
Letters To A Boy

To You,


    You probably don’t know me. Or at least, you don’t remember me. I remember you though. You used to sit in front of me in primary school. You always asked the girl next to me for a pencil if you didn’t have one. You never asked me. It was probably because I always asked to borrow pencils too.

You will probably never read these but if for whatever reason somehow you do, I am writing these because I am a coward. I do not have the courage to talk to you. I wish I did. You seem like you would be a really great friend.

So why today of all days did I start this letter? I saw you for the first time since primary school today. You walked past me in the hall. I almost didn’t recognize you. But then I saw the rest of your friends. The ones that are always with you. That’s when I knew. I wanted so badly to say hi to you but, you were surrounded by people and well, I’m me. I don’t exactly stand out.

I remember the first time you ever said anything to me. It was raining and I was walking without an umbrella and when I got inside, you walked up and handed me a towel. Then you said. “Be careful or you will get sick” then you walked away. Your friends put their arms around you and you disappeared into the sea of students.

It is a little funny that we all happened to go to the same University. I was really surprised to see you and your friends. Do you believe in fate? Not to sound creepy but I do. Maybe it was fate that made it so we would see each other again. Even if I am too much of a coward to talk to you.

I wonder what you are majoring in. I am majoring in writing. Which I guess makes sense as to why I decided to write you letters. I am much better at putting my feelings down on paper than saying them out loud. I get really nervous saying things out loud. I get anxious and I stutter. It really isn’t pretty. Which is why I chose an occupation that wouldn’t require me to do much talking out loud. I have always loved to write. To create a world all my own and to put all of my feelings there without people knowing they were truly my own feelings. It is incredibly freeing. I hope you are majoring in something that makes you happy. A lot of my friends are majoring in occupations their parents chose for them. It makes me sad that most of them don’t want to go into that line of work.

I hope your parents let you choose what you study. Mine were upset that I went into writing but they didn’t try to change my mind. I really like that about my parents. They may not agree with me but they let me make my own decisions.

Well class is almost over and I have to get to my part time job. I hope your day is fantastic.                        



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