The Loveliest Enemy.
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     What a chaotic morning to Haejung.

She felt like she was going to burst into tears in any moment. The female clutched onto the strap of her handbag, quickly making her way into the building with ten floors with a really classy design of signboard, Spark Publishing.

“This is all because of you, Wang Jackson!” She whined.

Haejung did bug her brother last night. She bugged him to have a walk around the area where she’s going to work so that she can easily find the building the next morning but Jackson didn’t bother to listen to her. Jackson choose to stay in the hotel room or have a walk into the bar and restaurants. The result of him being such a lazy , Haejung was late to the work because she was lost and took a wrong train too and it was her first day to the work. What a good impression she’s going to give to her new team.

“ID card. ID card. ID card. Where is it?” Haejung was mumbling in Chinese as she searched around inside of her handbag. Then, something hit her that caused her to knock onto her own head. The female was began to sob unpleasantly when she recalled that she placed the ID card on top of the table next to the bed when she was putting on her socks.

“How can I forgot the ID card in the first –“

“Can you please excuse me? I need to pass or I’ll be late?”

A man asked her. His expression was so awful. He was literally glaring at Haejung. She swallowed her eyes close tightly and she lowered her head low before she stepped aside to give a way to the pesky man, gripping onto her strap tightly as the man was triggering the anger inside of her.

“It’s not that he’s going to help me but – ugh, can’t I get more unlucky today?”

Haejung pinched the bridge of her nose and sighing in sorrow. She glanced at the Fossil watch around her wrist, heaving another sigh and this time it was louder. Another man was chuckling behind her. He heard the sigh and couldn’t help it but to laugh at her.

“Need a little help, missy?”

“Eh?” She raised an eyebrow.

“I noticed you’re not having an ID card with you, hm? Come, let’s get inside together.”

He gestured the woman to come closer to her and to pass the gate together right after he swiped the ID card. Haejung bowed her head down as a sign of thank you. The man nodded his head and offered her a handshake.

“I never saw you around here, perhaps a new girl? I’m Jiyong.”

“I’m Haejung. Wang Haejung. I’m a new girl here; I just got transferred from the Chinese’s Daebak magazine to the Hangul one, which I don’t even know why too…”

Haejung was mumbling the last part lowly as she was still confused the true intention of transferring her from Hong Kong to Korea. Jiyong extended his hand out and casually ruffling her hair while chuckling.

“Good luck with the new team, Miss Haejung. Anyway, the Daebak magazine team is in 6th floor. In case you don’t want to be late, you should really hurry now.”

She glanced to her watch again and flicked her fingers, pointing out at Jiyong with a grin.

“You’re right! I should really go now! Thanks, Jiyong-sunbaenim!”

She quickly ran towards the lift, stopping the door as it was about to close with her own hand, blowing her bangs upward, in relief, as she managed to get onto the lift.





                Hello everyone.

I’m Haejung. Wang Haejung. This is the story of my life after I moved to Seoul, South Korea. I’m a Korean-Chinese. My mom is a Korean and my dad is a Chinese. I only have two siblings, wait actually three since my mom is actually pregnant. I’m the second one and the first one is Wang Jackson. Yes, I know, thank you for reminding me about it. He is the lazy- brother of mine, the one who was responsible of my lateness to my work in the very day.

I haven’t told you guys yet what I worked as, right? I’m a writer, or should I call myself as a reporter too because I did go to interview people in order to write the article in the magazine. I actually work as a writer in Hong Kong since my family stayed in Hong Kong but all of a sudden, the company called me and they told me that I’m going to transfer to Seoul. I’ll be joining the Daebak Magazine team for the Hangul version. I do not understand the reasons why they have to transfer me there. I’m not that great in writing my article, to be honest. That’s so humble of me, but I’m dead serious. Was it because I’m a mixed? That’s absolutely ridiculous. Plus, my Hangul isn’t really good. I talked more in Cantonese, Mandarin and English. I knew Hangul, I talked in Hangul but when it comes to writing, I’ll be super ed up. They made a wrong choice in choosing me to transfer to South Korea.

After moving to South Korea, I never know that I’ll actually going to be a little bit too unlucky. First, I was lost and choosing the wrong train to go to my office. Second, I actually left my ID card in the hotel room. Yes, hotel room because I’m still trying to find an apartment for me to stay. Jackson came and accompanies me for the moving problems, so he suggested that we will be staying at hotel first. Third, I happened to meet a really arrogant man who doesn’t even bother to help me when I was stuck at the gate. Can you just see how miserable I was at there? Hello, asking me what’s wrong won’t be hurt. Just because you’re so good looking doesn’t mean you can be so cocky. Fourth – I actually got a lecture from the new Chief Editor of Daebak Magazine for coming late in the first day. Fifth and next – you have to figure it out more to know about it.

Hm, I

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nur_hakimah97 #1
cant wait for the first chapter ^^
NoraMyFics #2
even the starting is interesting author-nim!! i will be waiting for your updates for this story!! ,,, but don't take too long hehehehe