
Short Drabble of Mark Jealousy in Canada


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diongphungg #1
would you mind if i translate your fic into Vietnamese? I promise i would credit.
HonJujubeTea #2
Chapter 1: This is so cute. Thanks for sharing.
cherreeeng11 #3
Chapter 1: HAHAHAHA~ I can't imagine What could be Jinyoung's reaction if ever he do the skydiving.... Hehehe
Chapter 1: Mark probably fail taking jinyoung out for skydiving lmaooo i really love this!!!
ChoiKimNa #5
Chapter 1: I like this....but Jinson date was what I wish to see...

Haha poor mark~
Chapter 1: It's so cute haha ^^ . I like what Mark's plan HAHAHA, can't imagine that Jinyoung will do skydiving HAHAHA. Thank you author-nim for this, hope you'll make more MarkJin fanfics ^^
Chapter 1: I wanna see jinyoungie do extreme stuff like mark so bad....