For Now


"This marriage won't last forever. It's just for now.''

With rising pressure from his parents, Kim Jun-Myeon decides to opt out of the dating life and instead throw himself into an arranged marriage. Handled professionally, a temporary arrangement  seems to him, both beneficial and time-efficient. A perfect solution.

While Seoli Park has her dream job as a librarian in the City Library, at 24, she dreams of a more permanant living condition than her small rental apartment in the city centre. A boyfriend too wouldn't be so much of a burden. With no apparent answer to her problems Seoli goes on with her head bent over books.

While perhaps not at first, both of their lives will change. For better or for worse, that remains undecided. At least for now.



A few months ago I was talking to a friend of mine about what an arranged marriage would look like realistically. Not in the 'oh I just woke up and I'm married sort of way' but in a legitimate 'this is a good idea for the both of us' kind of way. And though none of what is about to come may be legitimate or realistic in any way I think I should at least attempt to write it out.


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rathimf #1
Chapter 3: i order my book by the height...please keep writing
rathimf #2
seems good