looking for roleplay partners — straight


About me.
I roleplay as ikon's kim hanbin. I'm dominant, or a top. But maybe I'll let my partner top sometimes, depends on the situation. I usually do nonau plots, but if you're interested in au, as long as it's not too weird, I'm okay with it and willing to try it out. I mostly write in 3rd pov and depending on your style, I can do from descriptive action to literate. I'm a GMT +8 though I don't mind your timezone, a lot of us don't sleep early at night anyway, specially during vacation. I only roleplay in kik.

Looking for.
A female muse, I don't feel very comfortable roleplaying with another dude. But if there's no romance in the plot, why not? But I'll just emphasise that I only do straight roleplaying. I prefer my roleplay partner to be semi-lit. Lengthy replies take time but the quality is there.

If you're interested leave a comment below or message me in kik directly.   username id: (   hajima_   )

Your muse:
Plot: ( if you have one right now, or we can just discuss it afterwards )
Kik ID:

! Important note: Some of you already know me because I used a friend's account before this. You'll know if you're roleplaying with me already with my kik id !


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MatsuoMiyuki #1
Hello there. I'm interested.

Your muse: Jiyeon from T-ARA
Timezone: GMT +8
Plot: We can discuss it later at kik
Kik ID: Jiyeonnie93
mistytee #2
fc: jessica jung.
tz: gmt+7
plots: any. i'm seriously open to any suggestions or any ideas that you have in mind. i'm a pretty easy-going gal.
id: wild.jpg
fc: yeri
tz: gmt+ 8
plots: i like it spontaneous but we can discuss on one
id: milkeclair
snowfl0wer #4
Are you still looking for a partner? My current muse is Seolhyun.
sseulsk #5
muse: bae suzy
timezone: gmt +8
plot: im not so good with plots. i like it spontaneous but if you want we can work on one.
kik id: szy.
Your muse : Joy of Red Velvet
Timezone : gmt+7
Plot : Every morning, muse A sees muse B sleeping on the train and muse A always drops a note in muse B's lap before getting off at his/her stop. But today, muse B is awake.
Kik ID : dddd.s