Baby Baby.

Baby Baby.
"Thank you! You've worked hard for today!" Mino smiled and bowed slightly to the staffs. 
He just ended one long day of photoshoot at a studio with the other WINNER members and he was dead tired. He stretched his arms and legs out, feeling every muscles on his limbs getting pulled before making his way to the bathroom to get changed. 
"Yo, hyung." Taehyun greeted just as Mino was about to step into the bathroom. "Wanna get a drink tonight? I heard there's a special discount at the pub we usually go. Wanna go and check it out after this?" He offered, grinning. 
Mino shook his head before flashing a tired smile, waving his hands to signal that he can't. 
"Eunji is overseas so I have to take care of the kid, remember? I need to fetch him from his nanny after this." Mino can't help but to smile at the thought of his precious son, Jungwoo. "Next time okay?" 
Taehyun chuckled and gave the older brother a light yet assuring pat on his shoulder. 
"If you need help, call us and we'll be there tonight!" He smiled. "If we are not drunk." 
Mino lets out a hearty laugh before jabbing the younger one's side with his hand. 
"Thanks man, but I don't want Jungwoo to see his favourite uncles in a drunken state. It might scare him." He clicked his tongue and winked. "See ya on Monday at the recording studios. I'm having my off day tomorrow." 
"See you, hyung! Don't cry because you miss sister-in-law too much." The younger one teased before running off. 
Mino just smiled and shake his head before heading into the bathroom to get changed. 
Mino walked into this familiar looking building and climbed up a flight of stairs before standing in front of a door that he has been longing to after this long day. He pressed the little white button of the door bell and waited for someone to answer the door. His heart was pounding quickly and he can't stop smiling. Finally, he is going to see his precious kid after a long day of work. 
"Appa!!!" The door swung open and a small boy greeted him excitedly.
He smiled bent himself down to the same level at Jungwoo before opening his arms. 
"Jungwoo ah!" He called out. 
The little boy ran towards his father and hugged his father tightly around his neck, squealing at the thought of being able to go home to play with his father. Mino carried the little boy up with one arm and took his son's bag from the nanny. 
"I hope Jungwoo hasn't brought you much trouble today!" He said, silently hoping that his son hasn't been mischievous today. 
The nanny just smiled and patted Jungwoo's head. 
"He's a very well behaved boy. No worries about that, Mino-ssi." She smiled. "Have a good rest today!" 
"You too! Thank you for taking care of our Jungwoo so well!" Mino smiled and picked up his son's arm to wave goodbye to the nanny. 
He walked out of the building and towards the building he lived at, a few blocks away. Tired from the long day at work, he put his son down and held onto his small hand tightly instead. 
"Appa," His son called out to him as they make their way home slowly. "Can you sing the Chilla Tuna song for me later? I want to dance to it!" 
"Of course! That's Appa's special song for Jungwoo!" Mino laughed and nodded, squeezing his hands lightly. 
"Appa," Jungwoo pointed to the sky and frowned. "Why is the sky blue? Why are frogs green? Where does the bird stay?" 
Mino smiled at his son's sudden explosion of questions and answered them one by one on their journey back home. He loved his son's sudden outburst of curiosity because it makes him feel as if he knows a lot of things in the world. 
"Appa!" Jungwoo screamed and ran across the living room to the kitchen, holding his father's phone in his small hands.
Mino was busy with the takeaways that he have just ordered in the kitchen, unaware that his phone that he left in the living room rang. 
"Appa is busy cutting your jajangmyeon for you to eat later," he said, focusing on his work. "You'll get to eat soon!" 
Jungwoo tips toes and pushed the phone onto the kitchen counter before jumping. 
"Omma called!" He squealed, pointing to the phone. 
"Oh," Mino panicked, realising that his wife called via a video call. 
He tried to moved his phone away to hide the fact that he ordered takeaways for his kid to eat again. 
"Ya!" A familiar scream echoed through the phone. "Song MinHo! You ordered takeaway for Jungwoo again?" 
He flashed an awkward smile before showing her the fork with a few strands of noodle on it. 
"Didn't I tell you not to let him eat too much of takeways? Do you know how unhealthy it is?" She shrieked. 
"Babe, it's only once! I swear I cooked for him yesterday!" He whined, trying to ease his wife's frustration. 
"Appa cooked ramyeon yesterday!" Jungwoo shouted, proud to let his mother know that his dad cooked for him. 
Mino cursed in his head silently before smiling at his wife, who is rubbing her temple with her fingers. 
"Oh, Song Minho." She said through her gritted teeth. 
"Babe, I miss you! Come back soon after your schedules in Japan okay? I love you! Bye!" He hung up on her call quickly before picking Jungwoo up. 
"Why did you pick up omma's call!!" He whined before tickling his son's sides. "Appa is so doomed when she's back home!" 
Jungwoo laughter filled the entire house as Mino continued his tickle torture on his son. After a few more pokes he stopped and placed his son down. Jungwoo took this as a chance to escape before his tired father comes attacking him again and ran away to his playroom. Mino just smiled and shook his head before continuing what he left off. Inside, he was missing her terribly and he was very happy that she finally have time to call him during her busy schedules. He can't wait for her return back home so he could spend time hugging and pampering her. 
"Jungwoo ya," Mino called out as he rolls the matress out on the floor. "Let's sleep outside here tonight." 
"Are we having a camp outside here?" Jungwoo asked curiously as he runs out from his playroom. "Yay!" 
"Yes we are camping here!" He just smiled and place the pillows and some of Jungwoo's favourite stuff toys on the bed. "It's going to be fun isn't it? Appa and Jungwoo's camp!" 
"If omma is here, it'll be even more fun!" Jungwoo gave his father a pouty face while he hugs his bolster. 
"Jungwoo, come here." Mino opens his arms widely, gesturing his son to go to him. 
Jungwoo abandon his bolster and ran towards his dad, jumping into his embrace before burst out giggling. 
"I'm gonna attack Jungwoo with kisses like how omma always do!" Mino grins cheekily before showering his son's small face with kisses all over. 
Jungwoo's shrieks and laughters filled the house as Mino continues to tease Jungwoo with his kisses. Mino stopped for a moment and placed his son on the bed before launching a tickle attack on his son. Jungwoo's laughter filled the room once again as he tries to wriggle his way out of his father's hands. 
After a few minutes of tickle attacks, Mino stops and laid on the bed, panting and smiling. Jungwoo recovered from the attack and rolled up to his father's side, using his father's arm as a pillow. 
"Is it fun to camp like this, Jungwoo ya?" Mino asked, wiping the sweat off his son's forehead with the sleeves of his pull over. 
"Eung!" Jungwoo flashed a cheeky grin before nestling against his father.
Mino smiled contently, happy that his son is enjoying the time they have together. He rest his hands on Jungwoo's back and pats him to sleep, humming a soft lullaby at the same time. After a minute or two, Jungwoo entered his dreamland. Mino lets out a sigh of relief before realising that he couldn't move because Jungwoo is sleeping on his arm. The way he sees it, Jungwoo loves to sleep on his arm. So Mino just smiled and laid back in bed, staring at the ceiling. 
A few hours after midnight, there was a beeping sound made from the doors opening. Mino woke up from the sound and frowned. He didn't expect anyone to be here at this hour since his wife is overseas and his in-laws aren't the type to barge in the house at this timing. Could it be... thief? Mino quickly checked on Jungwoo who rolled off his arm and is sleeping at a corner of the bed. He climbed out of the bed slowly so as to not disturb Jungwoo and crept out to the door to check who it was. 
He spotted a lady in a white tee and a sports leggings taking off her shoes and putting them back on the shelves as if she knew this place very well. He blinked a few times befote realising this familiar backview is someone that he knows.
Someone he knows very very well. 
He smiled cheekily before sneaking up behind her, hugging her from behind. She lets out a small yelp before realising that it was her husband. 
"Oh my god, you scared me!" She whined before turning to face her husband. "I missed you!" She gave her husband a tight hug and quick peck on his lips. 
"I missed you too!" Mino said as he buries his face into her hair, taking in her scent. 
After a few seconds, she pushed Mino aside and went into the house, pulling her luggage along. 
Mino pouted and throws his arms in the air. 
"Is this what I got from missing you this whole week, Miss Eunji?"  He whined softly and followed behind her. 
Eunji ignores him and walked towards her precious little one who is sleeping soundly in the living room. She plopped herself down beside him and smiled as she caress his hair. Mino followed and sat down beside her, looking at her as she quietly admire their son. 
"What about me? Don't you miss me as much as you miss Jungwoo?" he whined softly, puckering his lips. 
She looks down at his lips before making eye contact with him again. She nodded her head and smiled. 
"I gave you a kiss just now didn't I?" She said before turning back to focus on Jungwoo. 
"One more time please." Mino pointed to his lips and smiled sheepishly. 
Eunji, once again, ignored his request and stood up to stretch her tired body. 
"Ah, I'm so tired." She yawned and walks off. 
Mino lies down on the bed, his hands behind his head as he waits for his wife to come out from the shower. 
Eunji walked out of the master bedroom after a while in her extra large tshirt that Mino got for her as a present from Europe and a FBT shorts. He noticed her walking out and pats on the empty spot beside him, gesturing for her to go over to him. Eunji smiled and make her way towards him, nestling against him with his arm as her pillow. 
"You've worked hard, babe." She whispered and pats his tummy gently. "Except for the part when you bought takeaways for him."
He just laughed and pulled her closer to him, feeling the warmth from her small frame. 
He missed her so much that he just want to spend this time enjoying the comfortable silence between them as she rest her tired self in his embrace. He knows that once tomorrow's over, he will be back with his busy schedules and staying over at the studios to make music with the others. 
She, on the other hand, is cherishing every moment she have with him because she, too, knows that her husband is going to be busy once again when Monday comes. It's rare to even be sleeping in his arms after their marriage and she's enjoying every moment of it even though she knows his arm will become numb from this. 
"Babe," she calls out softly before throwing her arm and leg over him as if she's hugging a tree. "Remember when I was first pregnant with Jungwoo?" 
Memories were hooked out from Mino's memory bank and he just chuckled softly at the thought of it. 
"Yeah," he ruffles her hair gently. "And you didn't even realise it despite all the symptoms. I thought you were super ill during that period of time." 
"I even wore heels and danced for like a few weeks." She pointed out. "Luckily, I was quite an expert with heels." She said proudly. 
"Your gym instructor thought you were getting fatter." Mino snorted before giving her a light poke on her side. "Fat."
Eunji frowned and slap his hands away. 
"Shut up." She snapped. 
Mino just laughed and squished her cheeks. He missed doing this to her. 
"Remember when our parents met? Ooh, that was the most nerve wrecking moment of my life." Mino shivers at the thought of it. 
"That was because," She looked over at Jungwoo before whispering softly, "because it was a shotgun marriage idiot. Who's parents would like it." 
"That happened because you... I... we lost control because of alcohol." Mino trailed off and flashed a sheepish grin. 
"But hey, we got Jungwoo, he's the best gift that we've got from that 'accident'." Eunji smiled. 
"The best gift I've got is your love and Jungwoo." Mino said before nuzzling his nose against hers. "I love you. I'm sorry for the times I couldn't be here because of my work. I promise I will make up for the both of you when I'm done with my work." He lets out a soft sigh. 
"It's okay babe," She caressed his cheeks and gave him a reassuring smile. "As long as you are eating well and doing your work well, it's enough for me. I'm sure that's enough for Jungwoo too." 
Mino flashed a smile, feeling grateful to have a considerate and caring wife like Eunji. 
"I love you." The both of them said at the same time. 
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Cute story
Anonymouspanda #2
Chapter 1: ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 1: the most cutest story i've ever read <3
This is a cute piece, authornim! Keep up the good work!
popop98 #5
Chapter 1: hope we get a chorong x mino or a naeun x mino
Chapter 1: Oh my god finally someone wrote this couple a story<3 I love this couple so so so much lmao. And the kids, jungwoo!! I hope there'll be more exciting days happen on them in the future. Looking forward for this<3
Chapter 1: Cute story...good job
Ainur19 #8
Chapter 1: Can you please make a sequel..
Or another story with different man?