the conveniences of kissing Lu Han (1/1)

Happy Pink Day

Kai knew that what he was going to be doing today was something that was absolutely ridiculous.

But love didn't have to make sense and he was way past the point of total embarrasement of gaining a certain someone's attention after he was caught in the act of wearing a dress because one of his friends Baekhyun had somehow managed to make him believe that Lu Han-hyung liked guys who cross dressed and what better way to get his attention than dress up as Snow White for the school play? After that Kai made sure that he gave special attention to Chanyeol to deprive Baekhyun of Chanyeol.

He walked briskly past the class rooms and headed straight to his hyung's class. He didn't realise when he even started referring to Lu Han as his but that didn't really matter at the moment. What mattered was the fact that what Kai was going to do now had less than a 30 per cent chance of succeding which was way too low for Kai's already very distressed mind.

Yep he was nervous.

He could feel his hands sweating and he started getting more nervous at the fact that his hands were sweating and what if Lu Han-hyung wanted a handshake for some humanly unknown and Kai couldn't give him one 'cause his palms suddenly seemed to have too many sweat glands and what if Lu Han didn't like guys with sweaty hands?

Of course Kai is going to sort of confess to someone who he had a crush on when he was 14 and then fell in love with at 15 and presently at 17 was completely obsessed with. Please excuse his incompetence to have any logical thinking for about the rest of his life whether the meeting goes well or not.

As Kai reached Lu Han's class he took a deep breath to calm the down 'cause he swore his heart was beating so fast it should have been considered fatal for a human and he was sure that one of his blood vessels was going to burst from way too much blood pumping through his veins because he was so ing nervous and scared and terrified of what laid ahead.

Kai finally calmed himself down somewhat and finally opened the door after at least 5 minutes of panicking about what he was going to do. When he walked in he saw that Lu Han was fast asleep. Not that Kai expected any different because its not like Aphrodite personally told Lu Han to patiently wait for someone who was going to confess. But still. Couldn't Lu Han stay awake for once and couldn't it be this day?

Kai could easily run away he knew that. But he had lost track of the time he had tried to confess to Lu Han and now that nothing was going to stop him he almost quit just because he was so scared of the result. He was always ing scared of his exams anyway and the only thing that he ever did was somewhat prepare for it and he sure as hell prepared properly for this one.

He was seriously nervous at the moment because out of all the things he had to remember at the moment he had to realise that LuHan absolutely hated being woken up. Kai didn't really care at the moment though. Scratch that he really cared about anything that involved Lu Han but a confession that had been delayed for more than 3 years allows room for a little adjustment.

Kai gently nudged Lu Han at his elbow hoping that would not wake the elder up 'cause damn was he nervous. Lu Han shook slightly. Kai internally thought where all the rumours about Lu Han being a dead sleeper came from.

"Kai?" Lu Han asked yawning a little and taking his glasses off to rub his eyes.

"Yeah?" Kai said. He was totally going to complete panic mode right now. But he couldn't show any panic or nervousness at the moment because did Kai ever mention how he somehow managed to make Lu Han believe that he was this cool, dark and mysterious guy?

Probably not.

Anyway as shocking as it is Lu Han thinks that Kai is not a nervous wreck whenever he is around him and somehow has this image of Kai being cool and that Kai does not want to ruin because he is a second and a few heart attacks from freaking out.

"Uh... did you want something?" Lu Han asks probably not sure how to respond with Kai being in his class and waking him up. At least he didn't tell me to get the out Kai thought. Ain't he one optimistic lad?

"Today is Pink Day." Kai said. Now did Kai ever tell you that there is no such thing as 'Pink Day' and he totally fabricated that lie?


"You have pink hair."


"And I'm wearing a pink snapbag."Kai said. He absolutely despised the thing sitting on top of his head rather too innocently being so pink and and bright almost looking neon.

"Am I missing something? 'Cause I feel like I am." Lu Han asked finally showing his annoyance with being woken up.

Kai just did it.

He didn't even think about it. Kai just kissed Lu Han for like a second and pulled back.

Kai has made a discovery and he would like to tell you all that his the first kiss that he experienced with the object of his infatuation was not all that magical like most people would think. The reason for that being he is about faint and he has never been so nervous in his entire life.

"What was that for?" Lu Han asked.

Kai wasn't able to decipher what the hell Lu Han was thinking becouse he didn't look the least bit bothered maybe just a bit surprised.

"Uh.... It's Pink Day so if two people wear pink they kiss." Kai explained the lie

"Oh." Lu Han said before he got up from his chair and kissed Kai straight on the lips.

When Lu Han finally pulled away Kai was in a daze the only response that he could have given was his absolute look of surprise at Lu Han's actions.

"I'm pretty sure I was supposed to return that kiss." Lu Han said giving an innocent smile to Kai though the smile was taking the form of an evil smirk that only Lu Han could make innocent.

"Yes you were." Kai said he really wanted to tell Lu Han about his feelings but something was stopping him. Like maybe he was okay being friends as long as Lu Han was happy like that. On second thought Kai would like to rephrase that. Lu Han could only be truly happy when he was with him and he was pretty sure that Sehun would not appreciate if he just backed down as his face was bruised in multiple places and his body wasn't exactly great for dancing at the present moment as Kai is the jealous type whether he looks the part or not.

"Hyung I like you." Kai said even though what he wanted to say was something in the lines of 'Hyung I don't want to call you hyung anymore because the things I want to do to you right now are a little unorthodox and oh do you have any specific kinks 'cause even though I'm  a minor the unorthodox things includes you bending minus a few layers of clothing.' Yeah probably not the best confession.

As soon as Kai said that Kai could have sworn that he saw an evil glint in Lu Han's eyes but his brain isn't exactly processing anything at it's greatest level and just brushed it off as Lu Han's eyes always shining brighter than the stars and blah blah.

Poor lovesick fool. Probably could have saved himself a mental heart attack if he had noticed.

"Well I like you too, Kai." Lu Han said walking out of his desk and wrapping his thin pale arms that were way too toned for being so skinny around Kai's neck that was starting to possess the same embarasssing tint of red as his face. Kai may have have wanted to do  a lot of inappropriate things to Lu Han a few seconds ago but he's obviously not ready for a lot of things.

"But...." Lu Han continued slightly furrowing his eyebrows "I don't think Kai likes me as much as I like him." Lu Han said rather too innocently for such a statement.

"What do you mean?" Kai asked hope coming in waves.

"Well Kai only likes me as a hyung, right?" Lu Han asked his question somehow coming out in the perfect balance of disappointment and light teasing.

"No no no Kai likes Lu Han as much as he likes him." Since when did Kai start speaking in third person?

"Kai you're so nervous right now." Lu Han said his pink bow shaped lips curling into a fond smile and then releasing a small chuckle. Lu Han placed his pale hand on Kai's chest feeling his heartbeat. "Your heart is beating so fast right now. I bet if I leaned close enough I would be able to hear it." Lu Han said.

"Hyung I really like you." Kai said. He didn't care whether it was embarassing or not. Lu Han was getting to know how he felt today and even if he didn't accept him at least Kai confessed.

"I know." Lu Han said. "I like you too. Like I really like you and if you really do really like me stop calling me hyung. Makes me feel old."

"Okay Lu Han." Kai said. He didn't really know what that meant. Did it mean that they were dating? Or were just two friends who really liked eah other? Did Lu Han even want a relationship with a guy?

"Kai I don't think that there's a limit for how many times you can kiss me today." Lu Han said smiling when he saw how quickly Kai's face brightened.

Kai had all the reassurance that he needed after Lu Han said that. Lu Han his pretty senior with the pink hair and big glasses that he had been crushing on all these years liked him back.

Kai never felt so thankful to the colour pink before.


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Chapter 1: Thanks to the "Pink Day" that make my KaiLu together,., they were really cute,.,
Chapter 1: Shy Kai is far too cute!
Chapter 1: Awwww, this is such a cute story!