I'll Be There

I'll Be There


4 weeks into the survival program, most of the teams were finally starting to get accustomed to one another. All the members of each unit thought of each other like family, this applied to everybody but yellow. 

They were the most dysfunctional unit. Every moment spent together was spent in agony, working together only for the sake of giving a good performance, rather than because they enjoyed each other's company. 

They performed well on stage, but the bickering behind the scenes is something the fans will never see. They easily mask their dislike of each other in public, becoming completely different people alone in the dorm. 

The Unit filled the practice room while the others slept at the most undesirable 2:46 AM. The leader, Louoon, stressed that the more they practiced the more polished they'll look on stage. Despite the groans and complaints of the younger members, they still did as he said and woke up accordingly to prepare. 

Choreography. Check. Vocal performance. Check. Costumes. Check.

The members all knew when their cues were and everything was executed well, but it never hurt to be overprepared.

"We're going to run through this a few more times, once we finish, we can sleep in tomorrow, understood?" 

Louoon was beginning to sound like a drill Sargent. Instead of responding or nodding in acknowledgement, the team just began to get into their positions and Louoon the the music. 

He watched over the younger members, judging every detail directly down to their footing and blocking. Even though they were tired, they worked hard to prove they were more than prepared. All except for the youngest, David.

Just before the dance break, Louoon noticed that David wasn't putting in any effort, to be blunt, he looked like he wasn't even trying. 

"David, what's the-"

"I'm tired. That's the problem."

"You say that like we all aren't tired. Do it again, start from Jinseok's rap."

The members knew better than to react to Louoon when he was started to get irritated, they continued to practice until the end, Louoon only kept his eyes on David the whole time. 

"Everybody can go back to bed, except for David. You're going to stay right here until you get it right."

Jaemin sighed in relief as him and the others left to sleep, not even batting an eye at the fact that David was going to get scolded.

"I told you that I'm tired, but you're making me stay back?"

"Why are you being stubborn? Just do it right and we can leave. Get in your spot."

Louoon the music again, he watched David dance and listened closely to how his voice sounded. To be fair, he didn't sleep much, so he didn't expect it to be perfect. All he wanted was for him to give his best. But he could only be patient for so long.

He stopped the music again.  

"How long are you going to keep your head in your ?!"

He finally snapped, and David's face went blank. 

"You're going to bring the whole team down acting like this, are you really that selfish? Do you want someone else to get sent home because you don't care?"

He was writing. David did care about the other members. But he was just so damn overwhelmed, and sleep deprived. Getting yelled at is what really broke him. 

Louoon had never seen the boy so meek. He looked down at his feet and wiped his eyes, trying to hide the tears that were rolling down his face. He finally realized what he's done. 

"I am the one bringing us down. I...i don't practice hard enough...I'll keep trying...I won't let you and the others down. I just feel overwhelmed here...I'm not used to being away from my family, nobody tries to understand me?! I only have one friend here and he's already been eliminated..."

Though he was stern, he was very empathetic. He stood up from the chair and  put both of his thumbs on the younger boy's cheeks, scooping the salty tears away. 

"Why didn't you tell me you were having such a hard time...?" The change in his tone proved that he felt remorseful for being too harsh, he was only 19. In a completely different country with many cultural differences, it must've been hard on him.

"I would've kept it to myself if I could have...Its hard to ignore you when it's just the two of...-"

David was cut off by Louoon's strong arms pulling him into an embrace. He didn't reject it, he just returned the gesture and released all the agony he's been dealing with alone. 

They stayed like this, in complete silence, until David finally felt comfortable confiding in his leader. He was the one to let go first.

"That was embarrassing, hyung...can we keep this between us?"

That was the first time David ever called Louoon anything besides his name. This established that the two now had a much stronger bond than ever before.

"I promise. You're adorable when you cry, how cold I resist that?"

The two went back to the dorm room together to find the other members fast asleep. 

Louoon climbed into his bed on the bottom bunk, only to be disturbed by David. He looked so cute in his pajama.

"Can I sleep with you, hyung? It's storming outside and I-"

"You didn't have to ask."

Louoon's smile was warm and welcoming, he made room for the taller boy who laid in the small bed with him and Louoon covered the two of them with the sheets. David was a lot more vulnerable than he looked, Louoon has to take it upon himself to protect him from this day forward. 

Louoon ran his fingers through David's hair and traced small circles down his back until David was sound asleep. He planted small kisses along his brow, watching him lovingly while he slept. 

They spent every night they were together like this ever since.

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