Yes Hyung, We Will [Oneshot]

Yes Hyung, We Will

“Oi Tae, stop clinging to Jungkook. You’re startling him.”




I was only a teen, not even in legal age yet when our company took me in as the last member of Bangtan Sonyeondan. I was so excited, yet nervous because I at socializing with people. The people back at Busan told me that I was weird, that I always fell out of my trance, saying that I always have my own world. When I went here in Seoul, I tucked in my emotions so I won’t be different in everyone’s eyes.


I was thinking back then, what if the other members will think of the same way? I was afraid that I can’t fit in: Afraid that they won’t accept me.




But clearly that wasn’t the case.


If I am weird, then they are not human.




I am used to the group’s antics now, or rather, to Hoseok and Jimin-hyung’s antics. Namjoon and Yoongi-hyung sometimes reprimand them, but I know with the look of their faces that they are enjoying watching us too; leaving Jin-hyung the one who gives an apologetic smile before telling them to stop and they eventually does. 


But I can’t say the same about Taehyung-hyung.


Hyung was originally the maknae of the group before I came. Some may think that he would be upset that he was not the youngest anymore (but even when I joined, he was still the kid in the group, and everyone agreed) but his hug when he first saw me definitely tells otherwise. Since then, he had encouraged me to don’t be shy anymore when it comes to them because we are a family. 


And a crazy family we became. 




I can say that hyung was different, but he being different makes him stand out. I can’t understand him sometimes, but I find myself happy whenever we are together. I feel like he is peeling away my insecurities and doubts; to be who I really am. 


And I am grateful.


Though I can’t say it to him or he won’t stop teasing me about it.


He just stared blankly at Jin-hyung who was cooking our dinner while he hugged me from behind and simply shakes his head no. 


“Noooo, he won’t! Me and Jungkookie will be the best of friends!” 


Our eldest hyung choked at this and looked at us back and forth like he just heard someone broke his favourite action figures.





“Yep, because Jungkook-ah is precious like a cookie!”  Hyung’s reply made Jin-hyung laugh and snicker before letting us be and continue cooking. I am flustered on the other hand though. I never expected that he thinks of me like that, even though he compared me to a food. (But whatever, no one will ever be prepared for Taehyung-hyung anyway.)


I can’t help but to feel so blessed that I am finally starting to chase my dreams while being with the best hyungs that I would ever hope for.




“We will be together forever right Kookie?” 




I feel so loved.





“Yes hyung, we will.”





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