The Reunion

Hate You Love You [like to dislike,dislike to like]

[Hongdae Park]  

 Myungsoo and Chorong are already waiting.......After a few minutes they see NaEun and Woohyun running towards them.

"Chorong-ah!"NaEun hugged Chorong tightly.

"oh my gosh NaEun,is that you?? your so pretty and tall"Chorong praised NaEun .

NaEun giggles.Myungsoo is staring at NaEun for a second

"What the...she's so pretty like an angel.I don't know how she change like that..Back then she's so unstylish but now.........weow! Myungsoo said it in his mind.

"Kaja,let's eat ddeokbokki,Im really hungry"Woohyun said

"NE~!" Chorong and NaEun said it happily while they cling their arm with each other.



While walking,Woohyun start talking to Myungsoo

"L,haha cool nickname,i like it"

 "Thanks" Myungsoo smirked.

"By the way L,how long have you'd been dating Chorong?I thought you love NaEun?What happen??Woohyun asked.

"Woohyun,it's only puppy love,you know.........DUH~"

"It's been 11 months" 

"Ah cool." 




[Ddeokbokki store]

The seating arrangement is this:Chorong,Myungsoo,NaEun,Woohyun (the ddeokbokki store is so crowded,many people are eating there,so they have to compressed)

While eating,Myungsoo tried to chat Naeun.

"NaEun..." Myungsoo turning his head to NaEun,

"Yes?" NaEun turned also,

They bump each others forehead!..

"Awwww!!" Myungsoo shouted,

Woohyun and Chorong laugh out loud. "Outch,that hurts :("

Naeun is touching her forehead. Myungsoo didn't say sorry,he was so embarrassed and continue eating his ddeokbokki..



After they finished eating, Chorong and NaEun went to the music store, L and Woohyun just followed them.

"NaEun!NaEun,,I love Girls' Generation I want to buy this(The Boys album)" Chorong said.

"Let you boyfriend buy it for you" NaEun answered while she's look at the CD's and she notice something..

"Woohyun!! this guy really looks like you! Naeun is holding the CD of INFINITE(Paradise album)"

"Nah!stop joking NaEun! Im Flattered....." And they both laughed..


"Oppa,can you buy this for me?" Chorong said with a puppy face.

"Ok baby, i'll buy it for you"  Myungsoo said and they proceed to the cashier.


Woohyun approaches NaEun, "YAH! I love this!" Woohyun showed the CD of APINK to NaEun.

"This girl in the center really looks like you! Hey,im not joking i swear!" he added.

"Bleh :P Woohyun., you're just fighting me back,let's go now."


The other 2  just followed them,and they saw Woohyun's arm are in NaEun's Shoulder,

"Oppa,is Woohyun and NaEun are dating? They're so close with each other" Chorong asked.

"No,they're not,they're just close" Myungsoo replied.




At the streets of Hongdae]

NaEun and Woohyun sees something very familiar to them.

"Is that Eunji??" Woohyun said.

The 2 approaches Eunji..

"Eunji-eonnie!,Im glad to see you!" NaEun said

(Eunji were Woohyun and NaEun classmate since Grade 2 to Grade 6)

"Me too NaEun, i miss you!  Oh by the way this is my boyfriend Hoya,he's s choreographer in Woolim Entertainment" Eunji said.

"Annyeonghaseyo,nice to meet you."Woohyun and NaEun said to Hoya.

"Eunji,are you still studying??" Woohyun asked.

"Uhm yes, Im a scholar in Yonsei University and Im a Vocal teacher there." Eunji proudly said.

"Who's that,NaEun and Wohyun talking to?"Chorong asked Myungsoo.

"I Don't Know,Maybe they're old friends?" they went to the Garments store.


"We should go.." Hoya said to Eunji,

"Bye guys,see you next time!" the couple said..

"Bye!" NaEun and Woohyun said and they look for Chorong and Myungsoo.

 "L! I think we should go home now,it's already 11:45 pm." Woohyun said

"We just meet are old friend in there." NaEun added.

"I totally have fun tonight,especially seeing you guys again." Chorong said.

"Me too,im very happy,See you guys at school tomorrow" 

"Bye guys,were going."Chorong entering Myungsoo's car.

"Come on,let's go home" 

"Oppa im dizzy.. -_-" NaEun went to the wall and leaned.

"I Will carry you,a piggy back ride" Woohyun smiled and carry NaEun.


They arrived at NaEun house safely.

"Komawo oppa." NaEun smiled and enters her house.

"Goodnight...............and i love you" Woohyun whispered to himself and he goes home.






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it's more than A YEAR already gosh!!!
AyeItsMeeh #2
Chapter 6: Puhwease update ~ It should me Myungeun and Woorong cuz I just wove and obsessed with Myungeun <3
myungeun37 #3
Chapter 6: i do ship myungeun and woorong. but in this fanfic, i really really want naeun and woohyun together eventhough they were really really close best friend:) please update! <3
pinkie #5
Any possible chances of WooRong moments? ;P I really ship WooRong couple though. :)
Dfrgt hyjnukmkjnh gbfvdbfg hnjmki I'm such a MyungEun shipper but I would totally not mind if this fanfic became Woohyun + Naeun ~ kekeke. :3
thanks for the comments.... :)<br />
@yunachoi i'll be updating today,:))<br />
@lalagrl stay tune^^
So so so so MyungEun were puppy lovers and now MyungRong is a couple? D;<br />
Does Naeun still have puppy love for him? D:
update plsssss