Jungkook's Christmas Surprise


It is Christmas morning and the BTS members are gathered around the Christmas tree, except one member has seemed to have gone missing... 

Genre: Fluff, light, cute, no mature content :} 



"Yawwwn" Jin accidentally kicks V's shoulder, barely missing his head. 

"I'm sorry!" He blurts out and bows a hundred times. 

V is still asleep. 

It is Christmas morning and the BTS boys are sleeping in today. 

Last night they decided to all fall asleep in V's room and sleep on the floor with sleeping bags. 

JHope is the second member to wake up. 

"YAAAAY!" JHope does 30 cartwheels and a handstand, because he is that excited. 

He jumps on everyone until they are totally wake lol. 

"Where is Jimin?" Jin wonder. Jimin is nowhere to be found. s slowly walk into the living room like zombies except for their hope, who is practically bouncing off the walls with energy. Jin wishes he could have energy like that. 


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Chapter 1: So cute like.... Lol
Chapter 1: Lol~ (  ̄ε  ̄) your story just... Lol~~~
Chapter 1: It was cute :)