Lay to Rest (With Me)


If it weren’t for the crashing sound of galactic rock against hard steel, Byun Baekhyun would still insist that he was asleep at home, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, head against cushioned pillow—not a certain someone’s thigh, may he remind you—and the feeling of warm rays pushing through the window’s blinds. 


Wrote this star wars!au (ish) drabble becayse i wanted to relax from all the other stuff i'm working on.  Haven't looked over the grammar mistakes but i think there's hardly any.  Enjoy!  I also posted this on my AO3, you can read it there if such formatting is more ideal:




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1489 streak #1
Chapter 1: these two are so adorkableeee! ahhhh
Chapter 1: Hahahaha awww these two dorks xD so cute