
My Love

Eyes the colour of dark roasted beans, hair that shines like the sea at night -the black strands turning white where the lights fall- his lips resembling the bright red rose blooming in the spring and his skin all light peach. To Daehyun, the beautiful man in front of him can never lose in terms of beauty, and well, his heart obviously.





“Hmm?” The male on the bed hums. Flipping to the next page, his eyes flit from one words to another as his mind plays a scene from the page he’s currently at. [The violence inside was almost cartoonish, like the work of some mad impressionist who painted only in red. The tramped grass was bathed in blood, as were the pen’s weathered posts and the stiff white bodies-]


“Yeah?” He answers, feeling gentle brushes of fingers along his exposed arm that would have lulled him to sleep if the book he’s reading isn’t that interesting. [I had to turn away. Others muttered and shook their heads, and someone let out a whistle. Worm gagged and began to cry, which was-] The fingers slowly make their way up to his shoulder, jaw and adam apple before stopping at his collarbones. [“Yeah?” he said sarcastically, trading his wet sweater for a dry one.]

“Daehyuun,” The latter whines, thumbing Daehyun’s collarbone. The touch stirs something in the pit of Daehyun’s stomach. He tries his best to focus on his book, but it’s proven to be difficult with how his boyfriend is behaving. “Daehyun.” The latter whispers and it takes him just that before his mind rebels, refusing to digest whatever he’s reading, his imagination dissolving into nothingness and a deep growl bubbling in as he threw his book away and flips their position; hovering over his boyfriend who giggles at the reaction he successfully evoked. “Hey,”

Smirking, Daehyun leans close, their foreheads touching. “What is it?” He questions, his voice dripping with honey. “You do know it’s supposed to be my reading time.” He states and does not give the other boy a chance to defend himself as he captures his boyfriend’s lips into an intoxicating kiss. Daehyun rests his hand below his boyfriend's ear while the latter wraps his arms around Daehyun’s neck, pulling the male closer till there’s no space left between them to the point Daehyun can feel the beating of his heart against his boyfriend’s.

Pulling away, Daehyun admires the redness of the latter’s lips as soft pink blooms on the male’s cheeks. He looks beautiful. “Youngjae,” Daehyun calls, the name rolling of his tongue so effortlessly and making the boy under him squirms out of shyness. “You seriously need to stick to the schedule.” A chuckle leaves the former’s lips and he caresses Youngjae’s cheeks as they stare into each other’s eyes. “What is it do you want?” Daehyun finally asks, referring to Youngjae’s earlier call for attention.

“Nothing.” Youngjae breathes, pulling Daehyun down; their lips brushing slightly at the close proximity. “I just wanted your attention.”

“You ruined my reading time.”

“Do I look like I care?” Youngjae laughs, his eyes flickering down to Daehyun’s lips making the former smirks in response before Daehyun pecks the boy on his lips and lies down beside the boy with his arms possessively wrapped around Youngjae’s waist. “Can we watch a movie tomorrow?”

“Again?” Daehyun guffaws. It’s been only 4 days since the last time they watched a movie. He feels the other boy slightly shift and looks down to see Youngjae looking at him, silently pleading for a ‘yes’ as an answer. “What movie is it going to be this time?” He sighs, thumbing the latter’s jaw.

“I don’t remember the title.” Youngjae mutters, biting his lips as he tries to remember. “Fanta Beast?”

“You mean, Fantastic Beast.” Daehyun corrects as he tries to hold back a laugh while his boyfriend glares with slight annoyance, muttering a ‘shut up’ under his breath and burrows his nose in Daehyun’s shirt, inhaling the spicy yet sweet smell of the former. The boy heaves a deep sigh and hums in appreciation at the feeling of his nape getting massaged by Daehyun’s fingers. “What time?”

“In the morning, please.” Youngjae whispers, his voice growing smaller as seconds pass by. “Can we go eat pancakes before that?”

“Sure. Just make sure you don’t sleep through your alarms.” Daehyun reminds, chuckling when the other boy pinches the skin around his waist. Tomorrow it is, he thinks. Glancing at the digital clock beside his bed, Daehyun exhales at the red numbers glaring at him. Ten more minutes. He says to himself, not wanting to wake up the boy in his arms that dozed off just a minute ago.

Just, a few more minutes.




Babe, wake up. I’m gonna be there in 10 minutes.



Grunting, the black-haired boy in the bed puts his phone away before rolling to his side. He heaves a sigh and his eyes lazily rolls up, glazing over the empty walls with the remnants of a dream still fresh in his mind. Ten more minutes. He thinks to himself as his eyes slowly drops to a close; his mind going into free fall and swirling with the chaos of a new dream.

However, not long after that, he feels a hand caressing his face and a sweet, sweet voice calls for him. “Youngjae,” He hears. Slowly and reluctantly, Youngjae blinks his eyes open. Streaks of sunlight peak from the already slid open curtains, almost blinding him and causing him to shut his eyes with a hiss. “Babe, you need to wake up.” A familiar voice invades his ears, the deep voice reverberating through his bones and motivates him to open his eyes; blinking once again to rid the drowsiness.

“Ugh,” Youngjae grunts after realizing he slept through his alarms. Sitting up, he drags his legs off the bed and rubs his knuckles onto his eyes while Daehyun watches him all the while with a smile on his face. “Sorry..” Youngjae mutters, stretching his arms above his head before he finally hops off the bed. The white carpet feels so soft under his feet and he sighs before grabbing his towel and enters the bathroom.

Toes flinching as they touch the chilled ceramic floor, Youngjae leisurely walks to the shower; steam filling the room as he cuts the shower on. He feels so lazy to wake up although he slept quite early the night before. By the time he’s done showering and comes out of the bathroom, he sees Daehyun sitting on his bed -a tidy bed- with a tray of breakfast on his lap. “Hey,”

“Did my mom give you that?” Youngjae questions as he walks over to his wardrobe and pulls out some clothes.  

“Well, I offered myself to bring it up knowing how you’d prefer to have breakfast in bed.” Daehyun says, his voice dripping with so much amusement. Youngjae swears the other boy is laughing at him on the inside.

“Shut up.” He scoffs while sliding a shirt over his head and putting a pair of jeans on, not exactly affected by Daehyun’s presence in the room. He ruffles his hair and walks towards Daehyun, grabbing the tray and placing it on the table beside his bed before handing Daehyun the towel. Without a word, he sits on the bed with his back facing his boyfriend and sighs dreamily when the other boy starts drying his hair with the towel not forgetting to massage his scalp occasionally. “Aren’t we supposed to have pancakes?”

“You woke up late, Youngjae. It’s pretty late for pancakes.”

“It’s only eleven!” Youngjae exclaims with disappointment and abruptly turns around which stops Daehyun from drying his hair any longer. “Pleaaaaaaase.” He begs, curling his fingers into Daehyun’s jacket and giving it a gentle tug. “Can we go eat pancakes instead? Please, please, please.”

“What about your mother’s cooking?”

“I’ll eat later at night.”

“You’re going to eat sandwiches and oats at night?” Daehyun asks, snorting in response when his boyfriend nods enthusiastically. “I’m not going to question your weird eating schedule.” He sighs, scratching his nose with the nail of his thumb before getting off the bed, pulling Youngjae along with him. “Let’s go eat pancakes then.”

With his mother’s enlightenment regarding his leave, Youngjae drags Daehyun out of the house; stopping short at the sight of a motorbike parked outside the front door. “Are you serious?”

“What? Did you think I’d come here by walking?”

“Your dad’s going to kill you for riding it.”

“He can try.” Daehyun smugly says, handing Youngjae his helmet and signaling the boy to quickly hop on. Turning the key, he listens to the purr of the engine; solid yet comfortable. “Ready?” He turns, glancing at his boyfriend over his shoulder.

“Yeah!” Youngjae yells, his voice almost drowned by the sound of the engine. With his arms tightly wrapped around Daehyun’s waist, Youngjae leans his head against Daehyun’s sturdy back enjoying the warmth radiating from the latter’s body. The road lies before them like a tarmac ribbon; albeit, one that has worn over time. A white line runs down the center, relatively unbroken. Not long after, they finally reach their destination; Youngjae whining how much his hurts from the uncomfortable way it was lifted up causing Daehyun to chortle as he wheezed the word ‘’, attracting most of the passersby.

“Shut the hell up.” The slightly smaller boy hisses, shoving the helmet into Daehyun’s arms and stomps his way through the café while Daehyun watches the scene with a small smile playing on his lips. Youngjae quickly skims through the menu as soon as he sits, clearly still annoyed of the situation earlier and by the fact Daehyun has yet to say anything. Apologise, dickhead. The boy growls on the inside, his fingers curling into a fist. It embarrassed him to be honest -to have people stop and stare at him before their eyes trail over to his . Daehyun just had to say it out loud.

“Are you ready to order?”

“Yeah.” Daehyun affirms, going through the menu for the last time. “I’ll have blueberry pancakes and he’ll have caramel banana walnut pancakes.” He says, throwing a quick glance at Youngjae.


“Just, mineral water.” Daehyun quickly informs, smiling at the waitress who shyly returns one before she leaves with rosy pink cheeks meanwhile Youngjae can only scoff at the sight. “You okay?” Daehyun’s question snaps the boy out of his stare and he averts his eyes after realizing the latter is staring dead straight at him. Deciding to rebel, Youngjae pretends he hear nothing, simply staring at the plain cream table cloth. Without realizing the minutes that is passing by, Youngjae continues looking at everything else except Daehyun, trying his very best to not falter under his boyfriend’s sharp and dark gaze. The bells by the entrance chimes every few minutes and each time, half of the customers will glance up as the door swings open as if they’re waiting for someone.

Sighing, Youngjae leans back in the seat with his eyes trained on the passersby in front of the café. It’s been quite a while since the last time the boy is able to feel this relaxed. Since their first semester just ended last week, they have at least a month before the second semester begin and Youngjae is going to make sure he spends his days wisely. Or not.

A gentle touch on the tip of his fingers snaps him out of his trance and he turns forward, quirking an eyebrow up at Daehyun who has his head tilted slightly to the left. “What are you thinking about?” The latter asks, his fingers leaving feather-like trails along Youngjae’s hand making the boy tremble slightly under the touch. Holding his voice back, Youngjae bites the inside of his cheeks, his eyes flickering up at the sight of a silhouette nearing them. He tries to pull his hand back only to have Daehyun snatch his wrist; his fingers tightly wrapped, an indifferent look painted on his face.

The waitress from before serves their food and drinks before she hurriedly leaves the table. “Don’t do this.” Youngjae hisses, glaring at his boyfriend who doesn’t look like he’s going to release the former’s wrist. “Let go.”


“We’re in public.”

“Does that matter?” Daehyun questions incredulously, his eyebrows furrowing as he stabs his pancake; the action surprising Youngjae. “You’re my boyfriend anyway.” He says, taking a huge bite of the pancake.

“Let go of my wrist. You can’t eat with only one hand.”

“I can bite.” Daehyun mutters, trying his best to slice the pancake with the side of his fork and successfully doing so afore to shoving the slices into . Youngjae watches the scene with amusement, his eyes round and his heart racing as he thinks about the things Daehyun just said. Although they’ve been together for 2 years, the only ones who know about them are their parents and some of their friends. Considering the fact that this kind of relationship isn’t exactly fully accepted here, it’s not exactly surprising of how careful they need to be in public. Thus, to have Daehyun doing this is rather….unexpected.

Propping an elbow on the table, Youngjae rests his cheek on his hand and stares at their hands. Sighing, the boy tries to slowly tug his hand back; the action alerting Daehyun who instantly clasps tighter as he stops eating and glances up at Youngjae. When their eyes lock over the table, soft expressions surface from their faces and Youngjae daringly holds his boyfriend’s gaze; soft and comforting. He gently tugs his hand so he can properly holds Daehyun’s hand, intertwining their fingers on the table and smiling shyly at the brunette boy sitting across the table.

Without a word, Youngjae grabs a napkin and leans forward to wipe the smudge at the edge of Daehyun’s lips, snorting at how messy the boy’s lips look like. “Eat properly. Don’t embarrass me.” He sighs, dropping the napkin and slowly untwines their fingers before picking his fork and knife up.

“Does this mean you’re not angry anymore?” Daehyun inquires.

“Eat.” Youngjae points, nudging the boy by his foot. With a lazy smile, Daehyun quickly resumes eating, sighing in relief when he’s able to slice the pancakes and actually have a sizeable bite. “We’re going to the mall for a movie after this.”

There it is, Daehyun thinks, smiling to himself. It’s not Youngjae if there’s no request. Well, more like a demand.




“The only seats they have are the ones on the third row from the front.” Daehyun mutters, loud enough for only the both of them to hear as he turns to his left. Youngjae has his arm propped on the counter, a cute pout on his lips and his eyes silently begging for Daehyun to just take the damn seats. “You’re going to complain about your neck hurting if we sit there.”

“I won’t.” B with confidence, Youngjae flashes a smile at the person behind the counter, telling them to quickly print out the tickets. With one last confirmation, Daehyun pays for the ticket while Youngjae runs off to the popcorn stand near the cinema entrance, waving at Daehyun and asking the male to hurry the hell up because he wants the damn popcorn and the smell is so appetizing he feels like a pregnant woman craving for food. “Buy the large-sized one.”

“No. We’re gonna get regular-sized.”

“NO. The large one!”

“Youngjae. You just had pancakes.” Daehyun remarks incredulously, getting pulled forward by Youngjae when the line moves. “I’m getting you the regular one.”



“Awww come on!!” Youngjae whines, tugging Daehyun’s sleeve and the latter sighing while shaking his head. Throughout the whole ten minutes of waiting in the line Youngjae won’t stop tugging and poking Daehyun’s sides making the male flinch and squirm every minute with people watching the scene. Embarrassment flushes over him when he makes one particularly loud squeak which attracts the people around them and he instantly grabs Youngjae’s hands, holding them by the wrist to prevent the boy from doing anything else as they wait for their turn. “You .”

“Yeah, hi.” Daehyun greets when their turn comes, contemplating with himself whether he should buy the regular-sized or satisfy Youngjae’s need by buying the large one. Scratching the back of his head, he notices how the worker behind the popcorn has his eyes trained on Youngjae, a very amused smile surfacing on his face when Youngjae tries to wrench his hands out of Daehyun’s hold. “Give us one large popcorn and two regular coke.” He orders, letting Youngjae go and paying for his order. Daehyun doesn’t need to look at his boyfriend to know the other male has a huge satisfied smile on his face as he stares at the popcorn in Daehyun’s hand.

Upon entering the auditorium; stretching away their view are rows of red velvet seats, gently arched and beckoning them to take a seat. The both of them heads for their seats and without a second to waste, Youngjae delves in the saltiness of his popcorn. Just the right taste. A smile stretches on his rose-pink lips as the taste dissolves before he turns to his left to look at Daehyun who is checking his phone for the last time before it is put away as the large screen in front of them starts playing the advertisements.


“Hmm?” The brunette hums, his eyes glued on the screen.

“Thanks for the popcorn.” Youngjae whispers, looking around him to see if anyone is looking at them before he leans towards Daehyun and pecks the male on the cheek surprising him. “Don’t worry. No one saw.” He sheepishly smiles and continues shoving the kernels into whereas Daehyun is busy covering the huge smile on his face with the back of his hand. He reaches out for the popcorn, gently peeling it off from Youngjae who frowns at the action.

“Don’t finish it. The movie hasn’t started.” He chuckles and intertwines their fingers.

“My fingers are sticky, you know.”

“I don’t care.”

Throughout the movie with the scenes flashing before their eyes and laughter as well as gasps filling the auditorium, Daehyun finds himself staring at Youngjae every so often; loving the way the latter’s eyes crinkle into a crescent shape and how the apples of his cheeks rise when he smiles. How his eyes flicker with worry when the suspenseful scenes come up and how they glimmer with tears during one solemn part. There are times when he just wants to lean in and swoop the boy into an intense kiss and when that happens, he reminds himself that they are in public. Although, the peck on Youngjae’s lips which happens in a split second right after the credits start rolling in takes the latter aback.

Smiling at Youngjae who stares up at him with round twinkling eyes, Daehyun controls the urge to kiss the boy senselessly right there. The sight of the latter’s shiny red lips (after mercilessly getting bitten during the suspense scenes) doesn’t help him at all. Pulling the boy by the wrist, Youngjae almost stumbles on his way down the stairs, the both of them apologizing every time they bump into the people rushing out of the auditorium. “Slow down!” Youngjae laughs, loving the way Daehyun’s lips tug upwards.

Perfumed air, gleaming tiled floor and walls, one wall of spotless mirrors. Youngjae snorts loudly as they enter the washroom located at the second floor of the mall where they spot no one before Youngjae is roughly pushed into one of the empty cubicles, the boy squeaking in surprise and reaching out for Daehyun’s arm by impulse. “Are you serious?” The boy laughs, finding it utterly hilarious at how Daehyun literally made them walk for ten minutes just so they can enter one cubicle without anyone suspecting anything.

“Shut up.” Daehyun growls, nuzzling his nose in the crook of Youngjae’s neck.

“I can’t believe you’re when the movie we just watched was nowhere near anything -worthy.” The black-haired boy cackles, his fingers curling into Daehyun’s jacket at the feeling of hot breath on his neck followed by the tender brush of warm lips on the skin. “Daehyun, someone’s going to come in.” He whispers, feeling himself go red when Daehyun slides his hand around Youngjae’s waist; pulling the boy closer. They’re in a freaking toilet for goodness sake, Youngjae thinks and plans to push the other male, but stops midway when Daehyun brushes his bangs out of his eyes and cups his cheek.

Warmth radiating from the touch and Daehyun’s body kicks all sense of reality that Youngjae just had and he releases a shaky breath as Daehyun closes in and presses his lips against Youngjae’s. Youngjae arches into Daehyun’s broad chest and wraps an arm around former’s neck while the other hand rests below his ear; his thumb caressing Daehyun’s cheek as their breath mingles. “You’re ridiculous.” Youngjae breathes when they separate. The sound of one of the cubicle’s door slamming shut has the both of them jumping in surprise before Daehyun unreluctantly let Youngjae go and peeks through the small gap to see if anyone is outside. He motions for the male to walk out and waits for another minute before he too leaves the cubicle and exits the washroom to see Youngjae covering , his cheeks blooming the colour of spring rose.

“Are you going to stay over tonight?” Youngjae asks, enjoying the back of their hands brush against each other.


“Because mom just texted me saying that she’ll be over her friend’s house for dinner..” He replies, wriggling his eyebrows a couple of times causing Daehyun to push him away, a priceless look painting his face.

“I can’t believe you.”

“I didn’t say anything. You’re the one who thought of it as something.” He retorts.

“Whatever.” Daehyun sighs.




With the sun sinking lower in the sky, the light of day draining away and giving way to the velvety dark of night, the air becomes cooler and the street lamps flicker open simultaneously. Their shadows are now twice as long as themselves and the roaring engine of Daehyun’s bike comes to a drop of murmurs as he stops in front of Youngjae’s house, the latter swinging his legs over and feeling the hard concrete below his feet. “Are you not going to stay?” He murmurs, wrapping his arms around himself as a cold wind breezes past, their hair tousling in the air.

“Do you want me to?”

“You know I hate being alone.” Youngjae grunts, glancing at the time on Daehyun’s wrist watch before his eyes flicker up to Daehyun’s own pair. “Mom’s going to leave in two hours, anyway.” He adds.

“And what am I supposed to do during those two hours?” Daehyun questions, ruffling his hair to rid of the tangled strands and watches Youngjae squirms, clearly trying to think of a way to make Daehyun stay. He is enjoying this moment so much.

“Let’s watch a drama on my laptop.”

“What kind of drama?”

“Drama-drama.” Youngjae snorts, squinting his eyes with disbelief at the implied meaning in Daehyun’s question. “You’re ridiculous.” Fallen leaves litters the walkway, bathing it in green and dark brown, and he steps on them with a satisfying crunch, sniffing at the cold. The temperature is going to drop soon and although Youngjae has no intention of staying outside when that happens, he is not going to enter the house without Daehyun. it. Who cares if he sounds like a needy child. He never likes it when he’s left alone anyway. It’s simply because he feels anxious of being alone in a big house with nothing but whispers in the dark and shadows by the windows. They just.. scare him.

Seeing the desperate expression marred on Youngjae’s face, Daehyun sighs and fishes his phone out of his pocket. He sends a short message to his brother; informing the older male regarding his stay over a friend’s house and gets off the bike, pushing it past the gates of Youngjae’s house and letting it stand near the garage. Upon entering the warm and inviting house, the both of them spot a brand new flower pot to the right of the door, filled with bright yellow and pink chrysanthemums. “Mom, I’m home and I brought Daehyun with me!” Youngjae informs, pulling Daehyun by the wrist towards his bedroom.

Knowing how his mother is probably busy in her room choosing a proper dress for tonight, Youngjae doesn’t bother stopping by her room and shuts the door behind him them before he plops on his bed. “Your mom sounds enthusiastic.” Daehyun points out after hearing the elder humming to melody in her room on their way to Youngjae’s.  

“She’s meeting up with some of her old friends.”

“No wonder.” Following the other boy, he lies on the bed and reverently rubs his fingers against the silken mattress. Pressing his cheeks to the cool, velvet pillow, Daehyun awaits for Youngjae to wiggle his way up to his arms and when the boy does exactly that, he can’t help but to giggle at the sight. He wraps his arms around Youngjae’s waist, pulling the boys closer to him. “Are you cold?”

“Currently? Nope.” Youngjae tiredly answers, snuggling into Daehyun’s chest and releasing a sigh. “Remember when I told you we could watch dramas?” He asks, shutting his eyes momentarily while Daehyun hums in response as he rests his chin onto the former’s head. “I’m actually feeling sleepy. You can grab my laptop from my bag if you want to watch something.” He yawns, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. With his thoughts becoming nonsense, Youngjae feels like he is being drugged; his body dragged into the shadowy world of dreams in less than a minute.

With Youngjae fast asleep in his arms, Daehyun finds himself staring at the way the boy’s eyelashes flutters. His features look more softer in sleep. He looks peaceful and wanting no more than to curl up into the curve of his body, Daehyun pulls the blanket up to their shoulders with his free arm draped over Youngjae’s waist. It doesn’t take too long for Daehyun to join Youngjae in his sleep.




The first few knocks on the door come quietly yet loud enough to arouse one of them from sleep. Peeking over the blanket, the brunette stares for another few seconds before another round of knocks is heard. “Just a moment!” He informs and tries to untangle himself from his boyfriend’s hold only to have the other boy whines as he reaches for Daehyun’s arm and successfully pulls the boy down. “Youngjae, let me go.” Daehyun sighs, thumbing the boy’s knuckles.

“Um-“ Comes a muffled voice.

“J-just a minute!” He stammers as he hurriedly uncurls every finger and jumps off the bed. Fixing himself up, Daehyun throws a glance over his shoulder before he quickly opens the door, wide enough for Mrs. Yoo to see her son in bed. “Sorry for opening the door so late.”

“It’s fine.” She assures, chuckling right after and looking at her son with amusement. All dressed up in her cream knee length dress, her hair tied into a bun and her makeup minimal, Mrs. Yoo looks stunning in Daehyun’s eyes. “I just wanted to tell you guys that I’m leaving now. If you guys want dinner, you can heat up the food in the fridge.”

“Alright Mrs. Yoo. Um, I’ll send you to the door.” Daehyun offers only to have the elder decline politely as she quirks an eyebrow up while her eyes flicker from Daehyun to her son. Understanding the message, Daehyun politely bows at the elder the moment she turns around and descends down the stairs. Remaining at the same spot, he waits till he hears the sound of door clicking shut followed by the sound of car being driven away from the house.

“Daehyun..” A groggy voice calls from behind, alerting the male of Youngjae’s wake from his nap. Eyes flitting from the figure on the bed to the bag by the glass door, Daehyun swiftly snag the bag afore to returning to the bed where Youngjae has himself sitting on his elbows; his eyes half-lidded opened. “Where were you?”

“Your mom just left.” He informs and sheds his jacket off before doing the same to Youngjae who grunts as he is being moved too much. “She’ll probably be back late.”

“Okay.” The boy mumbles. He waits for Daehyun to properly settle himself on the bed and crawls towards the former. “You’re going to stay the night, right?”


“Okay.” Looking down at the boy on his chest, his lips lift up concurrently with Youngjae whose dimples crinkle and a warm glow radiating from him reminding Daehyun of the sunshine. He runs his hands through the other boy’s hair a couple of times making him fall back to sleep. Looking out to the sky through the glass door, the matter charcoal black sky uncontrollably covered by millions of bright specks glitters in Daehyun’s eyes. The moment reminds him of the first time he met Youngjae during winter. The boy was on his back, lying still on the cold hard ground after slipping due to the icy pavement and only stood up after Daehyun offered a hand.

He is snapped out of his trance when warmth surges through his hand and he looks down to find Youngjae slowly intertwining their fingers. With how this is going, he doubts he’ll be able to escape from Youngjae’s hold throughout the night. 



word count : 4995


I was supposed to upload this like.... a couple of days ago after making a promise with a friend but got busy eheh. If you're reading this, sorry mate. On another note, if any of you guys know me (which I doubt) I'm actually JumpHigh, but like I forgot my password and the email I used so ¯\_( ◉ 3 ◉ )_/¯

I don't think the story actually went how I planned it to. I at writing anyway, what's new (∗´꒳`) thanks for reading~~ 

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7__random_girl #1
Chapter 1: This is sooo cuuute. ♥
Chapter 1: This is so precious. <3333
I'm sad I read this now. Thanks.
Chapter 1: Omg this is so cuteeeeeee
I love loveee daejae fluff ♥
Thankyou for writing this~
Chapter 1: I live for sassy bratty Youngjae! Tis is so dem adowable I'm wheezing! Thank you authornim!
daejaebabo #5
Chapter 1: Adorable!!! I love it soooo much!! I'm feeling warm on the inside
Chapter 1: Pleaseee can u make a sequel for this ? Please please pleaseeee
newera #8
pleaaase author-nim make sequel for this. I need more :3
Thabk you for sharing this fic. This is so cute and daehyun sounds so in love with youngjae. I wanna see more of their story :3
Chapter 1: aww this is super cute >< must not be easy for daehyun to deal with such a moody and demanding boyfriend but its so sweet how much he seems to love youngjae and how he's willing to do anything to make him happy (totally understandable though i mean who wouldn't love to pamper youngjae?) ahh i really love this story i wish there was more of it ;;;