A Snowy Winter Day

A Snowy Winter Day

A  Snowy Winter Day (Jonghyun)


            “Yah! Where are you taking me, Jjong?” You shouted a little annoyed. You were blindfolded as your boyfriend led you by the hand. He had pulled you out of the house and wouldn’t tell you where you were going.

“Just trust me jagi! We’re almost there.” He answered back, not letting go of your wrist. You decided to just keep quiet and follow him; he usually knew what was best.

Soon you both came to a halt but you had kept walking and bumped into his back. “Jonghyun, why did you stop?” You still had the blindfold on. Your ears picked up a crunching sound as he turned around and removed your blindfold. You looked around at your surroundings, which was the park you both visited often. The whole area was blanketed in pretty white snow; the way the snow rested on the bare branches of the trees added to the beauty of the winter wonderland. There were healthy green reefs strung onto trees and lamp posts with bright red ribbons.

You were at loss for words at the sight and tried to take in all that you were seeing “It’s so beautiful…”

Jonghyun grinned, “I remember you told me you never experienced a snowy winter. It started to snow on my way back from work last night; I knew it would layer up by the morning.”

Suddenly your arms were wrapped around Jonghyun’s neck and your lips met his. It took little time for his shock to wear off and to deepen the kiss. You broke into a smile, “You’re the best, you know that right?” You said lightly.

He smiled triumphantly “Of course I do~” And placed a kiss on your forehead. “Now come on.” He took your hands in his and slipped on two warm mittens onto your cold bare hands.

You looked at the new gloves them up to him in confusion, “What?” he had already ran off ahead of you.

“Let’s go play in the snow!” He shouted back in an obvious tone. You shook your head at his sudden childish behavior and followed him through the park, smiling to yourself.


You knelt behind the slide, tossing up a snowball in one hand and held a few more in your arms. You were hiding from Jonghyun who you had engaged in a fun snowball fight with which soon turned into a war. “Where’d he go?” You glanced around the playground; you two were the only ones there so it should be easy to spot him.

“Right here jagiya~” Before you had time to react a ball of cold snow crashed into your face. You wiped away the snow from your eyes to see Jonghyun standing on the platform above you, grinning. He stuck his tongue out “You’ll have to do better th-”
            In the midst of his gloating you launched a snowball at his face catching him off guard. You snickered at his face “What were you saying again?” You teased holding another snowball, itching to hit him with it.

Jonghyun pouted before jumping off the platform and tackling you to the ground. You both rolled around in the snow till you both were wet from the melted snow. Eventually you both just laid next to each other and stared up at the sky. Your nose started to run but you didn’t care, you wanted to enjoy this for just a bit longer.

A tissue wiped your nose; you looked over to see Jonghyun smiling at you holding the tissue. “Let’s go back home and warm up.” You were about to protest till you let out a really loud sneeze and rubbed your runny nose. He pulled you up to your feet and you both walked hand in hand back to your house.


After taking a warm shower and changing into warm clothes you felt better and your runny nose were just small sniffles here and then. You walked into the hall to be greeted with a tight embrace from behind and a head rested on your shoulder. “The hot chocolates ready, hurry up so we can relax.” He urged you, anxiously leading you to the living room. Two cups of hot chocolate and marshmallows sat on the table; he even decorated yours with cinnamon sticks.

You turned around and rubbed noses before kissing him, you arms wrapped around his neck and his hands on your waist. He pulled away with a small smirk “What was that for?”

You smiled and curled a lock of his hair around your finger “For being the best boyfriend ever, I really appreciate what you did for me today.” You rested your head on his chest, “I love you, Jonghyun.”

“I love you too _____-ah” He kissed your lips again before leading you the couch. You both sipped on your hot cocoa while watching TV for the rest of the day; a perfect way to end the day you felt.

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I agree with that!! I won't mind spending my holiday like that.. It would be the best experience/memorie ever!! I love you oneshot .
I would love to spend a winter day like this with Jonghyun~ :">
I love it :D
This story was so mushy and sweet...I liked it :D Thanks for sharing!
jonghyun's so sweet~ <3