A Gift Of The Heart

A Gift Of The Heart

Jimin was having a particularly strange dream involving a large chipmunk dressed as Santa and a talking ham when he felt lips press against his own. Slowly, he began to stir as the soft kisses continued. Wrapping his arms around a man's neck, he smiled, finally opening his eyes. Hovering above him was one of the most handsome men he had ever known.

"Good morning, Jungkookie." Jimin beamed happily, pulling his lover down for another gentle kiss.

"Merry Christmas, baby." Jungkook caressed his cheek before getting up, returning only a moment later with Jimin's favorite breakfast on a tray. "I had Jin help me cook it. sorry if it got burnt a little."

"Kookie, oh sweetheart. You didn't do all this for me." Jimin kissed his boyfriend's cheek and began chowing down on his breakfast. There was a faint charcoal taste, but in all, it really didn't taste that bad.

"I wanted to." Jungkook reached over to feed Jimin a bite of food. "I have another surprise for later too."

"I'm almost scared." Chuckling, Jimin fed Jungkook and stretched. "Where is everyone else? The dorm is really quite right now."

"Hoseok took Tae to a spa and Jin forced Namjoon out to take him to eat and see a movie. Yoongi went to the studio because he woke up with a song in his head." Jungkook pulled Jimin close and kissed his shoulder. "We're all alone."

"My favorite thing to be." Jimin grinned, leaning happily against his lover. "Do you want your gift now or later?"

"Baby, you are the only gift I need." Jimin blushed at Jungkook's cheesy words.

"You don't have to be so charming. I already love you" Grinning, he kissed Jungkook, before reaching up to pick up a gift wrapped in silver and blue paper. "But I guess if its all you need, you won't be wanting this..."

"No! I want it!" Jungkook whined, reaching for the package as Jimin and held it out of reach. A short wrestling match later, Jimin relented the parcel to his lover, giggling.

"Fine~ I wouldn't know what to do with it anyway." He shook his head, watching Jungkook rip into the wrapping. A small shriek came from the younger as he finally uncovered what was inside.

"I love it so much!" He half screeched as he hugged the stack of signed to G Dragon photo cards. "How did you even..?"

"I sort of cornered him in the bathroom at the last award show and threatened to pull a Zutter on him if he didn't sign them." Jimin turned pink, embarrassed at his own admission "Luckily, he was happy to do it."

"Jimin, did you threaten to piss on my idol?" Jungkook questioned, laughing at the shorter man's slow nod. "I have never loved you more than I do right now."

"I love you too" Jimin sighed in relief, giving Jungkook a kiss. "I'm really glad you liked it."

"Now it's time for your gift." Turning, Jungkook fished out a small object from his night stand. There was no wrapping, just a pearlescent bow stuck to the top of a black, Velveteen box.

"What is it?" Jimin questioned, his heart starting to speed up as he took it from the younger. Could it be what he thought it was?

"Open it" Jungkook smiled and Jimin noticed a look of nervousness on his gorgeous face as he lifted the lid to the box. A delicate gold ring say inside, the diamond in the center catching the light, reflecting rainbows.

"Is this..?" He looked up, shocked and needing verification in case he was reading too much into the jewelry.

"Park Jimin..." Jungkook took the ring from the box, slipping it onto Jimin's shaking finger. "You are all I want in life... One day, as soon or as far away as you want... Will you... Will you marry me?" Jimin felt like his heart might explode as he wrapped his arms around the younger's neck, kissing him deeply. Tears spilled down his cheeks as he let out a sniffel, his joy overwhelming.

"Oh God. Yes, Jungkook. With all that I am, yes."

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