When Baekhyuns' brothers interview Chanyeol

Puppy Love~

I'm sorry my ideas are full of duck ;3; I can't think of anything help.

Baekhyun was tapping his slender fingers against his desk, waiting patiently at home for a certain giant to come over.. This is is how it started. It was early in the morning when the still half awake boy clumsily tripped emitting a yelp from his mouth, touching his now sore .. Immediately his two brothers that none of his friends knew because they were in College (also because they would embarrass Baekhyun a lot and be verry touchy :') ran quick as lightning to his room and barged in to shout out "Baekkie~ WE'LL SAVE YOU FROM THAT GIANT WHERE IS HE??? OH you fell we thought you got kidnapped.." Baekhyun blinked cutely not knowing what to say to his weird brothers.. "Well if you need anything Bacon just holler!" After that Baekhyuns' brothers walked out muttering about 'how lucky they were to have such a cute brother..'If Baekhyun would introduce his brothers he would say they were the most handsome men he had ever seen (well except for Chanyeol) . There was his oldest brother Kris, who was turning twenty.. You would think he was the cold guy but Baekhyun knows he's just a little awkward but hell his brothers brag about how hot they are TOO much.. Now Tao, Tao's a fashionable person so you could see how strict he was on Baekhyuns' clothes. But to Baekhyun he's a tall cry baby, who uses his cuteness against Kris..Poor Kris. The puppy like boy thought how odd his brothers were to cuddle him and fanboy and call him puppy..Personally he doesn't think he looks like a puppy. You could say his brothers Kris and Tao were his biggest fanboys.

 Baekhyuns' puppy dog eyes looked outside his window to see Chanyeol yawning loudly while stretching. Baekhyun giggled lightly at that "Hehehe Channie looks funny in the morning.Hhehe his hair is poking up in all directions hmph I wanna touch his hair..Haah! I can ask Channie to come over yay~" So Baekhyun gave Chanyeol quite a scare when he shouted out "Heyy Channiee~ do you wanna come over for lunch? I can make free food!" Baekhyun said convincingly. But Chanyeol slipped over an banana peel that 'just happened' to be there. Quickly the clumsy giant got up and replied quickly with "U-uh yes of course! L-let me just get ready!" Hurriedly Chanyeol got dressed excited to spend time with Baekhyun, but he wouldn't expect to be interviewed instead..

With light happy steps Chanyeol walked next door to knock at the door three times with a happy grin on his face but that went away when he saw who opened the door.. Kris and Tao opened the door with a scarey grin on their faces as they said in sync "Well, well look what we have here~ You must be the infamous Chanyeol our Baekkie has been talking about..Come in, but first we'll interview you if you're worthy of Baekkies' love..No need to deny it's written all over your face. Oh also I'm Kris and this is my brother Tao." Chanyeol walked in to admire how airy the atmosphere was around Baekhyun who walked in to give Chanyeol a sudden big hug while giving his signature eye smile, making Chanyeol feel like he was in heaven. Still in a daze he didn't notice he was still holding Baekhyun up in his arms. Hesitantly Chanyeol put Baekhyun done after seeing Kris' death like grip on Taos' shoulder.

They all sat down Chanyeol aiming to sit next to Baekhyun but Kris and Tao beat him to it. Baekhyun being oblivious to everything just sat down. So the interview started

Kris: So Chanyeol how old are you?                 

Chanyeol: U-ugh seventeen turning eighteen um sir? * Puppy dog eyes, Baekhyun help*

Baekhyun: *Oblivious as a puppy* *Looks left and right*

Tao: Oh, Oh my turn! What college do you plan to go to son? *Fierce eyes*

Chanyeol: Ughh um Yonsei University!..

Tao: Hmm good option that's a good place..

Tao: Now last question and then you'll be free to have fun with Baekhyun. Out of all the countless of suitors that have given Baekhyun presents, expensive jewellery and clothes. Who says your love is geniune and you'll always love Baekhyun?

Chanyeol: I'm hundred percent sure my love for Baekhyun is sincere because when I look at Baekhyun my heart feels like it will explode from how beautiful his smile is, when I look at him it's like everyone else disappears..All I see Baekhyun and I have this overwelming urge to kiss Baekhyun and make him happy, always..

Both brothers eyes widened at how how true and genuine Chanyeol looked saying such words to Baekhyun making him blush and hug him tighter and say "Dummy! why didn't you say that before *snif* *sniff* I've been waiting a long time! I love you too Channie~" Chanyeol hugged Baekhyun closer to give Baekhyun a single peck on the lips as he did that Baekhyuns' lips quivered slightly and suddenly the innocent boy covered his blushing face while squeaking out "C-Channie! t-that was my first k-kiss!" Chanyeol laughed and squished Baekhyuns' cheeks softly while saying "How couldn't I? When you're being soo damn cute~" Kris and Tao felt like were having a heartattack as Tao helped Kris get up as he said "W-what my babys' first kiss, I'm gonna have a heartattack.."



Hope you like this, sorry not prove read!






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I'm sorry for not updating my stories, my laptop decided to to work also I'm feeling verry uninspired ;-;


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Chapter 5: OH my gosh, this is so cute -(^~^)- the feels are real. It's funny when you put 'Heyy!' as the title for the chapters that you're kind of promoting yourself with, because that's my exact reaction.
Chapter 5: this is just perfect
Janely167 #4
Chapter 3: They are so cute (≧∇≦)Can't wait for the next chapter
eppelt #5
Chapter 3: This is so cute, please update soon ^^