Bonus: Youngjae

When Life Gives You A Cupcake You Gotta Shove It In Your Mouth

       The bonus chapter is finally here! Let's thank the easter break for it!

I hope'll enjoy it!


          “So, what do you think? Do I go with the classic white shirt or go more daring with the black one? Or maybe the red?” there was a pause and more clothes shuffling, “And do I button all the buttons or leave some ed? And the sleeve-” A deep sigh and the sound of a chair dragged across the floor from the other room stopped Youngjae on his ramblings.

          “Youngjae, was it really necessary to bring your entire wardrobe here? And really, why are you asking this things to me? You should have gone to Sumin-ah for this.”

          “But you’re my best friend, Hyung! And tomorrow is my first day and I’m nervous!”

          Looking around the room to all the clothes scattered everywhere with the random candy paper here and there, Yongguk snorted “I wouldn't have ever guessed.”

          “Why are you so mean to me?” he whined.

          With another sigh Yongguk sat on the bed beside the younger and put an arm around his shoulders. “Tomorrow it’s your first day, right? So wear what makes you more comfortable and not something that will make you worry if you shouldn't have wore it. You’ll have more days to be daring.”

          Cooing the younger hugged his hyung. “See hyung, this is why I came to you!”

          “Yeah, yeah. Now go order some dinner for us while I finish my paperwork.”

          “With paperwork you mean admiring the drawings the kids gave you, right?” but before the older could denied it, he was already ordering the take out.



2 weeks ago



          Opening his eyes, Youngjae looked at the clock. 6am. God it was soooo early! Why had he promised to help his great-aunt in her bakery while he didn’t get a job. Ugh.

          Getting up, he went to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for another day surrounded by delicious cakes that he couldn’t eat.

          Once ready, he went to the bus stop and while eating the apple he grabbed last minute, checked his email, something he did everyday (or more like every hour) since the job interview last week.

         To his surprise, he had two emails, both from someone of Dreamedia, the entertainment company he was waiting an answer from.

         Opening the first one, dated that day at 2:35am, Youngjae was once again surprised when the sender turned out to be his (possibly) future boss himself. Fumbling with the  half eaten apple and his phone, Youngjae hurried to open and read the email.


          Sender: CEO Jung Daehyun (ceooffice@dreamedia. com)

          To: Yoo Youngjae (yyoungjae@hotmail .com)

          Subject: Job Interview


Good night! Or should I say morning?

Whatever, I'm happy to tell you that you're the lucky chosen! Hurray!! He he he

Well you were chosen by the hr team at least. Now you must pass the ultimate final test! Dun dun dun~

I’m goin to make you some questions and your answers will dictate if you get or don’t get the job. No pressure!

So, questions:

1- what is your favourite color?

2- do you cook?

3- marvel or dc?

4- do you like to eat?

5- cat or dog?

6- do you like cupcakes?

7- winter or summer?

8- do you like long and boring galas that have free food?

9- do you dance?

10- do you like chocolat cupcakes?

And that’s it! Good luck in answering them right! Heheh





         What the . What the . “What the ?” This had to be a joke, right? What kind of CEO would send this kind of email? What?

          Still gaping like a fish out of water, Youngjae went back to his received emails and, after taking a deep breath, opened the most recent one, not knowing what to expect exactly. This one has been sent at 6:30am.


Sender: CEO Jung Daehyun (ceooffice@dreamedia .com)

To: Yoo Youngjae (yyoungjae@hotmail .com)

Subject: Apology


Dear Mr. Yoo,

Please accept my sincere apology for the email previously sent.

It was wrong of me to attempt to write what should be a serious email after only 3 hours of sleep on the last 72 hours plus the consume of an unhealthy amount of caffeine, and I am truly sorry.

I can appreciate how confused, disappointed and angry you are given the consequences of my actions and the trouble I have caused.

I take full and complete responsibility. It was wrong of me to act as I did. There is no excuse for that type of behavior.

Please be assured that I have taken all the necessary measures so that this type of mistake never happens again.

I deeply regret it ever having happened at all and I am willing to do whatever it takes to correct the situation.

Once again, I am truly sorry and humbly ask for your forgiveness.

Sincerely yours, Jung Daehyun.

         Oh. What the hell. Pinching himself to confirm that he wasn’t just having a really weird dream, Youngjae stood still, phone in hand and what must be the most dumbfounded face ever.

         “Hey, boy! The bus is leaving.”

         Startling, Youngjae hopped on the bus, apologising to the driver who just shook is head and thanking the old lady who called him. She just shooed him and muttered, “Youth this days…”





         Youngjae couldn’t believe what his eyes were seeing, there, sitting beside him on his great aunt’s bakery, was the boss that he was going to meet in a few hours. He was exactly like the photos he had seen on the internet, just a little less composed.

         Don’t knowing how to act in a situation like this, he stood still hoping to not be acknowledged at least until he had something smart and proper to say. The way the other man talked with his aunt left the impression that this wasn’t a rare occurrence, which made Youngjae regret staying in the kitchen when he helped his aunt.

         When his aunt left a chocolat cupcake in front of his boss, he had to make a conscious effort not to laugh out loud when that made him remember The Email as he came to call it. Picking up his coffee to moisten his dry throat, Youngjae mentally prepared himself to at least say hello when his boss just grabbed the cupcake and shoved it into his mouth. In one piece. He couldn't control the gasp that left his mouth and caught the attention of the cupcake-eater.

         Looking like a deer caught in the headlights, the cupcake-demolisher, his boss, just swallowed and ran. Literally.




A week later


          It has already been a week since Youngjae started to work in Dreamedia, and he was loving it.

          His co-worker was an amazing woman, funny, professional and patient all at once. And, even if it was a little unprofessional, he loved to tease his boss. But just a little.

          So to celebrate the good start, he and Yongguk were going out for dinner. While waiting for the waitress to indicate their table, Youngjae heard his friend sigh and, looking in the same direction, he found none other than his boss and his “best friend” (he wasn’t certain what kind of relationship they had, but they were close). Seeing as the way the waitress was guiding them would make them pass by their table, he decided that he would at least say hello.

          “Hey boss, nice seeing you here.”

          “Youngjae! Hello! What a coincidence, you have to be careful or I will start to think you’re stalking me.”

          “Nonsense, if that was the case I would have followed you home at least twice this week.”

          “Anyway, where are your manners? Aren’t you going to introduce your friend?”

          “Oh! This is my friend-”

          “Mr. Bang.”

          “Mr. Kim.”

          So Yongguk and Himchan knew each other. That’s something he didn‘t know.

          “Right. Mr. Bang Yongguk, as I was saying, my friend.”

          Daehyun still looking from his friend to new acquaintance and their not that pleased expression, said, “Well nice to meet you Mr. Bang.” breaking the stare contest the two older men had apparently been in. “Have a nice dinner.”

          “We will boss, see you Monday at breakfast!”. That left Daehyun fuming and Youngjae grinning. Ah~ How he liked to tease his boss. Just a little.



          “So…. You and Mr. Kim…”

          “Stop. He is that guy I told you about.”

          “The one that is always late to get his kid?”


           “Aaaaaah. No fun. I thought that there was a more interesting story. Like an one-night stand, or an unknown ex-fiance.”

          “Youngjae.” the older said in a warning tone.

          “Fine. Not talking about how he is so your type- alright! No need to threaten me!”



          Dinner finished, both friends went to the front of the restaurant with the intention of paying their tab. A little after being there waiting for their turn, his boss and his friend appear behind them. It can only be fate though Youngjae, grin already in place.

         “Oh Boss of mine, if I didn’t know better I would though you’re stalking me.”

         “Stalking you? Why would I do that when there are so much better things to do.”

         “Like eating cupcakes?” the younger said while trying to look innocent.

         Grinding his teeth, Daehyun gave him a strained smile and said, “ I don’t know what I would do to you if you weren’t so cute.” pinching the other’s cheek. Realizing what he had just done, Daehyun took his hand away and felt his face burn, eyes locked with the owner of the cheek his hand just got acquaintance with.

        A cough broke the awkward stare, “Why don’t you go walking to the car and I will catch you in a few minutes. You drunk too much wine and need to cool down.

         “Y-yeah, you’re right.” clearing his throat Daehyun without really looking at the other, said, “See you Monday, Mr. Yoo.” and just ran away.



         “You didn't tell me you and your boss were that close.”

         “Ah, well he hasn't been that close until now, so. I probably too much” he laughed embarrassed.

         Sighing, Yongguk looked at his friend with a disapproving face. “You have a good job, Youngjae, don’t ruin it with meaningless flirting.”

         “I know! I know, alright? And it’s nothing like that, we just have a professional slash casual boss-employee relationship…”

         “Just think on what you’re doing.”

          “I am Hyung.” I am.



          Youngjae didn’t know if things were going to work out in his new job but one thing he didn’t doubt. It was never going to be boring.


Did you like Youngjae's pov? I hope I didn't disappoint anyone~

Question: would you like to see a continuation? Maybe to learn more about how Himchan and Yongguk met?

Comment what do you think!


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Blue82 #1
Chapter 2: Continue pretty please with bishies and candy and unicorns as bribes for the wonderful author.
Chapter 2: This is awesome!! I wouldn't mind a continuation!! <3 <3 <3
Karly155 #3
Chapter 2: Thank you for the bonus chapter! I would love to read more!
supersz99 #4
Chapter 2: Yes yes yes more more and more. Banghim and more fluff daejae XD
Chapter 2: Of courseeeeeee I'd love to read more banghim and daejae too! You really have something going here, it'd be nice if you could write a chapter or two more ^^
Chapter 2: I love it♡ really!!!
Oh god, yes~ I want a sequel :3 can't wait to read it hehehe ^^v
Chapter 2: Woot Woot!! Daehyun likes Youngjae too much xD
And his email was so funny xD
Up to you if you want to write another chapter on banghim. I will read it lol ^^
Chapter 2: awwww i love it ♡♡
can't wait for more
Chapter 2: awwww i love it ♡♡
can't wait for more
yellowrere #10
Chapter 2: yes please ! a sequel would be perfect and i also to know more about banghim .