Chapter 6 “First Tears”

Three Months with You

Chapter 6 “First Tears”



Yunho runs toward the park. He passes the zebra cross. His cloth is wet already. The rain has become heavier that he thought. It worsens because it’s winter. The snow, rain, and wind make it hard to run. After wasting so much energy, he arrives at the park gate.

He sees no one. Yunho steps into the park. He’s freezing. After a few seconds, he decides to go back. But, suddenly, from behind the bushes, he hears something.

It’s someone’s sobbing.

And Yunho knows the voice.

Yunho rushes to the bushes.

What he sees is the angel that he saw today, turns into a trembling figure. He’s crying so badly.

“It’s OK, I’m here…” Yunho said as he hugs Jae. Jae jerks a little, surprised by Yunho’s embrace.

“Yun?” Jae asked weakly. Jae’s body is so cold; it likes Yunho is hugging a super-big-sized ice.

“Come on; let’s go to my apartment….” Yunho whispered as he piggybacks Jae. Yunho wants to know what really happened to Jae, but he knows what the most important thing is. He must make Jae warm, and he can’t do it in the storm like this.

Jae stays silent, he doesn’t resist at all when Yunho piggybacks him. He feels safe.



Yunho opens his apartment door, and then rushes into his room. He leans Jae on the bed side. Jae’s body is cold, but his temperature is burning him from inside. He’s having high fever.

Yunho opens his closet, trying to find a thick sweater and cloth. He goes into the bathroom, trying to get a towel. He rushes back to Jae. Jae is unconscious because the fever.

Yunho decides to open Jae’s cloth. We’re both men after all…Yunho thinks. He s Jae’s shirt, revealing Jae’s white chest. He opens Jae’s zipper and all Jae’s clothes. Then, Yunho dries Jae’s body with the towel. He pulls Jae’s body, now it’s leaning on Yunho’s body. Yunho is about to dry Jae’s back when he sees it. It looks like a long time ago, but the long scar is still visible on Jae’s back.

What in the world is happening to him? Yunho asked himself. Yunho decides to ignore his question. He must make Jae warm as soon as possible. Yunho wanted to take Jae to the hospital, but the storm had become heavier. It seemed impossible, even with a car.

After that, Yunho puts some warm cloth and sweater on Jae. He lays Jae on the bed.

“Chun…” Jae gibbered weakly.

“It’s OK. Everything is going to be fine,” Yunho said as he caresses Jae. He knows Jae wants Chun now, but he can’t give it. Yunho just can try to make Jae more comfortable. He takes water on a bucket and then bathed a small towel into it. He uses it to compress Jae’s forehead.

After a few minutes, Jae falls asleep silently. Yunho changes his wet cloth. He decides to sleep on the same bed as Jae. At least, I can make him warmer…Yunho thinks.


The storm had calmed down and the sun shines brightly through the unclosed window curtain. It wakes Yunho up. The first thing he sees today is different than the usual days. It’s the sleeping Jae on his arm. Jae’s expression is better than last night. He’s not trembling anymore; he sleeps so tight, burying his head in Yunho’s chest.

Yunho puts his hand on Jae’s forehead. Luckily, the fever has cooled down. Yunho gets up carefully, doesn’t want to wake Jae up.

Yunho walks into the kitchen, and then he makes the breakfast. It’s a delicious mushroom porridge. He remembers that his Umma always makes this porridge whenever he has fever. The mushroom is always in Yunho fridge. His mom sent it a few months ago, in case he has a fever.

After putting the ingredients in, Yunho stirs it, leaving an indescribable smell, it’s just too delicious. After it’s done, Yunho puts some of the warm porridge into a bowl. Then, he goes back to his room.

Jae is still sleeping. Yunho shakes Jae’s body a little, waking him up.

“Hmm?” Jae asked as he rubs his eyes.

“Wake up! Mushroom gonna grows on your head if you keep sleeping like that~” Yunho teased. He want to cheer Jae’s up. But, it seems it doesn’t work out. Jae doesn’t laugh or smile at all.

“Yun? Why am I here?” Jae asked as he looks around.

“You don’t remember?” Yunho asked.

Jae shakes his head. Jae just remembers that he’s crying so badly at the park.

“I’ll explain everything later. You must eat first,” Yunho said as he put a spoon-full porridge into Jae’s mouth.

“It’s…delicious…” Jae said.

“Then, eat a lot!” Yunho laughed.


“I found you’re trembling and having high fever at the park, so I just took you to my apartment, since the storm was getting heavier,” Yunho said. He and Jae are standing outside, on the terrace.

“Thanks…” Jae said,” I might be really frozen to death, if you hadn’t come, Yunho…”

“Don’t say it like that…” Yunho said as he smiles softly to Jae. It makes Jae comfortable. He always feels comfortable around Yunho.

Yunho stays silent, and so does Jae. The silence eats Yunho, he really wants to know what happened to Jae.

“Jae, what’s happened?” Yunho asked.

No answer. Yunho thinks Jae doesn’t want to talk about it, so he doesn’t ask anymore. When he’s about to open his mouth, changes the topic, Jae’s voice interrupts him.

“Appa…lied, again,” Jae voice came out suddenly and tremblingly.

Yunho shocked when he hears Jae’s voice. It likes Jae is crying. And he’s right, as Yunho turns his sight, he sees the crying Jaejoong for the second time.

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bonsai0911 #1
Chapter 31: Haha jae is lucky with double twins and not 25. Hahaha
Elrhumy #2
Chapter 31: HAHAHA The ending.. YunJae should get quartet then.. Imagined they chased around four hyper little legs... It will be super -chaotic- but adorable family!!! TvT
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 25: Please nooo T_T Jae..
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 23: Well its betrayal Yun had to find out whatever Jae not ready to talk to him in this way, not from Jae himself.. but it seem like there some misunderstanding *sigh*
Elrhumy #5
Chapter 21: Aww its look like snowy winter bring beautiful love life for everyone :D
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 16: Aigoo dont be confused Changmin ah.. you+me=luuub xD
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 14: Aish Yun isnt you had those strong gut when Jae in danger before? please please look for him! *pull hair frustatedly*