chapter 2

First Loves
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Kim Mingyu... Just who are you...??? I th-

"Wonwoo-Hyung! Are you feeling ok? Your face is flushed and you're spacing out!" a junior of Wonwoo worriedly called out to him, and obviously, it was a girl. (a/n: ugh)

"Huh? Oh yes! I am good Sana! Thanks for worrying!" Wonwoo answered with his winning smile. Thank god she went before Mingyu... i don't know anyone else's name after him... Can't let them catching me slip...

"Ok guys! Now let's head to the assembly hall to play some ice breaker games! There isn't enough space here in the classroom. Let's all get to know each other ok?" Wonwoo asked with an 'ok' sign formed with his hands and of course, the winning scrunchd up nose smile. The girls went wild with the fangirling and the boys were disgusted... well... not all... Wonwoo didn't notice, but there was one paticular tan boy blushing and avoiding eye contact with him. Pfft... i love how easy it is to make everyone forget, they're all wrapped around my little pinky. When they reached the hall, they were the first one there, so Wonwoo chose the spot where is the coolest, right under the fan, and soon even the boys in the class were cheering for the great spot. Just how easy is it to get everyone to see the perfect side of me... hmm...everyone's fooled. 

"Ok guys! Now... let's play truth or dare! It's a good way to get to know others as well as try to get people to see you for who you are!" Wonwoo announced.

"Hyung~ Will you be playing too?" another girl, whom Wonwoo doesn't know the name to asked. Wonwoo just shaked his head, indicating a 'no'. The whole class jeered, even the boys! But Wonwoo couldn't risk losing his image. But at the rate everyone was jeering, he couldn't say no. In the end, he surrendered and the class was happy, thus they started the game. It started with Wonwoo since he was the oldest, and he called out to a random person asking, "T or D"


"Have you dated anyone before, and if so have you done IT?" Wonwoo asked with a smirk and an evil glint in his eyes. Spending way too much time with Jihoon made him somewhat like him, loves to embarrass poeple in front of others and loves to torture them. The guy proudly say he did it before with his ex, and he expected people to think he was cool, having done it at 15 or even younger, but instead people were calling him a playboy and stuff like that, and this was exactly what Wonwoo wanted. He couldn't help but laugh to himself quietly. The next person asked and it carried on with Wonwoo dreaming into blank space and that's when a certain tall, tan boy called out to him.

"Wonwoo-hyung. T or D?" Mingyu called out to him. Wonwoo was shocked, he didn't expect anyone to call out to him since after that question, no one would want to. But half of him was happy too, hearing this dongsaeng calling out to him.He couldn't help but blush. Omg...he called me... but i can't risk people knowing my true self by choosing dare...truth can't be too bad though...i could just lie and they wouldn't know...

"Truth" Wonwoo said rather confidently, trying to distract people from his blush. 

"Have YOU done it?" The whole class cheered loudly, so much so that they were disturbing every other class there. Wonwoo was taken aback by the question. He never expected this. Luckily Jihoon was there and he came to Wonwoo's rescue when he signalled for help with his eyes when no one was looking. 

"Won, i need help, can you help me? Jihoon called out rather smoothly. He made his acting so real. With that, Wonwoo left, and everyone had to continue without him. "Thank Jihoonie... They were asking something personal...Thank god we're bothers and you know when i need help" Wonwoo thanked with gratitude. Jihoon just laughed and said," Don't play with them next time. You need to learn to be fierce like me." Wonwoo then explained what happened on how he couldn't refuse them and how he tried to counter it by asking that question when the game started, but Mingyu made the first move. "Hmm...Kim Mingyu... He probably has some 'thing' for you Won! BAHAHA DON"T KILL ME" Jihoon mentioned while laughing afterwards and running away after Wonwoo gave him a death glare before he could even make a move on him. Wonwoo went back to his class and everyone finished the game, so they decided to play Never have i ever. Wonwoo decided to join, not knowing there would be a forfeit if he lost.

"Never have i ever had a girlfriend." Wonwoo placed his last finger down. The whole class was shocked. They couldn't believe Wonwoo never had a girlfriend, but then everyone realised he and another guy lost. They both put their fingers down. The boy was Kim MIngyu. WHAT?! How could he not have a girlfriend before... he is so handsome...and tall...and has the cutest smile ever... and before he knew it, he was drooling, luckily no on saw him. But, then he heard the classmates whispering the forfeit. When they had come to a decision, the whole class was happy and jumping, the girls were squealing even. Wonwoo and Mingyu turned to look at each other, feeling afraid of the forfeit they would have to do. 

"Ok! We as a class, have decided! Wonwoo-Hyung and Mingyu-ssi would have a slow dance with each other, and you MUST look into each others' eye" one of the guys announced. Wonwoo and Mingyu immediately froze on the spot. WHAT THE BLOODY HELL??!! I COULD NEVER DO THAT!! WHAT IN ACTUAL F- and before Wonwoo knew it, his thoughts were cut off by Mingyu put

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hyukkie_vixx_ #1
Chapter 8: omo :O
nabxla #2
Chapter 3: I CAN'T STOP SQUEALING IT'S SO FLUFFY. lookin forward for the updates
Chapter 3: I know I keep on commenting on you story, but THIS WAS SO FLUFFY THAT I ALMOST DIED. LIKE BRUH. thanks for updating often i appreciate it very much :)))
wonhan_trash #4
dodokyungie101 Thx for the upvote:) It makes my heart go boom boom
Chapter 2: This is a pretty good story so far. The only thing that kinda bothered me was that u kept on referring to hyung when the girls were talking, but actually in RL they don't call them that, henceforth oppa comes in, or else they R considered tomboyish. Besides that this story makes me have the feelz. Please keep on updating!
Chapter 1: it's good.. cant wait for the next chap authornim... fighting.. wonu