Lion and Deer


Park Jimin was that popular bad boy that everyone either wanted to have or wanted to be.
Min Yoongi was the Wallflower music major that sat alone at sixth table in the library, ignoring Jimin’s presence.
Love, was an impossible feat. But then again, Love is crazy like that.


Some terminology to look out for:

  • Bread Shuttle - a person who bullies force to buy bread (or food in general) for them. Essentially a lackey.
  • Ppang - a derogratory nickname used by bullies to call their Bread Shuttle. Literally means 'Bread/Bun'.


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elle_ne #1
Chapter 1: it's fantastic ♡♡♡ I just love it it's so perfect ^__^ thank you author-nim for this amazing sroty ♡♡
Chapter 1: Beautifully written