Perfect Hoya

Perfect Hoya

Haeyeon had been crushing on Hoya since the day she first saw him. She was always watching from afar, because she didn't feel confident that the all-perfect princely Hoya would even spare her a glance.


Everyday in school, she'd follow him wherever he went when her friends weren't around. She'd be sprinting from one hiding place to another, or just walking when there were people who could block her from him. They've known each other since middle school, though they've never really talked to each other. But ever since the first year of high school, Haeyeon had been developing feelings for him. It was already Senior year and she'd been crushing on him for almost four years, seeing that senior year's already ending. She was a nice girl, but no guy seemed to notice her because of her 'nerd' glasses and her ugly frizzy hair that had formed from extreme dryness. She also had a few pimples here and there but only because she doesn't really take special care of her appearance.


Haeyeon snapped out of her chain of thoughts and shook her head, leaning against the locker she had stood behind to hide from Hoya. She looked around to realise that she'd lost him, but what she didn't know, was that he was watching her from afar with a smile on his face.


Dongwoo was Haeyeon's cousin and was caring like a big brother. He'd notice her crush on Hoya for quite some time now and decided to do something about it. He rang Hoya up.

"Hey dude what's up?"

"Howon-ah.." Dongwoo pondered since he didn't exactly know how to start on this topic.

"Huh? Just spit it out, you can't hide anything from me" Hoya chuckled.

"Do you like someone right now?"

Hoya choked on the other line and stuttered a why.

"Just answer you brat!"

"Uhh....I... Yeah."

"Who is she?"

"It's not really convenient for me to say....."

"Well.. Just know that someone out there is actually serious about you."

Dongwoo sighed before he hung up. He couldn't bear to see his baby cousin getting hurt because of some guy, but knowing Haeyeon and her stubborn personality, he knew he wouldn't be able to talk any sense into her. Still, he had to try.


The next day was a Saturday, so he crashed into Haeyeon's place and told her all about this issue. She was shocked at first but her shock turned into disappointment. However, she wasn't just going to give up like this. Even though he will never be hers, she still likes the feeling of being able to see him, and just seeing him would make her whole day better. She was convinced that she was obsessed, but this little voice in her heart told her that she wasn't.


It was already Tuesday. There were exactly three more days before the end of the senior year school term. Finals were over and Haeyeon did well, so did Hoya. Haeyeon gripped the straps of her backpack and made her way up to her favourite place in the school - the rooftop. She open the door and stepped onto the rooftop floor, letting the door close behind her as she breathed in some fresh air and stretched. She took off her glasses and plaited her hair, then opened her bag to take out her sandwich. She munched on it as she looked below, seeing students rushing to the cafeteria. Little did she know, someone else was there too. She wrote in her diary and continued eating her sandwich.


The school bell rang, signalling her to go to her last lesson of the day. She kept her stuff and went down to her classroom. A few minutes after she settled down, Hoya came in and sat down, giving her a small smile when she glanced at him. She felt her cheeks redden and attempted to cool herself down by rubbing them. The 1-hour period quickly flew past and she was the last one to walk out of her classroom. When she opened her locker, a red rose dropped out. She catched it and stared at it wide-eyed, wondering who in the world would give her a stalk of rose. She beamed in happiness and just stood there staring at the rose, smiling like a fool. Yet again, someone from afar was watching her with a smile on his face. Keeping the rose back into her locker, she shut it and made her way back home. 



The same thing happened for Wednesday and Thursday as well, except that she'd gotten a teddy bear and a box of chocolates. She was getting more and more puzzled but nontheless happy. Friday came and it was the last day of high school for all the seniors. Haeyeon felt sad at the thought of not being able to see Hoya anymore after the graduate unless they were going to the same school. She dragged her feet to school and sighed glumly, as her one and only true friend approached her in tears. Haeyeon's eyes widened in shock and immediately comforted her. "Haeyeon ah! We're going to graduate... I'm going to miss you.." Jihyun sobbed and hugged her. Haeyeon smiled a bitter smile, but brightened when Jihyun made her promise to meet up as often as they can. "Pinky promise!!!" Chuckling, Haeyeon linked her pinky with Jihyun and made her way to class while Jihyun met up with her boyfriend.


As soon as she reached her desk, she found a pink rose under her table. She gasped and hid the rose in her backpack, glancing at it from time to time with a smile on her face. It was PE period so everyone rushed into the toilet to change. Haeyeon left her bag on the bench, took her clothes and went into the toilet to change. After changing, she kept her uniform into her bag and gasped again when she saw a lavender-coloured rose. She did a double take at her surroundings but nobody seemed to notice what had happened. She shrugged the thought off and went for her lessons. Soon, it was lunch time. She made her way up to the usual place. As she stepped onto the rooftop floor, she saw another rose. This time, it was a peach-coloured one. She was as confused as ever.


After finishing the last period of lessons, she made her way out of the school to go back home. She had found another rose in her locker, this time it was a yellow one. She smiled as she walked home, feeling extremely happy that someone would actually give her gifts. Hoya followed behind without her knowing and smiled at her carefree figure. Her eyes were getting tired so she took off her glasses. When she was walking past the park en route to her house. Hoya knew it was the perfect time and smiled as he called her name. She froze in her steps and wondered who could be calling her name. Turning around, her jaw fell open as she saw a kneeling Hoya with a beautifully decorated bouquet of 9 red roses. "H-Howon.." 


"Haeyeon-ah, will you be mine? I know we don't know each other well but I've liked you for quite a while now. We can always get to know each other better in time to come... It's okay if  you can't accept me, I'll understand. We've known each other since middle school now, so-" Hoya's nervous blabbering was cut out when Haeyeon kneeled down in front of him and giggled, putting a finger to his lips. Both of them felt their heartbeats quicken and Haeyeon blushed heavily.


"I'll be yours.. if you'd like it." She said with pink cheeks. Feeling as if he'd won the world, he smiled and pulled Haeyeon up, then hugged her and spun her around. This was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.




HI EVERYONE! I'm sorry if you think that this is lacking... My mind is seriously effed up because of schoolwork. Junior year in middle school is so damn different from sophomore year here in my country. I'm having a hard time coping because the pace now is so much faster compared to last year and there's just so much homework. It's really difficult for me to balance my time since I'm still adjusting.

BUT! I'm back :D With this one-shot that I failed to complete before the 12th day of Christmas T_T I'll try hard to update from now on but no promises... AND! Do you guys want me to do a Myungsoo one-shot even though there's an ongoing fic about him? Or should I do B.A.P's Daehyun's?! :D (I swear I'm so in love with B.A.P now!) After another one-shot, then I'll be resuming my ongoing fic. :3 so..... comment below! xx have a great day (or night since it's night-time now in my country)

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so sweet!dongwoo must be happy! haha
angelkitty #2
Awwwwwwwwwww..... So SWEET... :) Hoya ~~~ ^o^
beyond_facts #3
Grahhhhhhhhhhh, sweeeeeeet :'D *o*
ThePowerChaserToYou #4
Kyaaaa~ ^^
awwwww...this is so sweet...
this was sweet <3 loved it! i don't usually comment on one shots but this one was worth it ^^ good job!~
aww, sweet :b it's quite obvious though that they'll end up together. kekeke. B.AP's daehyun? i'm a fan of him too :b i'll be waiting then.

i miss my high school :b lols.
Awww that was really sweet
angelkitty #9
Hoya !!! <3<br />
<br />
Update soon ^^ ~