6th Sense Roleplay ↪ Something wicked this way comes. ↪ AU/OC roleplay, supernatural theme. Soft opens with 6 more reservations.


6th sense.
i'm untouchable
long ago...

In the beginning, there was man and...not quite man. The Not-Quite man displayed abilities beyond a human's natural genotype. In a world where competition for resources defined survival, humanity learned to fear those that looked like them but were more. This fear created abuses that now go down in the history books as witch hunts, purges and holy wars. Back then it was humanity versus monsters. These gifted beings that dated back before the dawn of man became boogeymen and witches that were used to scare naughty children into behaving, lest they be gobbled up.

In the modern era, man has all but forgotten about the things that go bump in the night. A stray howl at midnight gets no more attention than a noise complaint to the landlord. The monsters of old are now immortalized in movies rather than in memory.

But, time is always racing forward. Things are always changing. It's time to awaken your senses before you're left behind.

Admin note for the curious:
What we mean by "soft open" is that we'll begin accepting applications once we reach 10 reservations. Then, we'll officially open once we receive 5 applications from that batch of 10. The reason behind this is what we want a strong start!

city laws (guidelines)
  1. You must be before applying and your faceclaim must be as well.
  2. No godmodding, metagaming, or the like. You should extensively plot things and stay realistic: No character is all-powerful. 
  3. Reservations last 3 days.
  4. Please read our 'Lore' to understand how the monsters work here. We do leave a lot of things unsaid to allow you creative freedom.
  5. We're literate in nature. That means no one-liners and no chatspeak or emoticons in face-to-face threads, but some are allowed in SNS, texting, etc.
  6. Please be active. Uploading photos doesn't count towards weekly activity.
  7. No OOC drama, thank you.
  8. All mature content is allowed, but you should always get OOC permission and place a trigger warning at the top of a thread if it's going to get dark (you can edit the first post with that warning if it develops later).
  9. Relationship ban is 2 weeks. No pregnancy/adoption without admin approval. No mpreg. 
  10. With the sole exception of mature content that you're more comfortable keeping private, we don't allow pm roleplaying. 
  11. And, to keep things fair: You can't change a human into something else without admin approval. 
  12. Be welcoming! 


citizenship application (how to join)
  1. Subscribe to this story.
  2. Account names must reflect the name you applied with. We're an OC roleplay so you can change your character's name as much as you'd like (yes, you can keep it the same, we're just giving you the option to not).
  3. Your alternate name must include "sixsense" and the character name.
  4. This is a closed roleplay so set your privacy settings accordingly!
  5. Your character's age must be within 2 years of the faceclaim's real age.
  6. Race-bending is not allowed. P*rnstars, Youtube stars, Instagram models and the similarly employed, as well as the deceased, are not allowed.
  7. You're allowed to have up to 3 characters. They may not be from the same group and they can't all be the same species.
  8. This is an AU, so you're starting fresh and can be as creative as you want. Stay within reason (don't create a marysue/garystu), or your application might be declined.
  9. You must fill out this application form. Follow the instructions and comment what we need you to! PM any questions. 
  10. Upon acceptance, please create a character note for others to read.
  • FAQ

Q: What are the monsters?
A: You and I would know them as vampires and werewolves. They might have different names for themselves and for each other. Read our lore for details.
In the future, as the plot advances, other creatures will be introduced. Stay tuned!

Q: XYZ interpretation of these monsters gives them XYZ power, can I do that?
A: If you want your vampire character to have Dracula's mental powers or your wolf to be extra strong, we allow that. If you're thinking of something that's not common wolf/vampire lore, run it by us first.

Q: What is our setting?
A: Modern-Day Seoul. If you're playing a non-Korean, that means that you'll be coming up with a reason for their move.

Q: Are humans aware of monsters?
A: The short answer is 'no', because the things that once ruled the night are mostly content to live amongst humans (who for all of their weaknesses seem to multiply so incredibly fast). The long answer is that there are always exceptions to the rule.

Q: Are there monster laws?
A: Only informally, and they would be established by the most powerful in the area if the monsters interact with each other at all. While they can identify one another, they might not have any connection.
The only general rule of thumb is 'keep the killing to an absolute minimum so we aren't found'.





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I really can't decide on a personality or backstory right now so would it be okay if I applied and then added that stuff in my bio later?
CosmicCoffee #2
Chapter 1: Reserving Byun Baekhyun, please?
hello if taehyung becomes available after the second person please let me know
Kindly notify me once Taehyung becomes available, thank you.
6thsense-rp #5
Admin note - We've opened up a tumblr as well.
Chapter 1: I'd like to reserve Kim Taehyung, please?