Painful choices

Bloodlust-Daehyun Ver.
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Who will I choose? What are they talking about? This is nonsense.

You stared at them blankly for a moment and their hungry eyes stared back at you.

It probably wasn’t a good idea to keep them waiting.

Anyway you had no idea what this whole choice thing was about but you realised it was probably best for you to decide and fast before you became vampire dinner.

You thought for a moment about who to choose, you didn’t really have any particular preference but if you wanted to get some information it was probably best to go for Daehyun.

Zelo pretty much refused to talk to you in class and you hadn’t met Himchan before this.

“Okay I choose Daehy-aahh”

A pair of fangs began roughly biting on your skin as soon as you spoke his name, he was out large quantities of your blood in big gulps and you were starting to feel weak.

“So delicious, just as I expected” he snarled before taking another bite and drinking more blood.

Someone grabbed Daehyun from behind and pulled him away from you “Daehyun stop! This is too much how do we even know her just saying your name and you drinking her blood will seal the deal”

Your vision was blurring a little but you could see just enough to tell it was Zelo.

 “It will don’t worry, her choosing him is enough” Himchan sighed.

You could barely hear what they were saying, you could hear the voices but they were fading and you were beginning to feel weaker and your vision was blurring.

You out.


Blinking your eyes your vision slowly cleared.

Not again.

You didn’t wanna wake up in a random place again, what if it was another basement?

Luckily for you this time you weren’t all tied up and it was much more comfortable. It appeared you were in a comfy bed which was rather warm. Perhaps this was just a nice place to nap or maybe you were back home and all this was a dream.

“Ahh” you groaned at the pain in your neck as you moved a little.

You felt around your neck and nope it wasn’t a dream, the bite marks were still there.

Suddenly you felt a warm breath against the back of your neck and decided to turn over. To your surprise next to you lay a sleeping boy with plump lips and dark raven hair, unmistakably it was Daehyun.

“AAAHH WHY ARE YOU HERE” you screamed loudly at him which greatly disturbed his ‘beauty’ sleep.

“Huh?” He opened his eyes which were no longer red but now their original chocolatey brown and looked back at you with a confused look on his face.

“Are you seriously asking me why I’m in my own bed?” he yawned as he stretched a little.

You paused for a moment and looked around soon realising it definitely wasn’t yours.

“Wait a second…” you hesitated “WHY AM I IN YOUR BED?!”

“Ouch my ears!”


“Be quiet and I’ll tell you”

You closed your mouth and let him speak.

“You chose me; you’re my belonging now so why can’t I have you here?” He explained “You did pass out after all and I had to put you somewhere”

I passed out? Oh yeah of course, right after he started drinking mass amounts of my blood. I remember.

You stared at him clueless “Your belonging? What’s that?”

“You’re all mine and I can feed off you whenever I like” he smirked while he spoke.

“When did I agree to this?”

“When you chose me”

“Damn it. Do I gain anything at all from this” you sighed.

“Well you get to be the belonging of the handsome Jung Daehyun” he chuckled into the covers.

“Anything else?”

“Well you’re all mine so no one else can have you or feed off you” he added.

“Yeah that certainly makes everything a lot better” you spoke sarcastically with your back now to him.

“Oh come on beautiful don’t be like that with me, give me that pretty smile of yours again” the boy teased while placing one hand on your shoulder.

“B-beautiful” you blushed “Shut it with your sweet talk you ert!”

He looked doubtful “me a ert?”

“Yes you!”

“Nah I don’t think so” he disagreed.

“Well why did you decide your bed was the best place to put me in then?” you asked demandingly.

“Well it is comfortable isn’t it?” he asked.

You had to agree it was rather comfortable in there.

“But why the same one as you, couldn’t you have put me somewhere else” you asked whilst trying to move away from him a little.

“Well would you prefer sharing a bed with one of the other vampires?” he questioned rather rhetorically.

Of course you wouldn’t, if anything you’d prefer not to have to sleep with strangers nonetheless but since you chose Daehyun maybe that meant he was a better choice “I guess not…”

“Okay now that’s over and done with I should probably mention it’s almost time to start heading to school” Daehyun sighed and laid back in relief glad he got his point sorted and was able to address the issue that today still was a school day.

Your eyes craned over to the clock on the bedside table which read 7:45, almost time to start heading out.

“Oh my… I’ve been sleeping for  a long time”

“You sure have” Daehyun agreed pulling himself upright, the bedsheets still covering his body “I was worried you’d never wake up”

“Well I have now so time for us both to get ready now

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Chapter 3: Omgggg poor Youngjae
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update <3 I really like this XD
Chapter 2: I like It so far!! Please update soon!
Chapter 2: Ohhhh yeahhhhhhhh
nazafa #5
Chapter 1: update for the next chapter please