Bloody Eyes (Pt. 1)

Reality Shift


The coffin falls heading back first leaving Rose to guess when she will hit the ground

‘Maybe this was supposed to happen’ she thinks

Just the thought of Jennie makes her happy again

Just enough to—

“I’ve got you”

Rose opens her eyes only to see her body surrounded by fire
“How did the coffin catch fire”
Rose panics and starts to move the coffin around in hopes that it will burn causing the chain to rust from the heat


Rose stops moving once she hears Seulgi’s voice
“Remain calm alright?”

“Okay” Rose replies

“Good now let me lower you”

“Can I ask you something Seulgi?”

“Yes Rose?”
“You’re kind hearted correct?”

“You just noticed it now” Seulgi smiles

Rose chuckles at her answer

“It makes sense since I’m not getting burned”

Seulgi successfully lowers Rose’s coffin to the ground in addition to break the chains in the process

“Get yourself free and help me out” Seulgi says

“Okay should we stick to telepathy so that no one hears out voice?” Rose asks

“Good plan” Momo says

Rose undoes the chains holding her and moves silently to help Seulgi
“Thanks a bunch Rose” Seulgi smiles

Rose nods “No problem amigo”

Momo sighs “can we not do spanish”

“Arrasso mi amigo”

Momo just shakes her head slowly

*vroomvroom* the chainsaw above Eunha turns on and slowly the rope is breaking

The sound of it turns heads towards Eunha

“ WHAT DO WE DO?” Momo shouts

“Keep calm” Seulgi says

“We need to move quickly and silently like an fps” Rose says

“As a side note remind me to congratulate whoever your girlfriend or boyfriend is” Seulgi says

“Roger and lets move” Rose nods

The girls move across the room with Momo surveying the area

Momo eyes widen “GUYS STOP MOVING”

Both Rose and Seulgi come to a halt

“LOOK at the rope”

Both girls looked up to see the rope slowly ripping itself apart but it’s closer than before

“That rope will break the closer we get to Eunha” Rose says

“We’ve got no choice in this matter we have to save her” Seulgi says

 “We can’t rely on your ability Seulgi because we don’t know if it works on unmanned objects” Rose points out


Try to save the girl and she dies or do nothing and she dies anyway

“You know what guys?” Seulgi says

“What?” Rose and Momo says

“ IT”

Seulgi makes a mad dash towards Eunha and the rope snaps immediately setting the chainsaw free.

“ EUNHA” they say in unison

“Rose stretches her right hand out as the chainsaw connects with Eunha’s body”


The chainsaw cuts through Eunha and the table leaving the girl cut literally in two


Momo is frustrated and angered by Seulgi’s poor decision


Seulgi and Rose however ignore Momo’s words because the girl can’t see what’s going on


“Eunha isn’t bleeding out”

Momo’s eyes light up in shock “What do you mean?”

“Just like Seulgi said Momo the girl isn’t bleeding out” Rose spoke

Seulgi and Rose walk up to Eunha only to notice that her blood looks frozen as if something is holding it from flowing out

“Guys what’s going on?” Momo ask

Neither girl can respond because neither has an answer for her

Seulgi moves forward and checks the area to be cleared of anything suspicious

“Rose help me push the table back together” Seulgi says breaking their momentary silence

Rose nods and helps the girl

After pushing the table together, the girls connected Eunha’s lower and upper body together

“What do we do from here?” Rose asks

“If my hunch is correct then I need to do this”

Seulgi motions a finger towards to cut that separates the two halves.

A blue sapphire flame lights up and slowly she moves her finger rejoining the two halves

Once completed Seulgi placed her hand near Eunha’s lower stomach area right above the pelvis

Rose watches in amazement seeing how Seulgi isn’t getting flustered touching right above the pelvis.

“Her blood isn’t flowing” Seulgi says

“How do you know?” Momo asks

Seulgi looks beneath the table and spots no blood flowing from her back and double checks the front

“No blood is coming out of her from the wound” Seulgi replies

  “I think I did something” Rose speaks up

“What do you think you did Rose?” Seulgi asks

“ummm I think I froze her body in time” Rose speaks shyly

Seulgi and Momo both hmmm in agreement

“Makes sense” Momo says feeling relieved

“Try to undo it and restart her time” Seulgi says

Rose nods and with a slight wave resumes the time surrounding Eunha but her face started to get pale

“Uh oh” Rose says

“What do you mean uh oh” Momo asks

“Her body’s blood flow might not be flowing properly” Rose says


“Momo think back to when u shook Eunha’s hand in front of the building” Seulgi says quickly


“Wait what?” Momo tilts her head in confusion

“Try to remember her handshake and how her blood flows”

Momo closes her eyes and try to reminisce on that handshake




“Hi I’m Jung Eunha” the girl says holding out her hand

“Hirari Momo nice to meet you”

Her handshake was delicate, soft but Momo felt more than that easy-going, kind and helpful. She discovered her traits and personality without asking a single question.




Momo opens her eyes “I got it!”

“Good now focus on her blood flow and redo her body’s body’s system”

    Momo concentrates and finds herself connecting and rerouting Eunha’s blood flow

It felt simply and yet easy running tests after test in a manner of seconds

Momo was frightened by what she could do but that didn’t matter to her as long as she could use it to save a life


“I’m done” Momo says


Seulgi and Rose observe Eunha and smile upon noticing her face is lighting up again


“GOOD MOMO” Seulgi says

“Nice work Hirari” Rose follows up


“Thanks you two” Momo responds

“Momo, one last thing you need to do is take a break” Seulgi says

Momo nods and begins to take a deep breath already failing to notice she was breathing this entire time


“So Momo can breathe underwater that’s dope” Rose points out


Momo stops upon hearing Rose’s comment and breathes normally

She doesn’t feel suffocated as she did earlier

“Well that’s new” Momo said smiling

Momo remembered aqua man a superhero her brother favored

‘Hey Zac mind helping me get out of here’ Momo says hoping it reached the shark

‘ABOUT DAMN TIME YOU ASKED’ Zac looked down towards Momo and swam slowly towards the girl


Rose looks at Seulgi with slight concern but Seulgi just motions her to wait and watch

Zac bites each chain off setting Momo free and helping swim up to the top of the cylinder

Seulgi and Rose moved closer to her so she could jump into their arms

After successfully evacuating from the pool Momo turns to thank Zac and he just nods in return


Eunha is still unconscious but alive and sleeping. On the other hand Seolhyun is in the same state as before.


“I think it’s best if we wait for Eunha to wake up” Seulgi says


“We need to get out sooner rather than later?” Rose says   

“But her ability will be crucial to getting Seolhyun out of her chains” Seulgi replies

Momo and Rose nods in agreement


“I wonder what ability the other two have” Momo says

“It could be something fitting their personality or something personal” Rose says

“We’ll have to discuss that later on girls” Seulgi said


Both girls look at Seulgi confused

“Why you say that?”

Seulgi points over to Eunha “Looks like our sleepy princess is up”

Eunha walks over to the group “thanks for bringing me back you guys”

“No problem now then we’ve got one more to deal with” Seulgi responds


All 4 girls look towards the final member of the group to save


“Time to save our leader girls”





A/N: 4 girls out 1 more to go but will Seolhyun be the leader the girls need? What is Eunha's ability? Why didn't I mention Sowon (that should be obvious tho kappa)? Another update in what less than 24 hours? I must love this story idea for me to write this much for it. Rose is alive oh thank god I thought she was going die phew that was close and I can't imagine Eunha getting cut in half it freaks me out just a little bit seeing a body cut in half and yet I watch a lot of Law & Order SVU and NCIS oh the irony  

besides that I hope you enjoy this update its a little bigger I think than the last one so I have to write it in two parts. Have a good day! and dont forget to subsribe comment or upvote silent readers are welcomed along with cristisims and sugesstions a happy audience and happy writer works both ways :)

Stay tuned if you want to learn more and Happy Holidays

Kura out~

P.S. if you're worried about whether or not they will speaking to each other using telepathy ill make a note at the beginning of the chapter 

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Updates coming soon since the holidays are coming up!! Thanks for waiting and being patient! Thanks to you guys who've subbed and upvoted (I see you P0rtM4n) anyway good luck on your exams and work schedules!! Happy Holidays!


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Buddy3590 #1
Chapter 5: Whoaa.. Creepy. ^^
Chapter 3: Oh is this some kind of survival game?! I hope that they all can be saved..
Chapter 3: Good story
Chapter 3: wait. what's sowon's role?
eunha always the sleepyhead. daughter of jessica perhaps? xD
Chapter 2: pls dont kill my wonha, authornim ㅋㅋㅋ :*
Chapter 1: Mimo ftw
Chapter 2: Dont kill my Rosé unnie I'm begging you TT
Seulgi and Joy
Momo and Mina
Rosé and Jennie pleaseeeee I don't know about the other pair.. I'll wait for your update~ fighting!