

Word Count 1283

           In all honestly, school was never really Baekhyun’s strong suit. He would much rather spend time with friends or at a coffee shop listening to local live music. But when he received a full-ride scholarship to one of the best schools in Seoul for their music program, his parents wouldn’t really let him turn it down. So come March 2, he was sitting half-awake in his first class of the year.

            The first few days of class were little more than a blur. Every class was the same: introductions and syllabi. By the end of his first week, he almost couldn’t remember which syllabus was for which class and who he had met where.

            Luckily, he got along great with his roommate. Luhan was a year older (having taken a year off), with a heavy Chinese accent. He was majoring in business management to appease his parents while taking some dance classes on the side. That’s what really interested Baekhyun, however, as he was never coordinated enough to excel in dance.

            The pair spent their first weekend on campus decorating their dorm room and getting to know each other better. With a little homework getting done in-between.

            “So why business management?” The younger questioned from his spot on the middle of his bed.

            “My parents think it’ll give me a better life than they have. Plus, I can still minor in dance so I’m not too bothered by it. And I really can’t complain since they’re paying everything for a school in another country.” The older pursed his lips as he looked at the posters he had just finished putting up. “Perfect.”

           “That one’s crooked.” Baekhyun laughed even as a pillow got thrown at his face.



           Sunday night found Baekhyun fending for his own entertainment as Luhan was trying out for the dance team and the rest of the friends he had made were all catching up on homework they should have done earlier. So the freshman made his way to a nearby café that had live music until close every Sunday and Monday nights. Most of the artists were good, but it wasn’t until the last singer of the night that he really got interested. And by the sound of the crowd, it seemed they were all here for this final performance.

           The guy introduced himself as Park Chanyeol, a junior at the same university he was attending. He played the guitar and had a deep, soothing voice that Baekhyun could see himself getting completely addicted to. And he definitely wasn’t the only one. Just before closing, after Chanyeol’s last song, a group of girls surrounded the stage to compliment (and flirt with) him. Think the elder was getting more than enough attention, Baekhyun quietly slipped out of the building.

           The entire walk back to the apartment had him with his hands stuffed into his pockets, humming a song under his breath.


           Come Monday, Baekhyun couldn’t believe he hadn’t noticed Chanyeol before (even if it had only been a week). It seemed they were both music majors and had similar class schedules even if they were in different years. His fan club who constantly followed him around helped him be more noticeable as well. He always seemed polite, though, taking pictures when asked and accepting the gifts given to him. And he never seemed to accept any confessions.

           He didn’t mention his little crush to anyone. He wasn’t keen on getting teased about liking one of the most popular guys on campus and it wasn’t like they had ever even said two words to each other. But he definitely always kept a lookout for the older, a small smile gracing his lips anytime he saw him. It always raised a few questions from his friends, but he just waved them off, insisting it was nothing. Still, every Sunday night found Baekhyun at the small café near campus.

           Towards the end of spring semester, he knew his little crush had grown out of hand. Which led him to being face down on the table in the library as he was supposed to be studying with Luhan. He just couldn’t get Chanyeol out of his head.

           “Okay, spill.” His roommate sighed, closing his book. “You’ve been ignoring me for the past hour and now you’re not even trying to pretend to study.”

           Baekhyun pouted as he sat up and he tried to figure out what to say. “I like someone who doesn’t even known I exist.” He finally settled on.

           Luhan’s eyes lit up at the confession, a lightbulb going off in his head. “That’s why I catch you with random smiles and why you always disappear Sunday nights before I go to practice.” All he could do was laugh at Baekhyun’s groan, watching as the younger rested his head back on the table.


           The final Sunday of the quarter ended with the pair of them at Baekhyun’s favorite café. He had refused to answer any of Luhan’s questions about his crush out of sheer embarrassment, and the older finally just decided to follow him on his weekly trip.

           “Park Chanyeol…? That’s who you have a crush on?” Luhan hissed into his ear. “The junior half our school seems to have a crush on?”

           Baekhyun just ducked his head, his cheeks flushing red. “I know it’s stupid, okay? But I can’t help it.” His voice was quiet, especially for him. After the short conversation they were quiet for the rest of the performance, slipping out as the fans surrounded the stage.

           “You couldn’t like some nice boy who didn’t have a huge fan-base?”

           “It’s not like I planned to like him! He has people confessing to him left and right, and he doesn’t even know I exist. I would much rather like someone more attainable. Someone I actually stood a chance with …” Baekhyun’s muttered words tore at Luhan’s heart. He wasn’t used to seeing his normally cheerful and confident friend so down.

           With a grin, Luhan wrapped an arm around his friend’s shoulders. “Come on, Baek. Jongin is having an end of the semester party. Alcohol and dancing should cheer you up.”


           And party it was. The place was packed, the music was loud, and the drinks were strong. It didn’t take long for the pair to get separated, but they each knew the other could handle himself. So Baekhyun decided to relax and have a few drinks, dancing with whoever wanted to.

           After an hour or so, he was definitely drunk. Drunk and making out with some (slightly blurry) guy against the hallway wall.

           “Let’s go somewhere a little quieter, hm?” He remembered a deep voice mumbling in his ear before stumbling into a messy bedroom, clothes coming off as they crashed to the bed. The rest of the night was just as blurry as the hallway make-out session, but he couldn’t deny the pleasure he felt.

           Bright sunlight and a pounding headache were what woke him come morning, however, as he started to stir with a soft groan. “What happened last night?” He asked himself, rolling on to his back. His eyes widened as he felt a body next to him. A body. A body just as as he was. .

           Quickly and quietly, he slipped out of the strangers bed and got dressed. Ignoring the pain in his back, he did his best not to wake the other up, not daring looking at his face even as he ran out the door.

           It wasn’t until he was unlocking the door to his dorm room that he realized his phone wasn’t with him. That could only mean it was left back with his one-night stand.

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