The New Place

Born To Dance

Midterms are finally over~


Moving? I can't move! Where will I go? The streets? Do I have to sell all my furniture? Is that where they're taking them?

Plus, where will my mom stay? She's barely home, but she still needs somewhere to stay!

My dad also has to come home! Where will he go?

Who will feed Dubu?

What will happen to this house?

Even worse, what would happen to me?

All these questions began to pile up on me and it felt heavier than the time Hoya asked me to carry clothes. I couldn't take it and I sat there quietly, staring off into space.

Ottoke, ottoke, OTTOKE!?

I'm too young to die hungry on the streets! I need this place.

I sit there as Hoya is too busy talking to the moving men to notice me.

I was dead. Not literally (but I will be soon), but inside. I was dead inside. My soul had just got up and left my body.

I snapped out of my trance as soon as I heard someone whistle and the sound of barking in the far distance.

I run outside and see Dubu limping her way towards me.

"Dubu~" I sing happily as I walk towards her.

"Woof woof!" she replies.

I feel someone tap me on the shoulder.

I turn around to look at them.

"UHMA?!" I yelled out in joy.

"Why are all these moving men here?"

"I don't know..."

"Well I'm coming with you...right?"

I stared up at Hoya, pleading with my eyes. He nodded and I jumped up to my mom to hug her.


I felt another tap on my shoulder. It's Hoya. He hold out something for me.

A leash?

I widened my eyes. Dubu's coming with me!

I smiled and attached the leash to her collar. I pet her lightly and sat on the ground.

Hoya squated next to me.

"It's time to go."

I stared at him weirdly as he placed Dubu carefully onto my mom's lap and entered with me following him.

I turn around to look at Dubu. She looked comfortable and looked like she was about to take a nap.

Without asking any questions, I sit in Hoya's car, wondering where he's taking me.

I feel my mom keep fidgiting in the car seat. I'm pretty sure it's not Dubu who's annoying her because she LOVES Dubu. More than anyone.

She also kicked my chair a few times, which Hoya seemed to notice since he would look in the front mirror thingy.

I didn't know what it was called. I don't have a car. Even if I wanted one, I don't have a license because I never took Driver's Ed.

I sighed and just waited.


"This is your new home," Hoya said as he smirked.

I looked outside, seeing nothing but a field. What?

He grabbed me out of the car forcefully and pushed me to the ground.

"Your stupid dog is in the pound and your mom...well let's just say, you won't ever see her again," Hoya laughed darkly.

What? What's happening? I think as I watch him dump out all my stuff from the luggage.

My eyes grow in horror and my jaw drops to the ground when he steps into his car and drives away, leaving a cloud of dirt floating next to me.

It begins to rain.

"Wait! Where are you going? Don't leave me!" I screamed.


I felt myself being shaken awake with force.

My forehead is dripping with sweat and I am shaking even though the car has stopped.

I notice where I am and look into the mirror to see my mom sleeping peacefully in the back seat with Dubu still in her lap.

"Gwenchana?" Hoya asks while passing me tissues to wipe my teary eyes.

I hadn't realized I was crying and took the tissues while nodding and sniffing.

"Mrs. Park, time to wake up!" Hoya says kindly. My mom stirs in her sleep and blinks her eyes open.

Hoya places blindfolds on both of our eyes and holds Dubu's leash. He carefully leads us up stairs and into the building.

I hear a ding. Must be an elevator? I feel us go up and up and up and up and up....higher and higher.

Finally, another ding goes off and I hear Hoya unlocking a door.

He leads us inside and tells us to take off our blindfolds.

"Oh my god," I said as my eyes widened. My mom looked at me and smiled, taking Dubu's leash from Hoya.

Before us was a shiny, new apartment. The smell of the leather from the couch wafted towards our noses and the wooden floor was waxed and clean. There was a flat screen TV and a few doors leading to seperate rooms.

My mom entered one of them while I followed her.

A twin-sized bed was placed in the room with a lamp placed next to it. There was a closet and a vanity next to it.

There was a sliding door that led to a balconey with chairs and a table accompanied with a view of the city.

Hoya pulled me out of the room, leaving my mom to explore on her own.

Managing to escape out of his grasp, I see that there is only two more doors.

One of them was the kitchen, with beautiful tiles and a nice stove.

There was only one door left.

If that's my room...then where's bathroom?

Turns out, it was in that door.

Wait...if that was the bathroom...




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Omo :O Where's Jae In's room? Any guesses? Put them in the comment section below :)
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Saranghae <3

OHMAHGAWD. Dongwoo. Why you gotta look so HOT in this gif? FJDKLFJSDLKF -spazz-
Don't forget to check out She's A Girl by Baby Soul, featuring Dongwoo :D
"I take you." 




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still in hiatus >n


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annabelleshlee #2
Chapter 15: Oh no! Is dongwoo the bad guy? Hes like the nicest innocentest puppy! How can this be? But who is that girl?
Her dad is such a mean person!!!!! Really wanna kick him!
Btw, new reader here! Love ur story so much!!!
can i hit her dad please? the make such a cute couple!!
and her dad apshhh wtf meanie much ;c
OH MAH GAH! noOoo don't go~ D;
annabelleshlee #8
But she can't go to America! Noooeeeesss! Let her stay... with Hoya... alone... nvm, but let her stay plzz~ Don't worry, your 3rd person writing is really good so hwaiting and Update soon^^ (also, I know I sound really stupid saying this but what is a hiatus?)
update soon *awkward silence*