My Worried Heart

Idol's Heart

What Happened?

Jongdae shakes off all thought he has of her. She is 7 years younger than him and is still in high school. How can someone so small, so petite have such huge presence and unique taste in music. He was watching Chaeyoung on YouTube covering a song titled ‘Alone’.

“That’s her? This is the Chaeyoung that is part of the super adorable TWICE? This is one of TWICE’s maknaes?” he thought to himself.

His deep thought was interrupted by Kyungsoo who smacked him in the head.

DO: Why are you staring at my sister-in-law video?

JD: Ani…. I was interested to know the song she covered. It is an Indie track.

DO: Ah…Chaeng loves indie music.

JD: And how would you know?

DO: Because my girlfriend shares everything about her group with me. (He answered curtly before sticking out his tongue at Jongdae.)

SH: I don’t think she shares everything about their group members. (He chimes in the conversation as he gobbled up some snacks on the sofa.)

DO: Tsk tsk…. She does. She also told me the reason why look so happy lately. (Kyungsoo eyed Sehun who almost choked on his food.)

JD: And what was that? (He eyed the boys curiously.)

SH: Hyung, have you heard they are releasing a Christmas version of the album?

DO: Uhuh…. Why are you changing the topic maknae? (He smirked at the youngest boy in the room.)

SH: Hyung! (He whines.)

JD: Weirdos!

SHO: Who is the weirdo?

Suho asked as he opens his shoes. He just came back from a schedule with Xiumin and Baekhyun.

DO: You sure you want to know hyung? (He eyes Suho like the devil.)

The leader swore that he would hit that creepy Kyungsoo if he could.

DO: Hyung, why aren’t you answering me?

Suho reached for a cushion and threw it at Kyungsoo who burst out laughing.

XM: Spill! You guys are hiding something?

DO: I don’t know if I should be the one spilling the news. Right maknae? (Kyungsoo teased the boy.)

BK: Heol! I got it. It must be something to do with Jihyo and Mina. Only those two girls could drive them crazy?

JD: True?

BK: Did you guys finally do it? (He gasped earning a smack on his head by Jongdae.)

JD: Seriously, is that all you could think about?

BK: What? I am just curious to know if they really got into a relationship. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING JONGDAE! (He questioned the guy.)

XM: So what was it?

BK: Kyungsoo… just share!

DO: Something happened in Hong Kong!

XM: Heol! I knew it! Hun… are you and Mina in a relationship?

Sehun shakes his head.

XM: Leader-nim, are you back with Jihyo?

The leader shakes his head too.

DO: Guys … you don’t need to be in a relationship to DO things!

XM: WOAHHHHH…. What did you guys do?

SH: Not telling… I’m going to take a shower. You guys annoy me. (He walked away and head to the toilet.)

SHO: You better not go around telling weird stories, Kyungsoo ah…. (Suho return to his room not before he pinched Kyungsoo’s cheek.)

XM/JD: Spill!

DO: Not going to do that. Sana will kill me.

BK: She will then she will revive you again. Palli…. Share!

Kyungsoo walks away with a smile hoping that after much pressure the boys will just fessed up to their members.


After returning from Hong Kong, Sana couldn’t help but noticed the change in Mina and Jihyo. The two girls kept smiling silly and staring into space. Sana who was observing the 97 line was joined by the ever curious unnie, Nayeon.


NY: Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

SN: Uhuh… unnie. Do you think they…? (Sana didn’t complete her words before Nayeon grabbed her hands.)

NY: Could it be….. (Nayeon eyes widen as she turn to Sana.)

SN: But when?

NY: I wonder too…

CYG: Since the last night we were in Hong Kong. (The maknae squeezed between Nayeon and Sana.)

NY: Spill! 

CYG: Technically I don’t know much. I only know that Jihyo and Mina unnie left the room for about an hour or so while I’m sleeping.

SN: How could you know when you were sleeping?

CYG: I heard the door clicked and when I woke up they were not in the room. I fell asleep again before I was once again awakened by the sound of Mina and Jihyo returning the room.

NY: I wonder where they went.

SN: Seriously unnie? Go figure!

NY: Huh….

CYG: I think they went out and met Suho and Sehun oppa.

Sana cleared .

SN: Leader-nim….. (She called out to Jihyo who was day dreaming as she read a book.)

NY: Yah… Jihyo ah… (Nayeon called her out loud startling the leader and the black swan.)

JHO: Neh….

SN: You know we don’t keep secrets amongst us 9 right?

Jihyo nodded knowing where this conversation is heading. Mina was about to return to her room when Chaeng quickly pulls her down the sofa.

CYG: Unnie…. Where are you running to?

MN: You know I don’t run… (Mina tried avoiding the conversation.)

Suddenly Nayeon called out to the rest of the girls who were in the room.


The rest scramble out of the room and gather in the living room. Thank goodness their manager is not at home. Momo who was sleeping wondered what had happened.

DH: What happened? (She began questioning.)

NY: I wondered what happened too. Care to enlighten us leader-nim and black swan? (The eldest teased the two shy girls.)

JHO: Well… I want to say that we did well this year and should strive harder as a group next year. (She started off.)

TZY: UnnieGojimal. I know something else is happening here.

JHO: Well…. In our last night in Hong Kong….we….. We were tired right? We also….. We went to bed late right? So…. Well… Mina and Sehun kissed! (Jihyo suddenly feed them the juicy news.)

The members gasped in shock.

MN: Jihyo ah…. You were kissing Suho oppa in front of me and Sehun.

Momo’s jaw literally hit the ground.

Chaeyoung was giggling with Tzuyu and Dahyun was a little too stuns to comment.

JHO: You and Sehun started kissing first! You kissed him first.

MN: No I did not.

JHO: I saw you kissed him. You tiptoed and reached for his lips.

MN: Well… At least mine was a sweet kiss. Suho oppa literally was eating your face in the lift. Even Sehun had to close my eyes.

Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were squealing in happiness.

CYG: I want to kiss too…

TZY: Nadu….

CYG: Sana unnie… have you kissed Kyungsoo oppa? (The maknae questioned Sana who blushes hearing it.)

MN: Of course she has…

Jungyeon who has not spoken a word from just now finally opens .

JYG: I wonder how it feels like to kiss a guy…

Her words made her members smile. Jungyeon has always not been interested in BGR.

SN: Soft...

JHO: Squishy….

MN: Sweet…

SN: Passionate….

JHO: Lustful……

MN: Romantic…..

JYG: I want one too….

CYG: Ohhhhh ….. Do you have someone in mind unnie?

JYG: Ani…. Who would like me? (The girl answers with a frown.)

NY: You have so many admirers but none you like.

SN: So Mina... are you finally dating Sehun?

MN: No we are not dating. I am too scared to be in a relationship and I think he knows that very well.

SN: Seriously? You guys kissed.

MN: You kissed Kyungsoo oppa too before getting together with him.

CYG: Burn! (The maknae tease Sana.)

SN: Ya…. How dare you sass me!

NY: Leader-nim are you back with Suho oppa?

JHO: Ani… I don’t think we will ever get back together.

NY: Huh… like for real? Why didn’t you reject his kiss?

JHO: Because I want it.

CYG: You’re confusing me. You don’t want him but you want his kiss?

JHO: Something like that.

DH: Omg….relationship is so confusing.

NY: I agree….

That evening Sana couldn’t help but share with Kyungsoo those juicy details about their members.

Rising Heartbeat

Sehun deep sleep when he was awakened by a sudden shake by Kyungsoo. He ignored it until he realized that his leader and Chanyeol was sitting on his bed.

SH: WTF! Why are you guys doing this to me early in the morning?

SHO: Mina is involved in a scandal.

Sehun immediately sat up on his bed as he reached for the phone that Chanyeol was holding.

“TWICE Mina narrowly escapes Rising Sun scandal.”

“TWICE Mina one of TWICE’s Japanese members caught wearing the rising sun head gear given by fans.”

Sehun face literally couldn’t hide his worry. He turns to Kyungsoo.

SH: Did Sana say anything?

Kyungsoo nodded but Junmyeon was the one who answered.

SHO: She cried the whole night! She has never been involved in a scandal before. Jihyo, Sana and Nayeon had to put her to sleep.

SH: the media.

CYL: Lucky for her… the scandal is not blowing up because her manager happened to pull it off her immediately.

SH: But still… she must be worried sick. I need to meet her.

DO: They are busy with schedules today.

SH: I can’t let her suffer alone.

SHO: Why not call her?

SH: I don’t even know if she would answer.

Sehun has been pacing up and down in his room. He cannot help but worry about the girl. It was already 2 am in the morning. He was thankful that 15 minutes ago, Kyungsoo updated him that the girls are back at the dorm. He thought for a while before he finally decided to face time with her. He waited and waited. Finally she answered.

His heart sank when he saw her puffy eyes. Her head on the pillow and her whole body too covered in a blanket. He saw the pout on her lips. He was thinking about what to say but she opened .

MN: Oppa…. (Her voice sounded shaky.)

SH: You know I am always here for you. (He reassures her.)

A tear escapes her eyes.

SH: Hush my dear. Just imagine you are leaning on me. Just imagine I’m hugging you tightly. Just imagine me there with you.

Mina closed her eyes and began sobbing.  Sehun wished he was there right beside her holding her close.

SH: Saranghae Minari…. Oppa is here…. (He confesses as he hears her cry.)

Somehow amidst the cry…. He heard the words he has been wanting to her although technically it wasn’t the 3 words but that one word was enough.

MN: Nadu…..

SH: Aigoo…. My black swan… my sweetheart… my nerd…. I’m here for you arraso….. (He reassures her.)

MN: Gomawo…. (She whispers softly before apologizing that she has to put down the phone.)

Mina removed her blanket and discovers Nayeon, Sana and Jihyo crying as they look at her.

MN: I told you I am fine. You don’t have to worry about me.

JHO: Ani…we are not that worried.

MN: Then why are you guys crying?

NY: Because you finally said you love Sehun.

MN: I did not….

SN: Yes you did.

 NY: Oppa was saying “Saranghae Minari…. Oppa is here….” You answered “Nadu….”

MN: I did?

The 3 girls nodded before returning back on their bed. Mina eventually saw Sehun’s text.

“Thank you for loving me back Minari my black swan. You don’t know how happy I was to hear that you love me too. I waited and hoped for so long. Gomawo love.”

She couldn’t deny but she was happy that Sehun is happy. She smiles as she reread the text over and over again.

“I love him. I really do. Why do I feel so scared now? Is this feeling enough for us to overcome what is next to come?” Mina thought to herself.

NY: Don’t think too much. Enjoy this feeling. I know you worry for what is to come. Don’t. If it’s meant to be it will.

Mina turned to her unnie who was on the bed next to her.

MN: Is that why you and Chanyeol oppa don’t get into a relationship?

NY: Uhuh…. You see… change is constant. Feelings change. Me and Chanyeol oppa like each other but we don’t know how long this feeling will last. We don’t know if it’s just infatuation or if its love? Both of us are not certain about it. Unlike Sana and Kyungsoo oppa who are very sure about their feelings, Chanyeol oppa and I are the kind to just absorb what is happening one step at a time.

MN: I don’t even know I love him until I realize that I want to be in his arms as the scandal spread.

NY: Don’t push to ascertain things…. Just enjoy the feelings you guys have.

MN: Neh… I think about Sehun oppa 24/7.

NY: I think about Chanyeol oppa too...a lot in fact….

MN: Do guys talk on the phone?

NY: We did… but mostly text. We have things we want to accomplish. We want to cheer for each other.

MN: I envy Sana unnie.

NY: Me too.

Suddenly Jihyo crept beside Mina and Sana crept beside Nayeon.

SN: Wei… why are you envying me?

JHO: Because of your love… You are so brave unnie.

MN: You and Kyungsoo oppa work hard on your relationship.

NY: Was it tiring?

SN: Never…We both wanted this as much.

JHO: How are you sure that he is the one unnie?

SN: I was never sure. Heck I don’t even know if we would end in marriage in future.

MN: Then why did you agree to be in a relationship with him?

SN: Because we both love each other. We don’t want any regrets. I don’t want to look back one day and regret not loving him enough.

MN: Even if you know it may not work out.

SN: Uhuh….

JHO: I know it may not happen. What if … just what if he hurt you like how Junmyeon oppa hurt me?

SN: Honestly we talk about that.

MN: Really?

SN: Uhuh… I told him I would be heartbroken and may end up breaking up with him.

NY: What did he say?

SN: He said things happened. Circumstances change. Companies may pressure and he could eventually succumb to it. But he did say he don’t want to wait for the day to come. He just wants to be honest and love me now. For now, he wants to love me right.

JHO: You could accept that reasoning?

SN: I did. He doesn’t sweet talk his way with me. He has always been honest about what could or might happen.

MN: You are so brave unnie.

SN: I honestly didn’t know I had that in me.

“I love Kyungsoo so much that I feel like I am married to him.”

“I love Chanyeol so much that I want to protect the inner kid in him.”

“I love Junmyeon so much that it hurts.”

“I love Sehun so much that ……. that….. All I could think about was how he held me close in his arms.”

The girls drifted off to sleep wondering if how long their feeling would last. They have to be practical; dating is really not a good vocabulary choice in their dictionary. Oh well.







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soramagf #1
can you write abt baekhyun & momo,if you can of course,thank u :)
kemijang #2
Chapter 1: I love how the girls have their own way of protecting everyone around them and how they view 'love' differently~ I love this series so much I'm like TT
lurvejunho #3
Chapter 1: Aww minari finally admit the she love sehun.celebratory hug Authornim.i hope u can write more n more sehunxmina fic.cant wait to see how this couple on date
Thank you author-nim for listing your storiess...
I really hope for the continuation to the stories of nayeon-chanyeol. Your stories about them seem so real that made me love them even more. I really hope for good news..hwaiting!!
joannamarie #5
Chapter 1: OMG, I totally adore the chaeyoung-chen ship you got going on. I need more of them pls :)
Lyndayu #6
Chapter 1: I want story about nayeon n chanyeol continues..
xoxochaxoxo #7
Chapter 1: Yes yes !! Thankyou so much authornim for your multiple update exo twice stories! I wish more nayeon chanyeol in the story hehe you are my main fav author because your stories always seems real <3 thank you and keep up With the good work.