Extension (PART 1)

Last Wish
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Today is the day of the School-End performance. Momo’s wearing a tux today and she looks extremely dashing. Momo looked at the crowd and saw that her parents are there and even her friends are there too. She asked J-hope about his girlfriend’s friend and fortunately, Momo is friends with J-hope’s girlfriend’s friend.

Momo asked the girl and she immediately agreed. Momo led her to the sit at the front so it would be easier for her to pick her up later. The events started and they were all just waiting for their turn. She hasn’t seen Mina since she came but she doesn’t mind at all.

The sequence of their dance was modern dance and hip hop, Ballet and Waltz. The sing and dance would be after 2 performances after them so they could all change into their costumes. Momo smiled at her friends and waved at them.

After sometime of waiting, the dancers walked on the stage and started to dance. It amazed the audience how wonderful and synchronized they are. Momo danced with them too since she’s a part of the Modern dance and hip hop too together with J-hope and the others.

Mina wasn’t a part of it because she need to do ballet and wore a beautiful dress. Momo focused her attention to the couple’s performance and was amazed that they really look great together. When the Waltz came up, Momo held a microphone and talked.

Momo: We made this entry for the lovers who want to dance to their loved ones. Let’s enjoy!

Momo ran to the front and held a hand to SinB. SinB smiled at her and gladly reached for her hand. Mina, who saw the scene, felt her heart hurt. She wondered why it hurts every time Momo’s with some other girls and would smile at them sweetly.

She tried to focus her attention to her boyfriend but she keeps on looking at Momo and the girl that she’s dancing with. Momo was smiling at the girl as they talked. Mina couldn’t deny that the girl with Momo is really gorgeous.

Momo was smiling and talking to SinB since they’re friends from dance workshop when Momo was still a kid. They were so immerse in talking when Jimin noticed what Mina wanted to do. She led Mina to where Momo and her friend are and smiled at them.

Jimin: Mind if I have a dance with you?

Jimin offered a dance to SinB which made Momo and Mina’s eyes widen. Momo looked at him sternly but he just shrugged her off. SinB agreed and left Momo behind with Mina. Momo closed her eyes and sighed in frustration. It’s not really a good idea. She cursed Jimin in her head.

Mina looked at her and was thinking if she should ask Momo but Momo beat her to it. Momo smiled at her and reached her hand in front.

Momo: Mind if I have a dance with you?

Mina remained unmoved at her ground from a bit before she slightly smiled and reached for Momo’s hand. Momo knew that their time to dance together is approximately 45 seconds only before the song ends. She wants to cherish that 45 seconds as much as she want.

Her smile was wide and her heart was fluttered. She couldn’t keep a straight face because of happiness. Momo looked at Mina with loving eyes and expressed her feeling towards the girl with the dance they had. After the song ended, Momo immediately ran off in the backstage.

The event went on with them performing a dance as Mina and some girls sang. Momo smiled and was happy to hear Mina sing again. She remembered when Mina would sing for her if they’re having a sleep over.

After the event, Momo went to SinB and offered her to send her home since Momo asked her and the latter agreed. Momo and SinB walked to Momo’s friends and parents and bid them goodbye. They were happy that Momo’s at least spending time with someone and not just them.

Mina looked for Momo after the event only to see her with SinB again. Mina sighed and was about to leave when Jimin walked to her. Jimin wanted Mina to realize her feelings for Momo because even though he loves her so much and he knows that Mina loves him too. He can’t deny the fact that Momo’s place in Mina’s heart is higher than him.

Jimin: Don’t you think she looks really happy with that friend of her?

Mina looked at him confusingly before looking at Momo again. She doesn’t want to answer him so she stayed quiet but he’s really persistent.

Jimin: Don’t you think they look great together? I wonder if Momo would pursue her.

Jimin looked at Mina whose face was getting red and he knows what he’s doing is triggering something inside Mina. It’s almost a week before Momo leaves and Mina’s last recital for the school year is the day of Momo’s departure.

Jimin saw that Mina’s throwing daggers at Momo’s friend with her eyes and Jimin swears that if glares could kill, SinB would be stabbed million times by now. He smiled to himself and continued teasing Mina because a jealous penguin is a cute penguin.

Jimin: Mina do you think Momo would agree if we ask her to have a double date with her?

Mina turned her head abruptly at Jimin and glared at him. Her eyes were cold and could kill. Jimin gulped and smiled nervously. Mina walked out of the backstage and straight out to get a cab. Jimin sighed to himself but was glad that Mina already acknowledged what she was feeling.

On the other hand, Mina wanted to cry. She thought of what Jimin told her and it hurts her so much just by thinking about it. If what she felt with Kei hurts her. What she felt right now could kill her. She wanted to shout at the girl and tell her that Momo is hers but that’s not the case.

At first, Mina just thought that she’s feeling that way because she’s Momo’s best friend and that Momo’s always been so sweet to her more than anyone else. She thought that it’s because Momo’s always been there for her but realized something different when Jimin said those statements.

She knew she loves Momo. She knows that it’s something more than platonic feelings. She realized that the feelings inside her every time Momo’s sweet with others are something different from being just best friends. She knows that she’s being unfair with Jimin but she also knows that she loves Momo more than him.


Momo’s spending her time with SinB a lot after the School-End event. She wanted to loosen up a bit before going to America. She already talked about it with her parents was before and they couldn’t really do anything about it. Momo’s uncle lives in LA so she’s going to live with him.

Kei on the other hand is also living in LA so they’d probably be in the same school and same university if possible. Momo’s flight is already next week and she’s spending her remaining time in Korea with her friends. She hasn’t seen Mina ever since the performance. She thought that it would be easier this way.

SinB: Don’t you have any plan on telling her before you leave? I mean come on Momo, you’ve been in love with her since forever and you don’t have any plan on telling her?

Momo sighed as she pushed a spoonful of ice cream in . She and SinB were at the park talking about anything and everything while waiting for Momo’s friends. They planned to stroll at the mall but SinB suggested that they should just stay at the park and rest.

Momo: It’s going to be complicated if I tell her.

SinB: And you think it’s not going to complicate things if you leave without telling her? Don’t be dumb Momo.

Actually Momo thought about confessing her feelings before but ever since her talk with Jimin, it felt like she doesn’t have to because she doesn’t want to ruin Mina’s amazing relationship with the guy. She wanted Mina to be happy.

Momo: I just don’t want to ruin our friendship.

SinB who can’t take anymore sighed at what Momo said. She thought about what Momo has been telling her about Mina and it seems like their friendship is already tainted the moment Momo distanced herself from Mina.

SinB: Believe it or no

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 13: woooaa nice storyy.
1241 streak #2
Chapter 13: This story is just too cute that I'm here again,reading this from beginning till the end :)
Chapter 13: Damn! This was a great story! I loved reading it <3
Chapter 12: Awww! I am smiling like a fool
Chapter 8: This is a really nice story!
Chapter 5: Momoring!
ninjaaa03 #7
ninjaaaa #8
Chapter 8: Bakit ang sakit nitoooo!!!! Aaaaaaaaah
1241 streak #9
Chapter 13: Love this story so much!!!
Chapter 5: Idk why but it's really take me a long time to finally start reading this story.
I feel like "get your heart ready" when I decide to read this, yet as time by I reading this, it's feel like there something crush my heart.
It's so painful..