
Reality Shift

Seulgi wakes up only to discover herself chained to a chair in a big room

After recovering from her initial shock she looked around to see Seolhyun chained to a wall.

She remembers to thank her stars because unlike her Seolhyun’s body is full chained from her head to her toes

Sure her hands and feet are chained to a chair but it doesn’t hurt if she squirms.

Using her body she turns the chair to look for the others hoping their at least safe

Her eyes close and she bites her lip to prevent herself from waking up the others. Seolhyun isn’t in immediately danger unless she squirms like a madman. However, the others aren’t so fortunate.

Momo is chained to the bottom of a giant glass cylinder with a shark inside and he looks hungry. Momo’s safety is the biggest reason why is shut because one simple move inside the water will cost the girl’s life.

Rose is chained inside an open coffin that hanging by 3 metal threads with taped.

Eunha on the other hand is chained to a bed with a saw dangling above.  


Seulgi wishes no more but to have slept with her girlfriend last night if she knew this was going to happen. Maybe just maybe Joy would have convinced her to skip work and stay with her.

Seulgi shakes her head to wiggle off those negative thoughts and hopes that someone will come.

All she has to do is wait not just for their possible savior or killer but for each girl to wake up and comfort them the best way possible.

Silence is her enemy—the most fearsome of them all with their lives on the line.


Momo slowly flutters her eyes open only to see a shark swimming around the tank

Her eyes start to panic once she realized she’s chained to the bottom with no way out.

Her eyes dart around only to see what happened to the others. She starts to feel the water flow into her nose. Slowly suffocation creeps in she needs air but she doesn’t want to drown.

She wants to live till she’s old with Mina her loveable Penguin. She smiles thinking about it. The two girls always talked about growing old together and became official 3 months ago.

‘I’m sorry Mina, I guess I won’t be able to see you again thanks for these last three months it’s been the best three months of my life’ she says internally.

She closes her eyes and she can feel the water entering her system slowly killing her.

‘If this is my exit out of life at least I….’


Momo’s eyes open and she looks around to see whose speaking to her

“Momo-yah can you hear me?”


“Awesome we communicate through our minds” Momo’s eyes turn to see a smiling Seulgi

“How am I supposed to live in here” Momo ask sarcastically

“I don’t know but I don’t think Mina would appreciate you accepting the easy way out”

Momo’s eyes widen

“WAIT how do you know about us?”

“Jeongyeon told Wendy who told me. Wendy and I are the same age so we’re close with one another”

“But when did that No-jam bro tell her” Momo internally groans

“Probably on that new show trick or true” Seulgi shrugs

“Now stop that water from speeding up and killing you” Seulgi says

Momo blinks in response.

She slowly starts to blow out air thru her nose slowly to prevent the shark from eating her since the water’s current isn’t violent

“That should keep me safe for a bit”


Seulgi nodded “You probably couldn’t tell but you remember my member Joy who did that sistar cover with you” Seulgi smiles

“Yeah I know her, I always thought her and Yeri were a thing because every time I see them they’re in each other’s arms” Momo chuckles inward

Seulgi giggles “that’s those two enjoy pulling pranks and for the record she’s mine”

“Oh that’s---HOLD UP she’s your girlfriend?” her eyes lit up

Seulgi nods

“We couldn’t reveal our relationship since she was going to do WGM with Sungjae”

“Wow you’ve been with her longer than Mina and I”

“In total sure but officially we are only 5-6 months. There was a lot that we had to go through but we persevered and here we are” Seulgi smiles


“Looks like someone was reminiscing” Momo smiles

Seulgi nods.

Both girls smile at each and its short lived as Rose wakes up and start to panic once she sees the ground far below her

She starts to move her body and her eyes dart around the room only to see everyone else in the same predicament.

The coffin starts to shake as her level of panic grow stronger


Rose immediately closes her eyes and starts moving.

The coffin is still swinging but no noise is coming from Rose

“Can you hear us?”

“Hello head check 1 2 3”

“Seulgi-yah Momo-yah?”

  “B**** you guessed”

“Really Seulgi -_-”

“Had to sorry”

“Don’t worry but that’s old plus not even the audience would get it” Rose says
“Are you bipolar or what Rose?” Momo asks

“You’re curious about that but not about why we are here?” Rose says sarcastically

“Obviously I’m curious about that but you went from a wuss to a big girl in a second”

Rose shrugs her shoulders “Thanks I guess”

“So this is cool this telepathy thing we got here” Rose says

“I’m glad we got it I almost let myself die” Momo says


“Momo’s chained to the bottom of a giant glass cylinder” Seulgi says


“Oh okay…WAIT what about the others” Rose asks with worry written all over her face

“Eunha is chained to a bed with a saw above her and Seolhyun is in a full body chain” Seulgi replies

“What about you Seulgi? Are you okay?”

“She’s chained to a steel chair” Momo says


“Alright Rose just don’t move because I don’t know how strong those threads are” Momo says


“Gotcha I won’t---”


*All 3 threads snapped*


A/N: This is why one should always stay calm smh Idk if Rose will die or what will happen (kappa) 

Thought I'd give another update since I had the time and I'm starting to like writing this story more since I'm not all over the place at this moment with the story. I wonder what Eunha and Seolhyun will do once they discover their chained up (no pun intended kappa) I will also being switching the tags for each group and replacing it with the offical couple from each group I'll post a comment as well just in case one of the tags aren't available 

Besides that have a good day and enjoy it!!

Kura out~

P.S. forgot to mention one word spoiler: telepathy :) Lots of Love <3

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Updates coming soon since the holidays are coming up!! Thanks for waiting and being patient! Thanks to you guys who've subbed and upvoted (I see you P0rtM4n) anyway good luck on your exams and work schedules!! Happy Holidays!


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Buddy3590 #1
Chapter 5: Whoaa.. Creepy. ^^
Chapter 3: Oh is this some kind of survival game?! I hope that they all can be saved..
Chapter 3: Good story
Chapter 3: wait. what's sowon's role?
eunha always the sleepyhead. daughter of jessica perhaps? xD
Chapter 2: pls dont kill my wonha, authornim ㅋㅋㅋ :*
Chapter 1: Mimo ftw
Chapter 2: Dont kill my Rosé unnie I'm begging you TT
Seulgi and Joy
Momo and Mina
Rosé and Jennie pleaseeeee I don't know about the other pair.. I'll wait for your update~ fighting!