Typhoon (태풍 )

Typhoon (태풍 )
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Typhoon (태풍 )


Anyone can love you when the sun is shining. In the storm, is where you learn who truly loves you.


Woohyun's POV

Words fall short whenever I want to tell you how much you mean to me. How special you are to me. How significant of a figure you have come to be, ever since you came into my life. In our lives.

As my eyelids flutter open and take in the stunning sight unraveled before me, all that I can ever say, is that you mean the whole world to me. My entire universe is full of bright smiles and laughter because of your existence.

As the sun shines and engulfs our bodies with a radiance that gives rise to ethereal beauty, I take note of your lean body that is finally within my reach. Finally. After three years of hiding my love from you. It had been so difficult then, considering how we were always together. Band mates. Roommates. The best of friends. Brothers, even. It had hurt, painfully so, as I thought it was merely an unrequited love I had for you. Time and again, I had battled against a part of myself that wanted to burst out into a love confession. Another me. Those days I spent thinking that I would only be a friend and team member to you. Not anymore.

You are right here, by my side. Lying beside me, muscular arms wrapped around my waist, in a warm, protective and unyielding embrace. Something in my heart stirs. Is this love? You have stolen my heart. Robbed me of my entire being. Yet, I still love you so. I am willing to let you keep my heart for the rest of my life. This has to be love.

I am swept by a tidal wave of emotions once again. These persistent feelings that overwhelm me, blanketing me like a soft layer of snow. I exhale the breath that I have held in for such a long period of time. I wheeze. You are beautiful. Painfully so. You are irresistible. I am unable to control the feelings I have for you. Fervent desire. Passionate love. You are mine. How is this possible? That a creation of god- an angel, accepts me as his other half? He must be a fool to do so. I smile. A fool for me. It is unbelievable. You, are unbelievable. Maybe this is why I love you with all my heart.


Love is a serious mental disease.

One that I am happy to be diagnosed with.


Smooth limbs tangled between unblemished sheets. Auburn hair streaked across white pillows. Silky locks of hair that never tangle when I run my fingers through them. Long eyelashes that rest on porcelain cheeks that have begun to look more full over the years. A surge of bliss overwhelms me, knowing that you are eating well. That you have finally gained some weight.

Gazing at the soft, rosy flush that colors your cheeks, an indescribable form of love and adoration surges through my veins once again. You are healthy. You are well. You are alive. My lips twitch and break into a toothy grin when you shift slightly, groaning when the sun glows too brightly. You move closer, burrowing your face through the pillow before relaxing and sighing contently. I feel your hold around my waist tighten. My heart squeezes, palpitates and skips a beat. I bite my lips, the desire to pull you close and press a kiss to your luscious lips, burns in my gut. I love you so much. I restrain myself from lunging towards you, with all the willpower I am able to muster. I do not wish to wake you up. You look the most relaxed when you are asleep and it brings me more happiness than anything else, to see you free, without being shackled to all the stress, constrains and expectations people have placed on us.

I sigh. Everything still seems so fresh. So unrealistic. So surreal.

My love.



Flashback (1)

It all started the day I met your eyes. Brown eyes. Eyes, with the shade of acorns, just bright enough to shine in the shadows. Eyes, gleaming with so much depth, that engulfed me in warmth. Eyes, reflecting emotions that brought me to a state of both calmness and calamity.

Your eyes were the first thing that caught my attention and left me breathless, aching for more.

Brown eyes.


I can distantly recall our first encounter in the musky basement filled with sweaty teens of different ages. Some in their 20s, others in the prime of their youth. How you took a step forward gingerly, looked me in the eye, and introduced yourself with an air of haughtiness and seemingly distant demeanor, if I may add.


Head cocked slightly to the left, plump, luscious lips pursed, you appeared to be a daunting figure. Someone who stared at me carefully, taking in my features, looks and flaws in great detail.

"What's yours?"

For a minute, I wondered if it was pride that kept you from forming longer sentences with more details. Who actually gave one-worded introductions? Rude.

Hesitance gnawed at my insides. Should I give a curt response or a fairly lengthy one?

Brown eyes continued to glint under the dim lighting of the basement.


My gaze shifted from your sullen cheeks, to small, slitty eyes. My breath hitched in my throat as I took in the careful stare you graced me with. I remembered what the company had mentioned before I was accepted as a trainee.

"Don't mess with the eldest here."

In other words, I was to respect this scrawny figure by the name of Sunggyu, who stood before me with graceful poise. Someone who happened to have the most beautiful chocolate orbs I have ever seen, even up to date.

Brown eyes.

Brown eyes that glistened with wariness, caution and curiosity. Ah. So you weren't trying to be rude then. I grinned.


Your eyes narrowed slightly. It was almost as though you were put off by my equally short introduction. Cute.

"I'm the new trainee."

You relaxed visibly and crinkled into an adorable smile. My heart skipped a beat.


Brown eyes. Beautiful, brown eyes.


"Nice to meet you, Woohyun-ah."

"Pleasure's all mine."


It was from that point onwards, that I learnt that you were older than me by two years, taller than me by two centimeters, and you were a trainee who had stayed in the basement for the longest period of time.


A trainee of few words, who brimmed with empathy, kindness and love. I never realized how endearing you actually were, behind that image built on confidence, esteem and experience, until I crashed into it head on.


Flashback (2)

9 June 2010. The day we worked so hard to get to. The day that will remain ingrained and imprinted in our hearts and minds forever. The day of our debut. After months of slogging through agonizing dance routines day in, night out, we were finally on our route to fame. Standing side by side, in the backstage of our very first showcase, I glanced at the six other trainees I had grown to live with, with a heart filled with thankfulness, adoration and endearment.

Dongwoo hyung, Hoya, Sungyeol, Myungsoo, Sungjonggie... And our leader who braved through storms to get all of us to where we are.. Sunggyu hyung.

Infinite. Seven members. Seven hard-headed teens who pulled through the hardships of being a trainee. Seven kids with dreams to stand on a stage, unified in spite of the differences among us. Seven individuals, who were now one.


No one's POV

"Sunggyu hyung-"


Sunggyu's head whipped up to meet Infinite's youngest member, who outstretched a lanky arm and cast a look of sheer anxiety to the leader.


The taller male seemed to understand even when no other words were exchanged. Sunggyu merely shushed the teen, smiling softly, wrapping his hand around the maknae's wrist as he drew the younger one closer to his body.


"You're going to be alright, Sungjong-ah. I promise."

Momentarily, as the light bestowed on Infinite's leader, another member caught the look of worry dwelling in his eyes.


Woohyun's POV

Brown eyes.

Brown eyes that were filled with worry.


"Sunggyu hyung-"

Brown eyes flickered over briefly to meet mine.

"We're going to be alright. "


I watched as Sunggyu's lips curled into one of the most astounding smiles he had ever shown, pearly teeth and all. Alluring.

"Yes, yes, Namu. We're going to do just fine. "


Tearing my gaze away from Sunggyu's blinding smile, I gazed at the other members huddled together at the backstage. I watched as they beamed along with Sunggyu. Dongwoo hyung, with his signature cheshire grin. Hoya, with a slight quirk to the corner of his upper lip. Sungyeol, with a broad smile, showcasing his flashy gums. Myungsoo, with a shy nibble to his lower lip. Sungjong, with a radiant twinkle in his eyes. My blood thumped steadily through my veins. A sense of pride surged through my veins. It was an indescribable moment of love and vast, powerful emotions.

I allowed my eyes to flutter shut, drifting into another realm where we would be greeted by numerous fans. A glowing stage we would mount on together, steady beats of our music pounding through loudspeakers. Fanchants and cheers emitting from all of our supporters as we belt out lyrics that conveyed our heartfelt gratitude towards each fan.



There was nothing to be afraid of when the seven of us were together. We would brave through every storm together.


Seven members. Seven hard-headed teens who pulled through the hardships of being a trainee. Seven kids with dreams to stand on a stage, unified in spite of the differences among us. Seven individuals, who were now one.


As long as you guys are beside me, somehow, I know that we will make it through.


A thundering voice and shrill screams broke my chain of thoughts.

"Let's put our hands together and welcome...INFINITE!"


Determined and passionate stares met. A fire began to stir in my belly and ignite into flames that quenched my heart. Fueled desire to consume and overtake the stage overwhelmed my entire being. Grins laced our faces as hands intertwined with one another's. Unknowingly, I found my hand trapped beneath slender digits that clasped themselves protectively around me. I inhaled sharply when a thumb circled round my palm in a comforting and possessive manner.


Brown eyes caught my intent look. Brown eyes shone. Brown eyes scintillated with a dark glint.

I exhaled heavily. Breathed through my nose. A small whimper left my parted lips. Sunggyu.


"Let's do this, guys. We've worked so hard just to let this day come true. Don't let go of this golden opportunity just yet. We're going to go up there and show them all we've got. Even if it's just our debut. We go up there, prove a point and make

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Chapter 1: This is so great and amazing to read. Loved reading every bit of it.
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful.
ainBuBBly90 #3
Chapter 1: It is so cheesy, but worth it.
I like it...
KiwiPrincess #4
Chapter 1: So so so beautiful! :)
7nfinite #5
Chapter 1: Beautiful :') I can feel their love for each other just from your words. Thank you for writing this! Hwaiting!
Chapter 1: 1st story EVER i didn't read the forward. i just felt it was gonna be great.
u have actually hit the right breaking points in their past and i can't describe how giddy i am to see such wonderful moments depicted with inner thoughts.
the songs u hinted and the things that are hidden from the audience ( just between them) u have done a beautiful job describing.
brown eyes are indeed deep an d they hide tremendous secrets.thank you for stressing that.
i like he's going down and dirty to ease hyun.
and it's the most meaningful I LOVE YOU i've ever read abt.
4 me this is the best christmas present this year.
i can only gift you an upvote.
Chapter 1: Continue to write a story, you make a good author <333333