Chapter 2

Won't Let Go

The last couple of days had been quite stressful for Jongin. He and Taemin had been hired to choreograph a debut song of an idol, and that was a big step for them. It was a small company that had just started, but still it was a big step indeed.

They were currently trying to get jobs that involved getting connections. They surely had the talent, but still, you don’t succeed just with talent. You need to know the right people to work with.

It had felt great to be given the job, as the Company specifically asked for them, but to be honest, Jongin wasn’t really sure if all the stress he felt was worth it.

Though, deep down he was sure that not all the stress was because of work, maybe the constant recalling of his date with Sehun had something to do with it. After all, he had left the place feeling like a complete douche for friendzoning Sehun as quickly as the other boy told him his HIV status.

Jongin was feeling troubled and he didn’t like that. Yes, he had texted Sehun a few times after the date, but all his texts had been quite short and more on the friendly side.

He would be lying if he said that he hadn’t googled the subject, but he surely hadn't had the time to read it all. Most of the things he found about HIV, were things he already knew, like HIV not being a death sentence anymore and knowing about treatment nowadays that could help a person with HIV live a normal life.

Anyhow, despite his work load, Sehun always managed to infiltrate his mind. Sometimes Jongin wondered if it could be just morbid fascination the cause of it all. He couldn't deny there were many unknown things about Sehun that he would really like to know. Though, most of them he just didn’t have the guts or the right to ask Sehun, and would probably earn him a well-deserved slap from the other boy.

He felt really exhausted, but moreover he was starving so Jongin reluctantly decided to cook something for himself.

He was about to curse and groan for the fifth time when he heard the door open. It was Kyungsoo, which meant he was saved! He could ask his friend to cook something for him in exchange of doing the laundry (which oddly he didn’t dislike that much).

Jongin hastily made his way to the living room, but instead of finding a happy Kyungsoo, he found a disgruntled one, sitting on the couch and with both hands on his face.

“Argh!” he exclaimed, turning to look at Jongin.

“Are you ok?” Jongin asked, taking a seat next to his friend. “What’s wrong?”

Kyungsoo looked quite mad at something. “I had a fight with Suho,” he answered. “He says I’m overreacting but I feel…attacked…somehow.”

“What happened?” Jongin asked again, frowning a little. Kyungsoo wasn’t the type to overreact to things, but the times he did, it was a disaster.

“You know we’ve been dating for like, what? Two weeks?” Kyungsoo turned to look at his friend, who nodded. “Well, we decided to have dinner at his place since Sehun wasn’t going to be there, and we started making out,” he continued. “After some heavy kissing, I hinted that maybe it was time to…you know…have .”

Jongin smiled a little. Out of the three of them (Taemin, Kyungsoo and Jongin), Kyungsoo had always been least comfortable talking about their lives. He nodded again, prompting his friend to continue.

Kyungsoo groaned, exasperated. “He said he was thinking about the same, and just when I thought that we were going to finally have , he looks at me and asks me if I had been tested for STD’s!” He exclaimed.

Jongin blinked a few times, as his mind traveled back to Sehun for a moment. Of course he knew why Suho had asked that to Kyungsoo. “And?”

Kyungsoo looked shocked at his friend’s question. “And? What kind of question is that?”.

“And…why do you feel attacked?”

Kyungsoo opened and closed his mouth for a couple of times. “Because…because, why he had to ruin the moment asking me that kind of question? I mean, I have been like with 3 guys in my life!”

Jongin got it. He knew the trail of thoughts of his friend and why he felt attacked. But also, he knew why Suho had asked that.

“He’s not saying you’re a or anything, Soo,” Jongin tried. “He likes you a lot, and not only as a booty call, I’m sure.”

Kyungsoo sighed. “You know, I called Taemin on my way here. I thought you were busy or something,” he said, after calming down a little. “He told me the same thing, that I was overreacting.”

Jongin smiled. “See? I don’t think Suho thinks of you like a or something. I think he is responsible and reliable, which is good.”

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. He hated to be treated like a small child. He was the ‘mom’, the one who cooked and cleaned, for God’s sake! Why he was like this in stupid themes like ?! “It’s just that…I really like him, you know.”

“I know you do,” Jongin said, patting his friend’s back. “Now, stop being the drama queen we both know you’re not!”

Kyungsoo laughed slightly. “You’re gonna use this against me for forever, aren’t you?”

“Oh, you have no idea.” Jongin laughed. “Now go and reconcile with you prince charming. Call him or something.”

“I’m definitely apologizing,” Kyungsoo said, blushing a little. “And thinking about it, maybe he is right. I mean, I have always used condoms, but I have never been tested for anything.”

“Neither have I,” Jongin whispered to himself.




It was until Jongin and Taemin finished the choreograpy, a few days after the whole Kyungsoo freaking out thing, that he finally asked Sehun out for a second time after debating a whole night about it.

Luckily for him, Sehun had typed back 'yes', agreeing to see each other in that place which served the best bubble tea ever according to him.




The day was cloudy and quite cold, making Jongin think that maybe it hadn't been a good idea to meet Sehun exactly on that day. What if because of him Sehun got sick? The mere thought terrified him.

He was about the  cancel their 'friendly' rendezvous when he saw the other boy enter the place, looking gorgeous as ever, though wearing a cute pink scarf and looking quite ashamed.

"Sorry. I got caught up at work," he apologized as soon as he approached the table were Jongin was sitting.

Jongin smiled and shook his head, indicating that there was no problem at all. "Nice scarf," he pointed out as the other boy sat down in front of him.

Sehun blushed a little and laughed. "It's not mine. It's actually Suho's," he explained, taking off said object. "He forced me to put it on because of the weather."

And there it was what Jongin had feared: not knowing exactly what to say or do. What if he said something rude without meaning it?

"That's very nice of him," he started carefully. "Also his fashion sense is priceless," he added trying to ease the now tense moment, or at least for him.

Sehun laughed so it was one point to Jongin.


Then, the waitress came in to take their orders. Jongin ordered a hot chocolate, while Sehun ordered a taro bubble tea.

Right after the waitress left, Sehun spoke."You didn't tell Kyungsoo," he stated.

Jongin his lips. "It's not my place to tell him anything about you. At least not when I didn't know if you were comfortable with that or not."

Sehun' eyes widened for a moment before he smiled. "Thanks," he whispered. Jongin had no idea of how much his words had affected him. Sehun knew he shouldn't let himself fall for Jongin, but how could he fight his heart when Jongin said stuff like that. He had experienced the bad and the good side of people, and he was glad that Jongin seemed like he had more good sides than bad ones. If only they had met on other circumstances, or years before.

"Don't need to be," Jongin said, pulling Sehun out of his thoughts. He placed his hand over Sehun's and squeezed it a little, with a smile on his face, before placing it back on the table where it had been previously.

"Not like it's a secret. But still that was very considerate of you," Sehun said, looking at the other's eyes.

Jongin shrugged and Sehun proceeded to dismiss the topic.

"So, when I'm going to be able to see that choreo you and Taemin worked so much on?" He asked genuinely excited and happy.

Jongin blushed slightly. "We're not as good as Tony Testa yet, but it is pretty good actually," Jongin answered proudly. Not like he was competing against Tony Testa, but he surely wanted te develop a 'style' like said choreographer he admired so much.

"I bet," Sehun said simply, looking as if he suddenly was yearning for something.

Then, the waitress came in to serve them their respective drinks.

"What is it?" Jongin asked as soon as the waitress was out of sight. "What was that look from before?" He was curious.

Sehun took a sip of his bubble tea. "I was just remembering that I was really good at dancing back in high school," he answered nonchalantly.

"You don't dance anymore?" Jongin was very cautious when talking about Sehun's past because he didn't want to intrude.

The other boy shook his head. "Not really. I haven't danced since I dropped out of college, not even in a club or something like that."

"Oh, I didn't know you dropped out college." Jongin tried, he really did, but before he could close his mouth he asked. "Why?" Maybe he wanted Sehun to confirm what he had suspected.

"I dropped out a few months after I was diagnosed with HIV." And there it was. Sehun confirmed it. "I still regret it, though."

"You should go back, then," Jongin suggested. "Well, I mean if you really want it. I'm just saying..." he rambled a little. "Sorry, it wasn't my intention to...I'm not trying to pry into your life or anything," he tried to clarify. Why, oh why he always ended up acting or sounding like a douchebag with Sehun?!

But Sehun blinked a few times and started to laugh. "Don't worry! I'm not offended or anything," he said. "Actually, Suho has told me the same thing over and over for the past years, but I guess I'm not quite sure what to study..."

"Why? Can't you study what you were studying before?" Jongin asked, before drinking a good portion of his coffee.

"I wanted to be a surgeon," Sehun confessed. "Can you imagine people wanting to be operated by a doctor with HIV?" He asked calmly. There wasn't any hint of anger, bitterness or sarcasm in his tone at all. 

Jongin felt as if he had been punched in the guts and flinched slightly. He was sure he had made Sehun dislike him or at least think that he was an inconsiderate prat. Never in his life, he had felt so ashamed, not even when performing or doing a mistake while performing.

"I'm an , aren't I?" Jongin dared to ask.

Sehun let out a quite loud laugh and shook his head. "You are not, and really, Jongin, you don't have to be so careful around me. I appreciate your thoughtfulness with me, but don't be so stiff, relax a little you know. After all, we're friends and you had no idea."

Jongin felt himself relax at those words and somehow breathing had become easier. "I'm sorry..." he apologized. Then he had a great idea. "Oh! I know! Maybe, if you want of course, I could teach you some moves, or maybe a dance you would like to learn." He suggested.

Sehun thought about it for a second. "Maybe I could take your word. After all I've always wanted to learn properly how to dance tango... or waltz."

"I could teach you both," Jongin said hastily. "Though, tango is not my specialty to be honest."

Sehun nodded happily. "I'm on, then!"

"Just let me see my schedule to see what hours could be the best for us, ok?" Jongin was looking at his mobile with enthusiasm.

"No need to be right now, you can arrange things later and text me," Sehun said, smiling again.

"Ok." Jongin shrugged. Then they fell into silence for a few moments.

"You know," Sehun started. "The first time I saw you I thought you were a graphic designer or something like that," he confessed. "I never imagined you were a dancer."

Jongin smiled. "So, you're implying that I have good taste in clothes." He teased.

"I'm not implying anything. Why on earth your clothes are related with me assuming you were a graphic designer?" Sehun asked half amused and half confused.

"Because obviously, designers have certain 'look'. They tend to look fashionable and good," Jongin explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"The only thing obvious here is that apparently, you are attracted to designers." Sehun retorted.

"I actually thought you were an architect or something. After all you work with Kyungsoo at the Construction Company and he often mentions that he needs to give you papers to supervise."  Jongin mentioned.

"I think cronyism is the word needed here." Sehun half joked. "The major associates of the company are Suho's parents and himself. And Suho had been my best friend since forever, so they offered me a good job after the whole college dropout thing and here I am, a few years later with more experience in the Human Resources field!"

"But, you do like your job, right?"

"I don't love it but I do like it," Sehun answered. "I always try my best because the last thing I wanna do is to disappoint Suho and his parents. They have done a lot for me and I really don't know how to thank them."

Jongin smiled at that, gratefulness was a trait he looked for in the people he liked having in his life.  "That's very nice of you."

Sehun blushed at the compliment and smiled slightly.

"It's kind of the same for me and my parents. They helped me with money to open the studio, that's why I try to work as hard as I can," Jongin said.

Sehun looked down at his bubble tea and smiled. "You’re really a good person, Kim Jongin.”



Author Note: So? You guys liked it or not? Sorry for the wait and stay tuned! 



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Chapter 2: Can you update? This one doesn't deserve to be dropped 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔
boironman #2
Chapter 2: Your story is so cute, I love it <3 Can I translate it into Vietnamese? I'll give full credits. Thank you so much <3
teufelchen_netty #3
Chapter 2: Jongin really is a nice person
Chapter 2: yay an update!!!
Chapter 2: Poor hunie TvT
Chapter 2: I've been waiting for the continuation of this story and I'm really interested. I first read it in live journal good to know there's a more :)
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 1: Wow. What a start ò. O
please soon more : )