Kidnapping, Killers, and Kisses

Was It Worth Getting Hurt Just To Get Hurt More?
No One's POV
Kwangmin was looking down at Kihyo since she was shorter than him. Kihyo could see he was obviously mad. He grabbed her wrist and dragged her over behind the school.
"WHAT DID I EVER TO YOU KIHYO? ALL I EVER DID WAS TELL JOKES. AND USING ME FOR POPULARITY, THAT IS JUST STUPID!" Kwangmin yelled at her, Kihyo was speechless, she never saw him like this. "I-I...n-ne-" she was cut off. "You are such a loser! I never thought you would be like this. He stomped back to the front of the school. Kihyo was left there crying hoplessly.
When Youngmin saw Kwangmin stomp into the building he looked at Minmin and they had an instinct that they needed to help out Kihyo. They saw her sitting on the ground tears coming out of her eyes. They both gathered around her and tried to comfort her. "Come on I'll give the teacher a note saying that you got sick or something. Youngmin walk her home." Minmin said trying to help Kihyo get up. 
She got her up and handed her over to Youngmin. "I'm going to go now." Minmin walked away to the front entrance.
Once they got to the front gate Kihyo wiped her tears away and said, "Gwaenchanha, I don't need you to walk me home, I'll just walk home by myself." she sobbed. "Are you sure?" she just nodded her head. He nodded okay and walked into the building. 
Kihyo just got home sobbing until someone behind her covered with a wet towel. She was resisting, trying to use the skills that she learned in America. Though the person that she was struggling against was more stronger. She was dragged into a van and it drove away into a cabin.
They let go of Kihyo in the basement of the cabin where it was cold. She was thrown onto the corner and was left there, not moving.
(After School)
Youngmin was walking to Kihyo's house to make sure that she was okay at her house. He knocked on the door and waited outside on her porch. He only waited for 5 minutes and was already worried. He waited for a couple of more minutes and he was worried like a mommy lion losing her cub. Then he realized that Kihyo's phone was on the floor. He looked around more and found a note an adress:
1234 Sesame Street (I couldn't think of one okay xD)
When he read the adress, being how smart he was, found out that she was kidnapped by someone. "Oh no..." he ran back home to get Kwangmin. He got there in under 5 minutes and wa sout of breath. Kwangmin saw him and sighed. "What do you want hyung?" he said going over to him at the door.. "Its...Kihyo..she's been...kidnapped..." he sat down on the floor.
Kwangmin just sighed. "That loser? I don't care is she gets kidnapped or what not. She deserves it." Youngmin never heard Kwangmin ever say that in his entire life. "Ah, Kaja!" he got up and grabbed his wrist and pulled him outside. Though he didn't even budge. Youngmin just left, "Ah, forget you."
He ran out again to where the adress was. Kwangmin's face turned into a frown when he saw Youngmin's back run out the door. Then he thought about it more and thought that he was a bit harsh on her. Though when he dedcided to go too, Youngmin already arrived at the destination also taking a break under the bushes at the cabin.
Youngmin's POV
I hope Kihyo is okay, *huff* pabo twinnie *huff* he doesn't care about anyone. I stood up but sat immediately down when I heard some shouting. It sounded like Kihyo.
About that time I saw two people come out of the house. One of them looked so familiar to me, but I don't know where I saw that person before. Once they walked out, my instinct told me that there was no more people in the house. I sneaked inside and looked everywhere in the small cabin. Ah, I believed I looked everywhere except for one place. The basement.
I looked down at the trapdoor that led to the basement. "Oh well, here goes nothing." I opened it up and went down to the black darkness.
Kihyo's POV
Why does bad things always happen to me. First, I got to school being ignored. Second, I finally make friends with Kwangmin and now he hates me. Third, I've been kidnapped and beaten up by people I don't know. Fourth, I am stuck in a basement of a house and I'm tied up. I was sitting down with a towel tied over my mouth.
What is going to happen next? By the time I thought that, the trapdoor opened and my head shot up when I saw the someone descend on the stairs. I was getting more and more cautious until the person the lights. I closed my eyes because of the light that was shining in from the ceiling. 
"Kihyo-ah!" I opened up my eyes slowly when my vision was blurry. I blinked a couple times until my vision was back to normal. It was Youngmin. He ran over to me taking off the towel in my mouth and the ropes the tied my feet and hands. "Y-Youngmin? Is that y-you?" I stuttered like a child in front of a audience. "Neh, it's me. Gwaenchanha, no one is here except for me." He picked me up so that he was carrying me on his back.
As we entered the living room, Youngmin jumped back a little because to my surprise Kwangmin was there. I looked up from Youngmin's back and I blinked twice before I could actually believe he was there. "Hyung, ppailli. They will be waking up soon." he said to Youngmin. I looked to the side and there were those guys who took me into that van.
Youngmin just nodded and smiled and ran out the cabin. Though while the three of us were running away from the cabin I felt like I was too heavy for Youngmin.Then we stopped to take a break. "Youngmin oppa, put me down now. I don't need to be carried." He obeyed at what I said and I was put down. "Gwaenchanhi?" "Neh oppa." that was, until I fainted.
Kwangmin's POV
I widened my eyes when I saw Kihyo fall on the out. I pulled her up and I carried her in my arms, since Youngmin hyung looked tired.
When we got to the house I layed Kihyo on the bed in the guest room. I was still mad at her so I didn't say anything on the way back her. When I got back to the living room Youngmin hyung motioned me to come over next to him on the couch.
"What" I said already tired. "You know, what the triplets showed you wasn't true right?" I sighed, "How would you know then? Give me 5 examples or reasons." Youngmin sighed and said,"First, I know she would never say that. Second, she was tricked by the triplets. Third, I saw the recoder behind one of the triplets backs. Fourth, she was going to tell what happened but you didn't let her. And fifth, a reason was because you were too dumb to notice she was actually crying. And calling her a loser is just low. I never even heard you say that before, in my entire life. And we are basically twins Kwangmin."
I was shocked at what he said to me. "I'm going to sleep now. I'm going to call her brother to say that she's going to stay over here. Why won't just go to one of your ex-girlfriend's house and kiss them or something."
I just sat there on the couch thinking of what I was going to do tomorrow, until I fell asleep on the couch.

Yay! Long update I think! Mianhe for the late late update. It's because I had to finish a project last week for my history teacher. Well here you go! So what do you think Kwangmin's gonna do tomorrow?
Oh yeah I want to try something new today! I'm going to start posting up questions about groups and whoever gets the right answer first to the question will get a shoutout in my story AND a picture request of whoever they like.
So in the comment section below, your answer should look like this:
bLah123 says:
(Picture Request)

~When did the group, SNSD (Girls' Generation) debut?
Subscribe and Comment! Remember to answer the question above! Saranghae!


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could you update? I don't want to try to bother you or anything...jebal?
Chapter 12: please update okay...its getting interesting.....:)
@woomin4ever It's for me to know and for you to find out :3
Why Kihyo is always suffering? T.T
kihyo, you could've just given each of them a round house kick to the jaw and won! WHY NOT?!
poor kihyo!
i will kill them all! xD
the triplets must die~~ haha
oh snap, this just got real! update soon!!