love you. <3

I let out a sigh as I placed my phone back on my bag.


What a boring day!

I was about to go home when I suddenly remembered someone.


I will drop by to see her first before I'll go home.

I am currently making my way towards the music room when I suddenly saw someone which made me froze in my position.


is making her way towards me?

"Yoona." she called using her aegyo.


"Yoona?" she again called.

I didn't say anything, I just stare at her with my wide eyes.

Still can't believe that she was infront of me.

I... miss... her..

Out of my mind, I then hug her tight which made her startled.

Still, I didn't utter anything. I just remained hugging her but more tighter this time.

I really can't believe this is happening!

The last thing I remember that she said to me was...


but now..

She's infront of me, smiling like she's the happiest person to see me.



"I-I'm sorry, Tiffany." I finally managed to utter, still hugging her.

She then pulled away from our hug and look straight into my eyes.

"No! I should be the one who have to apologize. I'm sorry Yoona." she sincerely apologized.

I just gave her a weak smile as I gently pinched her cheeks, or more like I caressed her cheeks.

"Let's just forget what happened with us, Tiffany." I seriously mumbled, making her smile fade away.

"Yoona.. I-i can't just forget what happened with us. I-it was the most p-precious thing that ever happened to me." she shyly confessed, slightly averting her gaze to me.

I was a bit taken aback by what she just said, but I have to admit that it also made me blushed at the same time.

"T-Tiffa--" I tried to speak but she interfered.

"I-i really like you, Im Yoona. I know it's wrong but the more I tried to forget you, the more my heart says I love you."

I just remain silent this time.

I don't know what to say.

I don't know what to do.

I-i don't know...

Tiffany.. Why do you have to make me suffer like this?

I-i ... want you.

I-i want to be with you.

But I can't.

I can't hurt Yuri.

She's the most important person in my life.

And.. I will die if I lose her.

"Tiffany.. Why do you have to say this?"

"Because I want us to be together."

"But.. You know we can't."

"We can. If you want."

Tch! Tiffany is just making the situation worst.

I let out a heavy sigh before eventually speaking.

"Tiffany.. I don't want to hurt Yuri. I can't hurt her." I seriously muttered.

She didn't response, she just hang her head low in disappointment.

I then lifted her chin to faced me.

"Let's just stay friends, Tiffany. Okay?" I smilingly asked.

She just slowly nods her head as she forced a smile.

"Thank you." I mumbled as I pulled her into a hug.

We both pulled away from the hug when her phone suddenly rings.

"Wait, Yoona." Tiffany excused herself for awhile as she slightly turned her back at me.

When her phone call ends, she then faced me with a frustrated look.

"I'm sorry, Yoona, but I have to go. I didn't know that we have a practice."

"Ooohh.. Is that so? It's okay. Bye!" I smilingly waved at her.

"Bye!" she waved back.

She was about to turn around but it seems like she remember something.

"Oh, by the way, Yoona.. You have to promise me first, that you will watch our volleyball competition this coming friday." she said.


My God! What will I do?
I know Yuri will surely not allow me to watch that.

"Promise me." she said, almost glaring at me.

"Aaah.. Y-yeah! I promise."

"Good! Bye!" she exclaimed, smiling widely and hastily walked away.

Aish! I'm in such mess!

How can I watch that game without Yuri knowing it?


I'm going crazy.

Ooopps.. I almost forgot.


I then hastily headed towards the music room.

I peeked through the window of the room and saw Jessica alone.

She's wearing a headphone and holding a microphone.



Even if I can't hear her sing, still, I can tell that she sings passionately by just looking at the expression on her face.

On how her face reacts in every words she sings.

I tried averting my gaze on her even just for awhile but I can't.

I can't take off my eyes on her.

She's just too...

I don't know.

I can't find words to express how she looks like.

Even the word 'gorgeous' didn't seem enough.

I then suddenly noticed her took off the headphone and get the bottle of water that was placed on the couch, drinking it.

She was about to sit on the couch when she unconsciously tilted her head at my direction.

Her eyes widened.

"Yoona?" she asked in disbelief.




Sorry for not updating fast. It's just, these days, I'm having so much fun reading YoonSic fics in SSF. (Oh my god! I'm betraying my YoonYul heart.. keke 3) the reason why, I've been totally get lazy to write an update..

but I'd just found myself got inspired by just re-reading your comments . <3 

so here it is! keke
hope you like it.

thanks guys .. please do leave comments

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anatawowasurenai #1
Chapter 5: Accidentally stumbled on this fic again. This is so well written, hays, too bad it did not get the recognition it deserves. Thanks for writing this.
Chapter 28: i can't believe i haven't read this before. i'm sure i found this story even before i created my account here. but i don't know why i haven't read this. just wow. one of the best fic i've ever read. very well-written and i love the originality of the story. at first i was a bit frustrated cos of Yoona's character here but at the last three chapters convinced me how much she loves Yuri. i love the part with the '100%' thingy, that was so cute and smart. so yeah, very happy i found this again and managed to finish it. YoonYul FTW! Thank you for the story and your hard work. Hope you can write more YoonYul on the future! Fighting author-ssi! ^^
This is just so great! I love you author!! Even though I'm a hardcore yoonsic shipper i still manage to smile when yoonyul end up being together and sooyoung and minho fighting over sica! probably the best fic ever, not to mention my bodyguard is my fiance fic.. update to that story soon please!! so proud that you're a filipino, fellow filipino here!! Again, thank you author. Thank you so much <3 Continue to right yoonsic fics. :)
Chapter 28: Ok, I've finally finish this story. It took me awhile to adjust to the YoonSic *Holding it in* breakup and the *Keep holding* YoonYul ending. It hurt so bad eventhough I've prepared. Great story and...a great ending for the TwinTrooper *Let the tears run out*. The way *Sob* Yoona win Yuri back was alittle too cheesy for me, and I'm not just saying that because I wanted a YoonSic ok maybe yes. Minho is like a little evil devil with a totally cute face. Yay for TaeNy! Yay for Seo and Kyu! Yay for *sob* Sica and Sooyoung...Thanks for the last Seobang YoonSic moment, it did help a little. And thank you so much fofr the awesome Yoona filled story :)
Chapter 28: ow so sweet. :)
Chapter 28: *throws confetti* TT.TT yoonyul is back! as expected, but i kinda hope it's yoonsic but yeah.. it's already here XD
the ending's so good! i thought yoona will not have any of her girls keke~

i will miss this story. seriously! congratulations!! i really love this story and i hope you can make another one again! cheater yoona FTW XD
4ACQG7 #7
Chapter 28: I love the ending! Although I was kinda torn in between YoonYulSic... It was a very successful story! :DDDD
Chapter 28: YAY!! *throw confetti* kekekeke congratulations finally you finished your fic!
you made your readers to go on a roller coaster ride with this fic... thank you for finally making YoonYul together in the end...
now I know Yoona's answer for your title's fic "how to remain faithful with my girlfriend" by a contract! LOLLLL
I love the way they repeated the scene when Yuri accepted Yoona's love... but this time, Yuri herself making sure that 2,75% chance to be 100%... that's sweet and cute...
and LMAO! Soo and Minho fighting over Sica... they're funny! this one is unpredictable... kekeke and TaeNy finally get together with very possessive Fany over Taengoo and the faithful Kyuhyun still tried to make another chance with so Seobaby...
thank you!! and I'm sorry that I wasn't being a faithful reader in some chapters... kekekeke once again, congratz!!!
Chapter 28: -reveal's myself- good story but honestly i wanted to see how exacty taeny fell in love. Bonus for ur subbies? Hehe good job author shi