

“Unnie, where are we going today?”  Bomi plonked herself on Chorong’s bed, when Chorong had just finished taking shower.

“Eung—I am sorry, Bbom-ah…  I cannot hangout with you today.”  Chorong hesitantly answered.

“Why?  We usually go somewhere on weekend…”  Bomi whined.

“I have appointment with my friend.”  Chorong replied while picking up her clothes.

“Unnie…  We did not meet often recently—it even hardly to just go to school or home together.  You always busy with your thing.  We could not meet even when you did not have after school club.”  Bomi complained.

Chorong unwrapped her towel, revealing her toned body in undergarments.  Bomi gulped seeing the older.  It was not her first time to see Chorong with only underwear, but somehow, she felt a bit awkward recently.

“I am sorry, Bbom-ah…  I already promised my friend to hangout today.”  Chorong did not notice the awed face of Bomi, captivated by her figure.

“Where are you going?  Who will go with you?”  Bomi asked coldly after getting her sense back.

Chorong did not answer, she put on contrast collar sweater dress, then headed to makeup table to put on natural makeup.

“Unnie?  Are you going with Naeun?”  Bomi asked curiously.  She dangled like a tail, following Chorong who was preparing to go out.

“I am going to movie with Suho.”  Chorong replied without looking at Bomi.

Bomi stopped for a while, did not believe about what she had heard.

“What?  Suho oppa?”  Bomi yelled out, could not hold her shock.

“Ne.  Why?”  Chorong said lightly.

“Unnie…  You’ve barely know him no more than a week—and you two already this closer?”  Bomi stood akimbo, restraining her mad tone.

Daebak!  I cannot believe that you neglect me because of him.”  She continued.

“I am not neglect you.  We can go somewhere later.”  Chorong tried to console Bomi.

“Unnie…”  Bomi said hopelessly.

“Bbom-ah…  We just go for a movie.  Like a friend.”  Chorong approached her, caressed the younger’s cheek.

Bomi seemed a bit calmed down although she still could not fully accept that Chorong was going to cinema with Suho.

“He wants you—more than just a friend, Unnie…  I don’t want you to get hurt, like other girls, he used to date.”  Bomi murmured.

“I can take care of myself, Bbom-ah…  I’ll leave anybody who treat me bad.  I know what I am doing.”  Chorong pulled a warm smile, soothing Bomi’s wariness.

She knew that Bomi was trying to protect her, but she wanted to go within reason, not to assume badly on anything before knowing the real truth.

Chorong had finished with her preparation, and she headed outside to go to appointment place with Suho.  In sulky face, she went to Sungjae’s home.  Sungjae was playing online game enthusiastically, ignoring Bomi who entered his room sulkily.

“Aaaarrrrgghghhh!!!  !!!”  Sungjae slammed his desk as he lost the match.

Bomi glanced on him uninterestedly.

“Stop playing!  You !  Talk to me Sungjae-ya…  I am bored.”  Bomi rolled over, expressing her tedium.

“I was doing good before you come.”  Sungjae sneered.  He joined to lie on bed, beside Bomi.

“Where are we going today, Nuna?”  He continued.

“Up to you.  I have no idea.”  Bomi answered lightly.

“Just let Chorong nuna decide it.”  Sungjae replied.

“She is not going with us.”  Bomi said sadly.

“Why?”  Sungjae was astonished.

“She is with Suho.  Watching movie.”  Bomi replied coldly.

Sungjae was stupefied, pondering if he misheard it.

“For real?”  Sungjae asked in disbelief.

Bomi nodded wordlessly, too lazy to answer.

Heol!  That hyung really has a gut.”  He grinned, holding his annoyance of Suho’s fast move in approaching Chorong.

“I could not believe that Chorong unnie chose him over us.”  Bomi sighed, drawing up her dejection.

“Shall we go to find them?”  Sungjae suggested in mischievous smirk.

Bomi glanced on him, mulling for a while.

“Definitely, yes!”  She finally agreed.

Sungjae got up and grabbed his dark brown cotton-blend bomber jacket, and slightly tidied up his hair, then rushed outside with Bomi, departing to the place where Chorong and Suho were in.

Reaching the destination, Bomi and Sungjae directly headed to cinema.  The place was quite crowded as it was weekend.  Many couples were having a date, showing how affectionate they were in front of the public.  They arrived at cinema, looking around to find Chorong and Suho.

“They probably already entered the studio.”  Bomi said.

“I don’t think so.  The show will start 15 minutes later, I don’t think they can manage to watch the previous show.  They would late for it.  Maybe they still wandering around somewhere.”  Sungjae disagreed.

Bomi nodded as Sungjae’s statement was quite logical.

“Which movie she probably watches?”  Sungjae asked.

“Chorong unnie likes action movie, I am pretty sure she will choose it.”  Bomi said confidently.

“I think so.”  Sungjae replied shortly and headed to ticket counter to get the ticket.

Right after he bought the ticket, he spotted Chorong and Suho walked toward the cinema entrance, going to enter the studio where the action movie would be played.

“Nuna!  They are here!”  Sungjae said excitedly, pointing at Suho and Chorong who walked happily.

“We have to hide well, Sungae-ya…  If she caught us following her behind, she will scold us.”  Bomi whispered.

They entered the studio cautiously, trying not to get notice by Chorong nor Suho.  They sat on their seat and watched over Chorong and Suho carefully.  Bomi and Sungjae could not focus on the movie the whole time.  They busily spied on Chorong and Suho, worrying that they might doing something too far.

The movie had ended, Bomi and Sungjae waited for Chorong and Sungjae to get out first before following them after.  From a safe distance, Bomi and Sungjae watched them over.  They were frowned and sulked along the way as they observing Chorong and Suho intimacy toward each other.  They acknowledged that Chorong is really caring to others, but she rarely being so affectionate to someone she barely knows.  Seeing Chorong acted this way, Bomi and Sungjae felt like seeing another person instead.

While walking along, Suho cellphone rung.  He excused himself to pick up the call.  Chorong nodded while giving her angelic smile.  Chorong turned around, both Bomi and Sungjae immediately hid themselves behind a large pillar.  They were shocked, and afraid that they might been caught up.  They held their breathes as Chorong walked closer to their hideout.

“Come out, you two!”  Chorong said coldly yet creepy.

Bomi and Sungjae sighed desperately as they had been caught up in action.  They pondered of how to escape in this scene.

“Aaaaaa…  Chorong Unnie…  What a coincidence we’ve met here.”  Bomi hugged Chorong brightly though it looked a bit in force.

Sungjae scanned the situation and joined to hug her.

“I don’t know you are here, Nuna…”  Sungjae said shamelessly.

Chorong pushed them away.

“Stop you two!  I know you have followed me.  Why do you do this?”  Chorong burst out.

Bomi and Sungjae looked down, realizing that their pretension had no use.

“Answer me you two!  Why do you follow me?!”  Chorong seemed annoyed.

“We worried about you, Unnie…”  Bomi answered in low voice.

Chorong sighed.

“I am just hanging out with my friend!”  Chorong snapped, ignoring the people who glanced on them.

“Stop follow me!”  She added.

“Unnie, he is…”

“End of discussion.”  Chorong cut Bomi off.

“Why don’t you trust me, Nuna?  We have known for a long time?  Why do you believe him over us?”  Sungjae complained.

“Because I have known you for a long time, I clearly know that you always do this whenever any guy tried to approach me—and I don’t believe him…  I believe of what I see, by my own eyes.”  Chorong stated firmly.

Bomi and Sungjae could only sigh as they know that kind of Chorong’s tone is when she is almost reach the peak of anger.

Chorong walked away, leaving them behind who could only staring the back figure of Chorong.  They were mad and dejected for being neglected by a person whom always beside them whatever the circumstances are.  They were upset because Chorong chose to be with someone who she had only met for days.  It went a little something like watching your precious stuff had been taken away by someone right in front of your eyes, but you could not do anything to take it back.

With heavy heart, Bomi and Sungjae finally decided to stop stalking Chorong and Suho.  They wanted to keep following them, but it would be worse if Chorong found it out again.  In cautious feel, they left the place, wishing that Chorong would be fine.



*Spoiler for next chapter...

The sub title will be "Confession"

Whose confession is it?

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Chapter 10: uwaaak.. This is such a good storyyyyy T.T omg, all I can say is I'm so happy it got up to such a chapter, where Chorong has found out about Suho with a plan for what to do with him, and running to Bomi to apologise and be comforted for what she heard.. and the friendship kissing, or shall I say, intense makeout that Bomi deserves!! ahh it pains and squeezes and flips my heart in all the good ways. It's so good, this story is so good, and not even in the chomi tag. I.. it's so good T.T thank you so much for bringing this story into the world, authornim <3
Jung_Yerin #2
Chapter 10: Update author-nim..
Sicalima #3
Chapter 10: Actualizalo pronto autor-nim..!! \(T-T)/
Chapter 10: I loved it when you update housemate story. But please update this story too.. i really love this story.
Update soon joannespark <3
Chapter 10: Update please...And i like your other story "Housemates".
Eririn #6
Chapter 10: Best friends become rivals. I'm sure they will feel hurt no matter who Chorong chooses. I can't wait to see the Bomi angst xD
Eririn #7
Chapter 9: I am so glad that Chorong found out the truth about Suho. But I am curious about What Bomi thinks about Sangjae now. Its sad that Chorong allowed Sangjae to kiss her and still treated him well after but if Bomi tried it too she would freak out.
Chapter 9: Update asap..Please update more today please i want to read it desperately haha
Chapter 9: Aaahh cliffhanging,,, please update today
I am really curious about it