
Didn't Expect This

There was a long silent pause after what Amber said to Krystal. Krystal thought to herself Dammit, I love her but not in that way...(Sure Krystal..sure..). Amber stared at Krystal and patted her head gently with a small smile across her face. Krystal felt Amber's warm hand comforting her and then caressing her cheek slightly and then Amber turned the other way facing the wall thinking to herself Do I like Soojung? Should I tell her? No...I shouldn't, she likes Kai and that kiss was just because we miss each other right? Amber's thoughts scrambled as she thought of her feelings for Krystal, but she felt this anxious feeling inside her building up, it was stronger than before, she wanted Krystal for herself, but she can't. Instead Amber faced Krystal and then pretended that it was a joke and she was teasing her.

"That was really weird right Soojung?" As Amber said pretending that she was joking around and that the kiss meant nothing at all.

"We probbaly do miss each other a a lot" Krystal said in a flustered voice.

Before anything went to a deep silence Amber said with a sad look in her face while looking at Krystal becoming sleepy,"Goodnight, Princess".

Amber then shut her eyes and quickly fell a sleep, Krystal opened her eyes feeling flustered and saw Amber sleeping next to her soundly a sleep and without thinking about her actions she gently kissed Amber's forehead whispering to her ear "Night, Stupid".

It was morning already, as usual Krystal didn't want to wake up even though it was 8:47 a.m, but she couldn't feel Amber's presence anywhere so she woke up instantly and ranned down the stairs only finding Amber making an american breakfast.

"Morning Soojung-ah, breakfast is almost done"

"Okay" said Krystal as she ran upstairs freshening up and hearing her stomach grumbling after smelling the scent of bacon and eggs in the morning being cooked by her one and only stupid.

Both of them ate in the living room as Krystal was stuffing her face smiling with joy. Amber could only smile too, watching her friend eating with joy. They ate all of the food, since Amber knew how big Krystal's appetite was, she made enough for 3 fat hungry men waiting to eat a three course meal. Krystal had a satifying face and Amber washed the dishes and headed towards the couch next to Krystal.

"Yah Soojung, what you wanna do today?" Amber asked in a cute voice.

"I dont know, how about we-" 

Krystal phone rang and on her caller ID it put Babe, Amber looked at her and told her to go since she knew it was from Kai. Krystal went into the kitchen and talked to Kai.

"Hey babe want to catch a movie and walk around the mall later today?" 

Krystal looked towards Amber's direction noticing Amber waiting for her to return to the couch, but she couldn't turn down her boyfriend since he asked in a pouty voice.

"Can Amber come along too?" Krystal said in a little kid voice.

"Of course, anything for you" Kai said in a flustered voice making his girlfriend feel happy about bringing her friend that helped him during throughout summer.

"Thanks babe see you in 20 Minutes" Krystal said in a excited voice then hanging up right after Kai could say anything.

"Hey Stupid let's go watch a movie and walk around the mall for clothes with Kai"

"Oh...Okay then"

Amber thought it was just going to be them two, but she didn't mind...or did she? After walking to the movie cinema around the corner near the mall Krystal and Amber saw Kai waiting with three tickets in his hand waving at them to hurry up since he got the time wrong and the movie was already in by 17 minutes. The three hurried and took there seats and watched the movie silently as Amber watched Kai feeding Krystal Mango gummies romantically. Krystal could feel Amber watching and then she stopped Kai from feeding her anymore. She looked at Amber and grabbed a gummy out of the bag as she started to feed Amber one by one making Kai jealous. By the time Kai was about to say something the movie ended, they all stood up and Kai's phone rang while they walked towards the mall. 

"Hello?" he said in a low voice trying to making it seem like it wasn't important, but it was important one of his friends was in the hospital trying to do a back flip off of a stair well. Kai told Krystal and Amber what happened to his friend, he said bye to both of them leaving them alone...together. Amber thought to herself YESSSS with a huge smile on her face, Krystal looked at Amber knowing what her face expression made,making her blush.

"So...what do you want to do Amber?" Krystal said with her face still pink from looking at Amber's expression earlier.

"Anything with you Princess" as Amber grabbed her hand and started walking with her fingers intertwined with Krystal's fingers. Krystal pulled Amber wanting to go and buy a new outfit for no apparent reason. As they walked into the closest store that Krystal liked, she started picking out random outfits and modeling to Amber asking which one looked good on her.

"The denim shirt with black shorts or black shirt with denim shorts?" asking Amber as if she knew what looked good with her or not. To be honest Amber thought anything looked good on her Princess but instead answering back with a brief answer.

" I don't know, both of them I guess..."

Krystal wasn't satisfied with Amber's answer so she pulled Amber in the dressing room with her. Amber looked on the ground and saw how many outfits that one girl could try on and it was a lot, Amber faced the other way while Krystal was changing her outfit. Her heart was racing thinking about Krystal undressing right behind her. While Krystal was undressing she felt embarassed that Amber was in the same closed space with her. This made Krystal undress slowly making Amber unpatient.

"Yah Soojung-ah, why you taking forever?!"

"The zipper is stuck" Krystal said in a low soft voice, even though it wasn't.

"Need help then?" as Amber offered but then getting turned down only making her more unpatient.

"No! I'm fine.." 

Krystal ed her long sleeve shirt and then started to her shorts and making her zipper really stuck, the shorts was really tight so the only way she could get it off was ping it all the way. Krystal thought to herself in that cruicial moment Dammit why now..Amber's gonna get mad, and Krystal thought right. Amber then got frustrated for Krystal taking to long and all of a sudden she tried to turn towards Krystal and help, but her feet tripped over the clothes on the ground making her fall on top of Krystal. Amber stared at Krystal's ed long sleeve shirt revealing her defined abs and black laced bra and her half way ped shorts made Amber's cheeks redden making her thirsty for her princess.



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Frizzy20 #1
Nice story!! Kept me occupied throughout
JusT_k1m #2
Chapter 7: Congrats kryber :*
Poor ugly gay XD
bep510 #3
Chapter 6: Wow that was quick. Not complaint though I love fluff. :)
Chapter 5: Omgg come on amber fight for your love
Sina_neiyz #5
Chapter 4: More more moreeeee~~~~ deadly waiting for moreeeeee.... thanks for the update n next plsssss... soon plssssss
Sina_neiyz #6
Chapter 3: More plssss... thanks for this new fic. .. its great... a good writing... keep it up... goodluck