Red on White

White on Red


Red on White, Flowing Fire
Rushes out; meeting Cold
That piles higher.
The movements bold,
Careless and Hasty.
Desperate and wanting;
Foolish and daunting,
What's the point?
A stunning bang,
Red on White.
The silence rang.
You abide to hang
On to the dire
Long gone,
What's the point?
Slippery it is,
Red on White.
Melting and freezing,
Rising and slumping.
Slower and slower,
More freezing,
More slumping.
What's the point?
Stares down at
Red on White.
Smile lingers,
Anger leaving.
Laughter chases
Losses away.
Furtile attempt,
What's the point?
Gazes up at
Gasping fog,
Falling snow,
Laughing creature.
Struggling pants;
Losing all.
Red on white,
What's the point?
Red on white,
Silence on noise.
Liquid iron,
On solid water.
The light is gone,
Being turned hard.
Gone is the hope,
There is no point.

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