A Yearly Christmas Miracle

A Yearly Christmas Miracle

It was 2 A.M. on Christmas day and Jeon Jungkook couldn’t sleep. He had just come back from an outing with his friends yet he was wide awake. He guessed it was the holiday itself that kept him up. Jungkook idly walked around his room, thinking of what he should do this early in the morning. He looked outside the window.


It was a cold night. Jungkook could see the leaves on the trees slightly swaying with the wind, the street lights flickering in sync. Simply looking outside made him shiver—even in the warmth of his room. Jungkook snapped his fingers. The cafe, he thought, it’s open for 24 hours..


Jungkook entered the cold night after grabbing his coat and scarf. He felt oddly comfortable. Perhaps it was just the feeling of Christmas. He made his way into the little cafe around the corner. He’d always come to this particular cafe on Christmas day, but never this late at night. Opening the door, he felt a rush of warm air hit his face. He heard Christmas music playing softly in the background.


Jungkook approached the barista who, surprisingly, was alert and ready to take his order.


“Merry Christmas,” she greeted. “What would you like?”


Jungkook glanced at the menu. He wasn’t in the mood for caffeine.


“One hot chocolate, please.”


“One hot chocolate,” the barista repeated. “And your name?”




“Your order will be ready soon, feel free to take a seat as you wait.” She gave him his change and gestured to his left. Jungkook walked towards the room then turned the corner. He jumped back, realizing another person was in the cafe. This stranger was sitting at the first seat, typing away on his laptop. He seemed unphased when Jungkook appeared before him, not even looking away from the screen. He took a sip of his coffee and continued his work… or whatever he was doing.


Jungkook didn’t want to stare too long. He felt he already made it awkward with his presence. He made his way to the corner next to the bookcases. As he sat down, he looked at the stranger again.


He told himself not to stare… he did it anyway. Jungkook could only see his back side, but he knew the guy was handsome. A light pink Christmas sweater covered body. Jungkook wondered how he was able to get a fitting sweater with wide shoulders like his. Despite the sweater, he noticed that this beautiful stranger was quite cold. Between every series of taps on his laptop, he stopped to warm up his hands. Oh, if only Jungkook can go up to him and warm them up himself—


“Jungkook, your hot chocolate is ready!” the barista called out from the counter.


Jungkook let out an audible breath he didn't know he was holding. He got up from his seat to retrieve his drink from the counter. He started to go back to his corner until he heard a click from the room. The stranger was leaving.


Jungkook was frozen on the spot. He waited until he passed by to look back. Jungkook noticed his flushed cheeks and plump lips.


As he left the cafe, Jungkook realized it was probably the last time he’ll see him.




It was that time again. Even if he was a bit tired from hanging out with his friends all day, Jungkook wanted to stay up to feel the first minute of Christmas. That minute somehow turned into an hour. And that hour doubled.


Jungkook felt strange. Has this happened before?


Before he knew it, Jungkook was in front of the 24 hour cafe. He walked in, feeling the familiar rush of heat hit his face. Jungkook ordered a hot chocolate and walked towards his spot near the bookcases. When he turned the corner, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.


It was him. The stranger from last Christmas. Instead of a Christmas sweater, he had a light pink turtleneck on. Jungkook didn’t think anyone could look that good in pink. He had brought his laptop again. Jungkook watched him take his seat and immediately flip open his laptop. He began typing quickly, but stopped multiple times to warm up his hands either taking a sip of his coffee or rubbing them together. His eyes were focused but he looked like he didn’t get any sleep. He must have planned to pull an all nighter to finish his work.


“You’re here again.” Jungkook blurted out. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped in surprise. Did he really just say that out loud? Well don’t just stare at the guy with your mouth open, say something!


“I-I-I mean..” Jungkook stuttered. Way to play it cool, Jungkook mentally scolded himself. He felt nervous as the stranger looked up at him from his laptop. As his mouth opened, Jungkook gulped.


“Yeah,” he said. He gave Jungkook a small smile before he went back to work.


Jungkook felt his ears burn, turning away with a shy smile.


Jungkook had developed a crush on this guy and he didn’t even know his name.




It was a white Christmas this year. Jungkook had made sure to bundle up before rushing to the cafe. He thought it was just pure coincidence to see the handsome stranger for two years in a row, but he had hope. It was strange enough that Jungkook never saw him any other day. It wouldn’t hurt for him to try.


Jungkook trudged through the snow and into the cafe. After ordering his drink, he rushed to the other room.


The stranger wasn’t there.


Jungkook felt his heart sink. It was an understatement to say that he was disappointed. His eyes skipped around the room. No laptop, no coffee laying around, no sign of him anywhere. There was nothing. Is he sitting somewhere else today? Is he in the bathroom? Is he running late? Did he move to another country? Out of Jungkook’s life? Millions of questions flooded his mind.


Jungkook couldn’t help but feel stupid. Why did he think he was going to see him again? It was 2 in the morning, for crying out loud!


Defeated, Jungkook took a seat at his usual spot. He looked outside the cafe window. Is he enjoying the snow? He wondered. Jungkook put his finger on the window, mindlessly drawing random shapes. His lips formed a pout. He isn’t coming..


Jungkook tried to enjoy the silence after getting his drink. He watched the snow falling onto the buildings and the few cars that were slowly making its way through the road. After a few minutes, he felt exhaustion taking over. He yawned, slumping in his chair. I should probably leave, he thought.


With his eyes half closed, Jungkook turned to the exit. His eyebrows shot up as he saw someone walking in.


He’s… he’s here!

Jungkook watched him sit down. He watched him shiver and brush the snow out of his hair. Jungkook could feel himself smiling ear to ear. The tiredness he felt a moment ago was completely gone.


“Seokjin, your drink is ready!” he heard the barista call out.


Seokjin, huh?


Jungkook made sure to remember that.




Jungkook sat in the corner again, but this time half an hour earlier than the time he usually came to the cafe. And with a box sitting on his lap.


A present, specifically. For him.


Jungkook always noticed that Seokjin was shivering—even when the cafe was moderately warm with the heater on. A few days before, he thought it was a good idea to buy a pair of gloves. Pink ones, in fact. Whether Seokjin was going to come or not, Jungkook didn’t care. He believed that he was going to show up again, though he wished that it was for him rather than whatever he worked on so diligently with his laptop.


Jungkook waited for an hour and a half. He had finished his drink long ago. He stared out the window patiently, feeling nervous as every second passed.


A few minutes went by quickly. Jungkook couldn’t take it anymore. He jumped from his seat and towards Seokjin’s usual seat. He slammed the box onto the table. Without taking his eyes off the present, he took a step in the direction of the exit.


Until he bumped into something—into someone.


“Ouch.” Seokjin rubbed his forehead.


“S-sorry!” Jungkook yelped, taking a big step backwards.


“Is this,” Seokjin pointed at the box, “for me..?”


“Yeah..” Jungkook muttered, looking at the ground in embarrassment.

“What is i—”


Jungkook took a deep breath. He spoke as quickly as he can, feeling a crimson flush spread up from his collar. “I-I noticed that you’re always rubbing your hands together when you’re here on your laptop and I thought I should get you a Christmas present since I always see you every year and I wanted to be nice gotta go bye!”


Jungkook ran out the cafe, leaving Seokjin dumbfounded on the spot. Seokjin grabbed the box, opening it as he watched Jungkook disappear from his sight.


Seokjin put on the cute pink gloves, smiling to himself.


“How cute,” he said aloud.




Jungkook relived the moment from last year as he stepped into the cafe. How many times did he see Seokjin the past few years? Three? Four? Why exactly were they meeting at the same spot at the same time? Was it meant to be? Was it fate?


Jungkook decided not to question it. Whatever it was, he was glad. Although their meetings were short, it stuck to him throughout the year. He felt excited to see him again.


When Jungkook was paying for his drink, he felt cold air hit his back. He heard the door behind him close. Jungkook looked back, meeting eyes with none other than Seokjin.


“Hi,” Seokjin greeted, “Jungkook, right?”


Jungkook blushed, smiling at him. His words were caught in his throat when he noticed Seokjin’s hands. He was wearing the gloves that Jungkook got him last Christmas.


“Hey,” Jungkook replied. “You’re wearing them..”


Seokjin nodded, marveling the gloves covering his cold hands. “They’re really warm. Thank you.”


“You’re welcome.” Jungkook couldn’t believe it. Seokjin was talking to him! He didn’t find him weird after all these years! He inwardly thanked the heavens for this moment.


“Would you like to sit with me?” Seokjin asked. Jungkook nodded furiously, biting his lip—failing to hide his excitement. He noticed that he didn’t bring his laptop with him this time around. Jungkook felt his heart flutter, his stomach filled with butterflies.


Seokjin and Jungkook chatted about their plans for the week. Jungkook listened attentively, but his eyes were focused on Seokjin’s kissable lips. He tried his best to divert his attention. He failed miserably.


Their conversation kept going for hours, but it felt like a few minutes to Jungkook. He didn’t want to leave. He didn’t want to wait another year to see Seokjin again.


Seokjin glanced at the clock. “Wow, time passed quickly, hasn’t it?”


Jungkook nodded.


“How about I take you home?” Seokjin asked.


“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” Jungkook told him. Please do that, he thought.


“Come on.” Seokjin patted Jungkook’s shoulder, standing up to throw their cups in the trash. Jungkook followed him to the exit.


“Wait, guys!”


The two boys looked behind them before they reached the door. The barista was leaning forward on the counter with her hand up. She pointed upwards, her lips curling into a guilty smile.




“Christmas tradition,” she sang, shrugging with a woops-you-guys-have-to-do-it face.


Jungkook shook his head. “No no no, I don’t want to make him uncomf—”


Seokjin silenced him by grabbing his face. Jungkook inhaled sharply, his widened eyes meeting with his.


“Christmas tradition,” Seokjin repeated.


Jungkook shut his eyes tightly, his heart skipping a beat. He felt Seokjin’s lips on his cheek. Jungkook’s eyes fluttered open, slightly disappointed but his big smile showed otherwise.


“Cute,” Seokjin whispered.


Despite the warmth on his face, Jungkook’s body shivered. He rubbed his hands together, looking away from Seokjin in embarrassment. He just got a kiss! From Seokjin! He tried his best to not jump with glee. What a Christmas miracle! Jungkook screamed in his head.


“You’re cold, aren’t you,” Seokjin said, a statement rather than a question. “Here.”


Seokjin took off one of his gloves and put them on Jungkook’s left hand.


“But what about your other hand?” Jungkook questioned. Seokjin just smiled at him. He grabbed Jungkook’s gloveless hand with his own, leading him out the cafe. Jungkook felt himself becoming redder and redder for the nth time.


“Let’s go home.”

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Seoulqueenka #1
Chapter 1: Yaaasssss!!!!! It is a Christmas miracle!!!
Natashabird #2
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwwwww so cute. Gosh I'm fangirling so hard at the story. I really liked the story so far author. Keep up the good work. Now I'm a smiling/ blushing mess!! ;) This is so romantic and cute and perfect.
Mint729 #3
Chapter 1: This so freaking cute!!!!!each year on yearly christmas night they meet!!!!!!im sure seokjin come to the cafe to meet kook too!!!uwaaa im squealing because this so cute!!!such an amazing ff >♡< ♡♡
AoTheSquirrel #4
Chapter 1: That was the cutest thing ever I'm really crying ; _ ;
Thank you for this amazing one shot! ♡
bluebird17 #5
Chapter 1: Thank you nice barista lady .... thank you ^_^
kayandrawa #6
Chapter 1: Awwww this is so cuteee! But then why did Jungkook recieve a kiss on the cheek rather than the lips??