
Love for the game VS Love for you

What you need to know for this fic. Red Sox and Yankees are rival baseball teams. Jin likes the Red Sox, Chris likes the Yankees. Completely fictional.

I laid back in my bed, relaxing for the first time it felt like in weeks. Our schedules became so busy, it felt like I was allowed to sleep anymore. Eventually, my body became adjusted to it, so now, go figure it's two in the morning, and I can't fall asleep. I sigh looking over at Carol, who is snoring loudly. I guess she had no problems sleeping. Our debut was only months ago, but I still feel like it was just yesterday when we first got up onto that stage. The cheers were incredible, the audience, barely knowing who we were but still so hyper and energetic. We barely knew who we were. I grab a tennis ball from the side table, and begin to throw it in the air. Maybe I can tire myself out, so then I could sleep. It hits the low ceiling in a rhythm I established somewhere between the fourth and sixth throw. Carol rolls over before I could even hit ten throws. Even throw the pitch black room, I can see her blood shot eyes. She was tired.

"It's two in the morning, what the hell are you doing?" She moaned grumpily, rubbing her eyes. I frown apologetically, although I doubt she can see it. She knows I tend to stay up late, ignoring my exhaustion, it was always something I did whenever I was little. I felt bad whenever I wake her up because of it.

"Couldn't sleep. Sorry, I'll just move into the living room." I said. Carol nodded before rolling back over and mumbling something about food. I shrugged to myself figuring she was just overtired and make my way into the living room. We first starting living in a dorm because it was just easier for practices before debut. After debut, we just decided not to move out. It allowed us to become closer as a group and really be able to have a connection. I see Jin staring at the TV screen her full attention on it. She doesn't even notice me sit down.

"BOO!!!!!" I shout poking her stomach on the side. She screams loudly and very girly, which I didn't expect before she falls onto the floor with a loud crash. I hold in my laughter, considering the rest of the members were asleep. I look over to see Jin lying on her back on the floor, glaring at me.

"Chris! What was that for!" She growls before making her way back up onto the couch. I shift my gaze slightly to see a baseball game on. I roll my eyes, typical Jin. Obsessed with baseball. I could easily recognize the teams playing, not that I told her that.

"Oh you know, just sorta felt like it." I replied. She glared at me again, before sighing and leaning back. I ran my hand through my hair, before it fell back into my face. Hers was in a baseball cap, since we only had a dance practice today, she probably didn't want to bother doing it. Her attention was pretty much back on the game, so I decided why not watch it. One of my favorite teams was playing anyway. I knew they were on the East Coast of the United States, so it must have been an afternoon game they were playing. Since it was around 3pm there. I could see the pitcher wind up, before releasing the ball and it flying towards the catchers mitt. The umpire calling it a strike. Ending the inning. I smile to myself, but Jin clearly didn't seem very happy.

"WHAT! Come on! That was totally ball four!" She yells angrily at the television. She gets way to into these things sometimes. It shows a replay of the pitch, it was a strike clearly. A slider pitch, those were tricky to call sometimes to. But Jin didn't care continuing to yell at the television. 

"Jin, Garcia struck out Ortiz with a slider. Get over it." I said nonchalantly. She looks like she was about to shout at me, either for my ridiculousness or for me disagreeing with her, before a feat of realization comes across her face. She looks shocked, which she shouldn't. I wore Yankees hat's all the time, which showed that I support them.

"You actually know baseball? AND YOU SUPPORT THOSE NO GOOD-" She starts to go on a rant before I take a pillow and hit her with it. She looks bewildered for a second, and another flash of anger over comes her before she calms down for a second. She relaxes into the couch again, before staring at the television. Not making any eye contact with me. So I sit back and decide to watch the game with her. 

That's one of the things I really liked about Jin. She showed passion in everything she did. She cared about the group, and worked harder than any of us to make sure everything went the way it was suppose to. She cared about people, making sure we never got sick or hurt. She would smile and tell us that everything was going to be okay, even though we knew it wasn't going to be. Maybe I liked her a little to much. I looked over at her, and her eyes were focused on the game, ignoring me because of the Red Sox, Yankees rivalry. Even when slouched back, and her hair in that hat, bags under her eyes, I still thought she looked beautiful and handsome at the same time. 

I shift my focus back to the game, figuring we were both going to stay up until it was over just to see who one. The Red sox were up five runs I knew the chances of the Yankees winning was slim to none. I lean back on the couch with her, knowing it was going to be another couple of hours. I close my eyes for a second, and I'm gone.

My pillow seems incredibly soft. Is it usually this soft? And what is that noise? I open my eyes to see the dark living room. Jin's to my right, and I'm snuggled into her chest, her arm wrapped around me. She's still awake watching the game, which seems like it's just about to end. The TV is the only light in the room. Her eyes dart over, meeting mine. I pray that the dark room hides my blushing.

"You fell asleep, and I didn't want to wake you up, but I didn't want you to get a cold either, so I kind of just..." She explains. I nodded, a silent way of telling her I was okay with it. She doesn't remove her arm, and I don't move, liking the feeling of her taking care of me. We both look back at the TV, to see Papelbon throwing the last pitch of the game. Making the final score 11-5 the Red Sox won. I shrug, figuring that it was only one game.

"Told you the Yankees ." She said sticking her tongue out at me. I pretend to pout, before we both burst out into laughter, trying to keep quiet since it was now four in the morning. I take a pillow and hit her with it again, trying to make her be quiet, but she just rips in out of my hands and hits be back.

"Hey!" I shout, trying to get the pillow back but she hides it behind her back. I sit up on my knees trying to reach over to grab it, before falling over taking her down with me. Her face is nearly inches from mine and each of her features is defined so well. Even in the low light. Her eyes have a certain twinkle in them I haven't seen in anyone else's before. Her skin was smooth, and her hat had fallen onto the floor, revealing her jet black hair. My eyes meet hers, silently asking permission of something we both knew was a bad idea, but at the moment didn't care. Her eyes have a curious look in them. She leans up lightly, and our lips connect. Hers are softer than they look. I can feel her hand snake up into my hair, pulling me down harder that I expected. But the feeling isn't unwelcome. My entire body feels a warm feeling that I've never felt before. We break apart, breathing slightly heavier than normal. Our eyes lock again, and I try to figure out what she's thinking, but I never could.

"Chris, we shouldn't be doing this-" She tries to say, but I cut her off.

"Do you really care?" I question. She doesn't take time to think about it, only pulling me down again for another kiss. Eventually she just holds me, while we fall asleep on the couch. Her arm is wrapped around me lazily, and it's warmer. I listen as her breathing steadies, and can feel her heart beat. I finally feel sleepy again.

"Chris, Jin. Wake up. What are you guys doing on the couch? And why is Jin wearing a Yankees shirt? Don't you like the Red Sox?" Chaio asked. I rolled over, smiling at Jin's confused expression, before looking down at her shirt. Right after she fell asleep, I went and grabbed my Yankees shirt, and through it over her white beater. She looks back up meeting my eyes.

"You little brat! Come here! The Red Sox WON last night! Stop running away!" She yells, but I don't listen. I quickly make my way into the kitchen making the table a separator in between us. I'm laughing hysterically, while the other three members stand there confused by our actions. I smile at them helplessly, and Milk comments on how someone should take a picture, before feeling arms wrap tightly around my waist. I look over to see Jin again.

"Caught you." She said, before placing a peck on my lips.

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<3 as usual :)