Finding Out

One Year

  Yoona nervously sat on a chair in the doctor’s office. The doctor had just taken a urine sample from her. Yuri accompanied Yoona because Jessica couldn’t make it. Jessica was at work; she was filming for her first upcoming movie. Yoona looked down at her fingers. She just couldn’t believe that she was at the doctor’s office checking if she was pregnant. She looked at Yuri. Yuri was filled with so much concern. Yuri knew that it would change her life forever if she was pregnant.

“How do you feel, Yoona?” she asked.

“I feel so nervous. Let’s not talk about this until the doctor comes back. They still need to do the ultrasound and I really want to keep my mind off this,” Yoona suggested, “So are you going to Uee Kim’s engagement party? She’s a close business associate of my family’s and I heard that her fiancé’s a close friend of your family.”

“Yeah, we’re going. I know that our brothers will have a lot of tension and everything. I hope that they behave in the party. There will be a lot of aristocrats and bureaucrats present there,” Yuri wished.

“You know, it’ll be my first time seeing your family. I have never met any of your brothers or cousins. Although I won’t be able to introduce myself to them formally because they’ll most likely hate me for being a Park family member, it’ll be nice to finally see how they look like,” Yoona stated.

“I’ve seen your brothers on television already, but I don’t think that my brothers know how you look like. They only know Leeteuk, Heechul, and Eunhyuk in your family. They also know that Taeyeon, Sohee, and Hyoyeon are married to them, but I doubt that they know about your existence,” Yuri confessed.

“How can that be? I’m on television sometimes with my brothers and sister-in-law,” Yoona contradicted.

“Honestly, they turn off the television after hearing that name ‘Park’. That’s how much they hate your brothers,” Yuri admitted.

“It’s so ironic that we’re best friends,” Yoona laughed.

The doctor then came in through the door. She smiled at them as she patted the little bed that Yoona was supposed to lay on. Yoona obliged and laid down on the little bed. Next to the bed were a monitor and an ultrasound machine. Yuri walked to Yoona’s side and nervously watched. The doctor lifted up Yoona’s shirt midway and sprayed some cold jelly-like substance on her. The doctor started the ultrasound as Yoona’s heart began to pound inside of her chest.

“Exactly when was the last time you had ual with a man?” the doctor questioned.

“It’s been about three weeks,” Yoona told her.

“Okay, then. We checked your urine, but we need to take this ultrasound to confirm the result of the urine. We don’t want to give you any hope that you’re pregnant or not until it is verified,” the doctor informed her.

Yoona felt that time was going by really slow. This was the moment that would inform her whether her life would be drastically changed or not. She looked at the little screen next to her as the doctor moved the ultrasound machine around her stomach. The doctor pressed a few buttons on the machine and turned off the machine. She gave Yoona some tissue to wipe some of the substance off of her stomach. Yuri assisted Yoona as they both removed the jelly off of her skin. Yuri then threw the tissue away as Yoona waited for the results.

“Miss Yoona Park, I checked your urine, and it said that it was positive. We wanted to make sure that it was accurate because sometimes, urine gives off the wrong signals whether you’re pregnant or not. The ultrasound is the most accurate way to determine your state. The ultrasound confirmed that you are indeed pregnant. Whoever you had with three weeks ago is likely the father since you are three weeks pregnant. Congratulations, Ms. Park, you are going to be a mother,” the doctor announced as she took out a picture from the printer and handed it to Yoona.

Yuri gasped in surprise as Yoona looked down at the picture. It was a picture of the ultrasound. It displayed a little embryo that was currently growing inside of her. She looked down at the picture and managed to pull off a smile.

“I’m going to take care of this baby even without the father,” Yoona whispered to herself.

Yuri and Yoona went their separate ways after visiting the doctor’s office. They didn’t want to run into anyone that would expose their secret between the girls’ friendship together. Yoona went back to her house and went into her bedroom. Tonight was the party for Kim Uee’s engagement party. She looked at the purple dress that was hung against her wall. She figured that she was going to be wearing that tonight. She took the picture of the ultrasound out of her pocket and looked at it. She put it inside her wallet to hide it from her brothers. She sighed as there was no point in hiding such a thing. They were going to notice that she was pregnant. She was startled to hear the front door open. Eunhyuk and Hyoyeon entered the house. Yoona ran downstairs and saw that it was only the two of them present.

“Oh, dear, that trip was really long,” Hyoyeon told Eunhyuk.

“Yeah, I’m just glad to be home. I can’t believe that Leeteuk, Heechul, and their wife or girlfriend are going to stay a little longer. They said that they’ll be back before the engagement party starts, though,” Eunhyuk claimed.

Yoona stood before her brother and Hyoyeon. Yoona smiled at the both of them. Hyoyeon was Yoona’s age, and she hung out with Yoona, Jessica, and Yuri a lot. It was just so weird to see that one of her best friends was married to her brother. She stood in front of them looking a little nervous. She needed to tell the both of them that she was pregnant. She took a deep breath.

“Yoona, is something troubling you? You look anxious about something,” Hyoyeon observed.

“I need to confess something. I know that I can trust the both of you. Hyoyeon, you’re one of my best friends. I was the one to introduce you to Eunhyuk and I feel blessed to have you as my brother’s girlfriend. Eunhyuk oppa, I just wanted to tell you that without you in the family, I really think I would have gone insane. You’re the only one out of the three of you guys that cut me some slack once in a while. You’re the only one that treats me like a mature, adult woman, and I thank you for that,” Yoona said.

Eunhyuk and Hyoyeon looked at Yoona with confusion.

Eunhyuk and Hyoyeon led Yoona to one of the living rooms. They all took a seat and began to wonder what Yoona was going to tell them. Yoona began to fiddle with her fingers as she sat down on a couch across from them.

“Yoona, are you planning to kill yourself or run away or something? You never tell Hyoyeon that you’re blessed to have her as my girlfriend, and you never tell me that you’re glad to have me as one of your brothers,” Eunhyuk observed.

“NO! I am absolutely not suicidal,” Yoona assured them.

“What is it then?” Hyoyeon asked.

“Well, first of all, I would like it if you listen to everything I say. I don’t want anyone walking out or anything. Secondly, I would like you guys to keep quiet about what I’m about to tell you until further notice. Lastly, I would like to request that no one hit me, pull my hair, or anything like that after I make my announcement. This is going to be quite shocking,” Yoona warned, “Do you two agree to these terms?”

Eunhyuk and Hyoyeon nodded their heads in agreement. Eunhyuk gulped in nervousness. He knew that the news wasn’t going to be pleasant. He was thinking that she finally had enough of the three brothers and decided to move away.

“I’m pregnant,” Yoona muttered.

Hyoyeon gasped loudly as Eunhyuk stood up in shock. He then started to pace back and forth while tugging at his hair in frustration. He promised that he would understand, so he tried to be as calm as possible. He stopped pacing back and forth and put his hands on his hips. He could not believe that he just had heard those two words escape from her lips.

“How could have this happened?!” Eunhyuk cried out.

Yoona heard the frustration and agony in his voice. She was still sitting down on the couch as she put both of her hands to her face and started to quietly sob. Hyoyeon went to her side and tried to comfort her. Yoona hated the fact that she had disappointed her brother. She knew that she was adding shame to the family, and she knew that her brother was heartbroken. Eunhyuk saw that she was crying to herself as he approached her slowly and sat at her side. He pulled his sister into an embrace.

“I’ll give you guys some time to talk,” Hyoyeon announced as she went upstairs.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t want this to happen,” Yoona began to cry.

“Shh, it’s not your fault,” he comforted her.

“It all happened when I went clubbing that one night. It’s my fault that I got drunk when Jessica left the club for a little while. It’s my fault that I slept with a guy that I didn’t even know!” Yoona bawled.

“So you’re saying that you don’t know who the father is?” Eunhyuk cleared out.

Yoona nodded, “That’s right. I don’t know who the father is. I know how he looks like, and I know his first name, but other than that, I don’t know him. I’m sorry, oppa. I was so drunk and I don’t even remember sleeping with him. I know that I disappointed you.”

“Don’t worry. Everyone makes mistakes in their life and you’re not perfect. If you were, you wouldn’t be human. I understand that making a fuss won’t change anything. It won’t change the fact that you’re pregnant. We just need to face it and do our best to deal with it. Leeteuk hyung will throw a fit if he finds out about—,” Eunhyuk stated.

“You can’t tell him, at least not yet. I’m trying to find the perfect timing to tell him, but I trust that your lips are sealed about this matter,” Yoona was nervous.

“Of course, but you do need to tell him soon,” Eunhyuk told her.

“I’ll tell them by next week. I’m just trying to figure out a way to break it to him and Heechul oppa,” Yoona admitted.

After the confession, Yoona went to her room. Leeteuk, Taeyeon, Heechul, and Sohee had just got back home and were getting ready for the engagement party. Yoona went into her room and started to get ready. She put on the purple dress and plugged the curling iron on so that it could heat up. She heard a knock on the door and saw Jessica enter her bedroom. Jessica was wearing a light blue dress with silver heels. Her blonde hair was tied up in a bun and she looked beautiful. She smiled as she sat down on the bed.

“I’m going to the engagement party with you guys. I asked your brothers and they said yeah. My family can’t go because my parents are working and my sister’s taking care of her daughter with her husband. Listen, Yuri told me the results of your checkup with the doctor and I just wanted to let you know that I’m here for you every step of the way. I’ll support you throughout your pregnancy, with or without the father,” Jessica promised.

“Jessica, thank you for your consideration, but I don’t think that I’m going to see the father of this baby ever again. He was a stranger, and I was just so stupid for actually sleeping with him. I already told Eunhyuk and Hyoyeon about my pregnancy and they agreed to keep their mouths shut about it. They’re disappointed in me, but they understand. I just hope that Leeteuk and Heechul oppa understand, too,” Yoona prayed.

Yoona got ready with Jessica’s help. Yoona curled her long, brown hair into perfect spirals while Jessica applied some light makeup to her face. Yoona and Jessica looked at the full body mirror against the wall to see Jessica in a baby blue halter top dress with sparkling silver heels and her hair pinned up in an elegant bun. Yoona looked at herself wearing a strapless, dark purple dress, that was a little above her knees, her hair beautiful with luscious curls, and a pair of black heels. Yoona put on some diamond earrings and a diamond necklace as Jessica grabbed both of their purses and handed one of them to Yoona. Yoona and Jessica walked down the stairs and saw that Leeteuk, Heechul, and Eunhyuk were looking handsome in black tuxedos while Taeyeon sported a beige colored dress, Sohee wore a pink gown, and Hyoyeon was wearing a peach colored dress. She smiled at them as they all entered the limousine waiting outside.

The limousine drove all the way to another mansion and the ride took about fifteen minutes. While the limo was waiting for the valet, a Hummer limo was parked in front of them. It was black and it was obnoxiously large. Leeteuk saw it and grunted to himself. Yoona couldn’t see very clearly, but she saw Yuri exit the car led by five other guys. She couldn’t make out how the five guys looked like, but Yoona concluded that two of them were Yuri’s cousins, two of them were Yuri’s older brothers, and one of them was Yuri’s brother’s best friend, the same guy who Yuri was secretly in love with.

“The unbearable Choi family is here,” Leeteuk spat in disgust.

“Honey, you knew that they were going to be here,” Taeyeon tried to soothe him.

“I know, but I just can’t stand seeing them. The very sight of them makes the blood under my skin boil,” he groaned.

One of the valets opened the door to their limo which signaled them to leave the car. The valet boy was about eighteen years old and as he opened the door, he was mesmerized by Yoona’s beauty. He held out his hand to help Yoona out as Yoona took it and lifted herself up from the car’s seat. Heechul noticed the fact that the valet boy couldn’t keep his eyes off Yoona and interjected.

“Hey you! You should stop having googly eyes for my sister and get a move on!” he yelled as the boy snapped out of his fantasy.

Yoona swallowed some her of saliva in nervousness. How were Leeteuk and Heechul going to take it that she’s pregnant when they get irritated when a male specimen shows interest towards her? Eunhyuk looked at Yoona nervously as they all started to walk towards the mansion.

“All eight of us were assigned to table ten. Go there when they start serving dinner,” Eunhyuk reminded them as they all dispersed.

Yoona and Jessica separated from the crowd and started to linger around the party. Yoona saw people from school that was now married. She saw her old friends from high school. She saw Uee approach her in excitement as Uee gave her a tight hug.

“Yoona-ah, I haven’t seen you for months!” she squealed as she gave Jessica a hug too.

“Me too! I missed you! By the way, congratulations on your engagement! I heard that your fiancé is a hot heir!” Yoona laughed.

“Oh, yes he is! You’ll see him later!” Uee said as she waved goodbye and greeted another guest.

Yoona and Jessica saw Yuri at a table getting punch. They both approached her as they pretended to admire the pastries next to the punch bowl. Yuri saw them and kept her eyes on the punch. If she looked at Yoona and Jessica, then people would notice that they were friends.

“So what table are you sitting in?” Yoona asked as she looked at the cupcakes displayed.

“We’re on table sixteen,” Yuri whispered.

“Oh no, that’s right across table eight. The Park family and Choi family will have good views of each other,” Jessica mumbled.

“Dinner is going to be served in five minutes, so please attend to your assigned tables,” a butler announced.

Yoona and Jessica walked to their table as Yuri separated from them. They both took a seat and saw that Yuri was sitting directly across from them. She gave them a little smile as they both smiled back. It looked like Yuri’s brothers haven’t reached the table yet. Leeteuk, Heechul, Eunhyuk, and their significant others then joined them in their table as Uee and her husband, Seulong, were announced. The crowd clapped to see that the two were walking down the stairs together. Yoona saw that Leeteuk was glaring at someone across the room. Yoona turned around to see that he was glaring at the Choi family’s table. She scanned the table to see that Yuri was sitting on a chair with her legs crossed. She had her full attention towards the couple that was newly engaged. She looked at who else inhibited the table and saw that the rest were men. Her heart began to pound heavily to see that she saw two familiar faces in the table. She saw Seunghyun and Taeyang. She swallowed hard as she tried to remain calm. She knew that she wouldn’t be able to forget the face of the man that she had a one night stand with. To her advantage, Leeteuk and Heechul were paying no attention towards Yoona and were focusing on giving dirty looks to the family across from them. Yoona drank some water to try to calm her down. She thought that she may be hallucinating and that she maybe was just imagining things, but she wasn’t. Every time she stole a glance at their table, it was still him. Luckily, she had her back to them, so he could not recognize her.

“Uhm, oppa, who are Heechul and Leeteuk oppa glaring at?” she gulped.

“That’s the Choi family across from us,” Eunhyuk whispered to her.

To Yoona’s advantage, Eunhyuk was right next to Yoona so that Leeteuk and Heechul could not hear what they were saying to each other.

“What are their names?” Yoona asked.

“Well, the female’s name is Yuri. I don’t know that much information about her, but I do know that she’s your age, she’s the youngest, and she’s the only girl. The one on her left is Jiyoung. He’s the second oldest in the family and he’s the most reasonable. He’s the most peaceful one. The two across Yuri are Daesung and Seungri. Those two are the cousins to the family. I heard that they live with them, and I do know that they dislike our family. Next to them is Taeyang. He’s not related to them, but he’s the best friend of the oldest brother in the Choi family. The one on Yuri’s right is the ‘boss’ of the Choi family. His name is Choi Seunghyun. He’s been caught in an embarrassing situation that went public a few months ago. His longtime girlfriend, Goo Hara, dumped him to try to be with his best friend, Taeyang. Of course his best friend rejected her, but it looks like he was never over it,” Eunhyuk told her quietly.

“Isn’t Goo Hara that model?” Yoona questioned.

“Yeah, but they’re not together anymore. She’s pretty stupid, though. She already had one of the richest men in her hands and she let it go for a chance to be with his best friend. I heard that Seunghyun sshi was really crazy about her,” Eunhyuk laughed silently.

After the announcement, Yoona stayed fairly quiet. She then excused herself as she went to the restroom. Jessica followed her with concern.

“Who’s that girl that just stood up? You know the one that the blonde girl is following?” Seunghyun asked.

Seunghyun couldn’t see her face because she had her back to them the whole time. It looked like she was rushing towards the restroom and it surprised him that he saw her come from the Park table.

“She’s probably part of the Park family,” Jiyoung said.

Back in the restroom, Yoona was freaking out. She was pacing back and forth throughout the restroom. To her luck, the restroom was empty. It was only her and Jessica in the restroom. Yoona leaned on the sink’s counter and took a deep breath. Her stomach started to feel upset as she ran to the toilet and started to vomit. Jessica rushed over and held her hair for her. Yoona finished as she stood up and rinsed with some water. She sighed as she looked down at the floor.

“Yoona, tell me what’s wrong!” Jessica ordered.

“I saw him! Oh dear lord, I saw him! I can’t believe it!” Yoona yelled.

“What the hell are you talking about?! You’re not being clear,” Jessica answered.

Yoona couldn’t believe that this was happening. She tried to be calm, but she just couldn’t. She was feeling shaky and weak. Her hands and her knees were trembling.

“I saw the guy who got me pregnant,” Yoona stated.

Jessica gasped, “That’s good!”

“No, it’s not good! He’s Yuri’s brother! It’s Seunghyun Choi! He’s the father of the baby! He’s the one that I had a one night stand with! Oh dear, if I knew that he was my brother’s enemy, I would have never gone within ten feet of him! This is bad. I can’t let Leeteuk, Heechul, or even Eunhyuk know about this! They’re going to kill him!” Yoona exclaimed.

“So what do you plan on doing now?” Jessica asked.

“I think I’m just going to tell my brothers next week that I’m pregnant, but I’m not going to tell them who the father is. I’d rather have the father be anonymous than them find out that it’s Seunghyun Choi,” Yoona confessed as they both left the restrooms.

When Yoona and Jessica returned to the table, she saw that the Choi table was empty. Yoona noticed that Leeteuk, Heechul, Sohee, and Taeyeon were missing from the table. She looked and saw that they were in the corner of the room. Sohee and Taeyeon were talking to their husbands as Leeteuk and Heechul were listening carefully. Yoona didn’t like the way Leeteuk and Heechul’s expressions looked like. They looked angry and their faces were kind of red. When she saw that Sohee and Taeyeon had stopped talking, the two brothers stormed out of the mansion while they dragged Eunhyuk with them. Eunhyuk was a bit surprised as he went inside the limo with them.

“What did you tell them? Why are they so angry?” Yoona asked Sohee and Taeyeon.

“Yoona, dear, we were inside the stalls while you and Jessica were talking. I’m sorry to say that we heard that you are pregnant with Seunghyun,” Sohee explained.

“We also heard your plan of letting the father of your baby be anonymous. I’m sorry that we told, but we had to. I don’t want any baby in this family to go through life without a father, just like what I went through,” Taeyeon apologized, “They’re on their way to the Choi mansion right now.”

Yoona and Jessica quickly sprinted outside and stopped a cab. They went inside as Yoona told the driver to drive to the Choi mansion and to step on it. The cab drove quickly and was in time to see that the Park’s limo was parked in front of the Choi mansion. Yoona saw that all the Choi family members were outside and were about to make their way in to be stopped at seeing the presence of the three Park brothers. Yoona paid the cab and ran out the car as Jessica followed her. She saw that Leeteuk and the rest of her brothers were approaching the Choi family member, excluding Yuri, as they walked toward them also.

“You really got some nerve, huh?! You really have some nerve to sleep with my little sister!” Leeteuk threw a punch at Seunghyun.

“Oppa, stop!” Yoona screamed.

Seunghyun fell to the floor surprisingly, but he was more surprised by Leeteuk’s words. His eyes then fluttered to Yoona. She was the same girl that disappeared after their night together. When he woke up, he was surprised to see that she had already left. He got up as he looked at her with shock.

“What the hell are you talking about, Park?!” he cursed.

“You see that girl behind me? You don’t remember her? She’s my little sister! She’s the girl that you slept with! Now she’s pregnant by you! You ert!” Leeteuk screamed.

“What do you mean? She’s pregnant?!” Seunghyun yelled in shock.

Yoona couldn’t help but cry. She started to sob to hear them arguing. She knew that they wouldn’t get along even if she was pregnant. She saw the shock in everyone’s face. It seemed that Jiyoung, Daesung, Taeyang, and Seungri just couldn’t believe what they had just heard. Yuri gasped loudly as she covered . It was just unbelievable. Yoona wasn’t sure if this pregnancy would cause the Leeteuk and Seunghyun to either get along or if it would just add more to the fire of hatred they had for each other.


A/N: Oh boy I was lucky that I had enough time today to write another chapter! Please drop by some comments to critique the story! I would appreciate it! Thank you!

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steiyoon #1
I really love to read this story, now I'm about to read this again. It's really really good!
bigbang0388 #2
Chapter 23: I read again from the beginning. Its still incredible. i Love it very much.
Chapter 23: I read it again...still awesome..
tengil25 #4
Chapter 23: Full of awesomeness! Love your ff ❤
woahhhhh this is really good
--Moonie #6
this was cute!
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 23: It's so good!!!

I've read this story before, and it's still so good!!!

Great job authornim :D Best wishes for your other stories :D ^^
steiyoon #8
Chapter 23: Interesting, I like you story very much!
Chapter 23: Nice daebakk !!! hahhaa proud of you
novamp #10
Chapter 21: when will you continue summer in seoul?