Okay, so sup?
As you've probably noticed it says 'PART I' as well as the chapter title.Well, that's because I got to carried away whilst writing this chapter and thought:
'Hey, I can probably do this all really quickly in a few days.'
It took me ages to write this and get it the way I want to and I'm not even through with the bloody chapter - it will take a while.
Trust me. I'm working on it. Okay?
Anyways, enjoy this and hopefully I'll have a few more chapters up before the end of this month (NOT BLOODY LIKELY I'M TELLING YOU AND IT'S ONLY THE 7TH DAY)
So yeah, enjoy?


Sehun couldn’t help but grumble as he was led by Chanyeol through busy streets that he wasn’t bothered to memorise. “Hyung,”

Jesus, another bend and…. another street, my life. He couldn’t help but think.

“Where are, we going?” His feet were aching and he wanted to stop and sit but the parasite that was clinging to his arm kept dragging him forwards.


“We’re going to meet a friend of mine.” Chanyeol answered, his grip on Sehun’s arm never wavering.

“A friend? You have friends?”

The only outward inclination that Chanyeol showed to the comment was the tightening of the grip around Sehun’s arm and the widening of his smile. “Yes,” His voice too chipper and loud, “I have friends, this friend I met online and-”


“Wait. Did you say met online?”

Chanyeol turned and nodded his head before turning back to face the direction he was walking. “Hyung!” Sehun’s voice had risen an octave after the confirmation, “he could a , or an old man, a serial killer…. A serial killer and !” Sehun kept listing of possibilities that the unknown friend could be when Chanyeol stopped him.


“Calm down.” Chanyeol winced as Sehun glared at him, “I’ve talked to him, he is a really nice guy and we’re meeting up in a really crowded filled place, so if he does do anything there will be witnesses.” They had stopped walking and Chanyeol had placed his hands on his younger siblings’ shoulder, trying to comfort him.

“That’s great and all,” Sehun started and Chanyeol beamed at him, “but he still could be a kidnapper.” Chanyeol’s smile wasn’t as bright as it was before but it still held under the youngers scepticism.

“We’ll be fine.” The teasing tone did nothing to lift Sehun from his mood so the other carried on walking, sometimes turning his head to smile at his younger brother only to be met with a glare.


Chanyeol couldn’t help but sigh.

Today is going to be a long day.

Glancing at Sehun again he couldn’t hold back the urge to shiver. Not because of his brother’s glare (though that was icy in its own way) but because of the way the wind had picked up in the last few minutes.


“-hyun, Baekhyun!”

A voice, there was a voice calling out to him. “Byun ing Baekhyun!” The voice carries on, “wake the up!”

There were hands on his person, they were shaking him. Trying to reach out to him and take him away from the warm bed.

“That’s it.” The footsteps of the person could be heard as they made their way across the room, a door opening with a loud creak but Baekhyun didn’t care.

In the depths of his sleep filled mind, he registered that the door hadn’t been closed.

Ignoring the thought, he cuddled into his bed, the duvet securely cocooning him.

He was on the brink of unconsciousness, when his brain registered footsteps coming closer to his bed.

He ignored it and continued dozing blissfully unaware of the threat lingering above him.


Kyungsoo glared hatefully at his brother, the boy was still in bed. Dozing happily as if he wasn’t about to get a bucket full of water dumped on him.

His mouth contorted into evil smirk #5 – one that he specially saves for Baekhyun – as he lifts the bucket and dumps the water.

He continues smirking as Baekhyun springs up. Water dripping from his skin and hair.

His eyes shift around the room madly before they settle on Kyungsoo.

He imitates a fish as his mouth opens and closes soundlessly, his pointer finger shaking in embarrassment or rage, no one will ever know.

“Y-you what did you do?” Baekhyun stutters, rage making his body shake.

“Why,” Kyungsoo teases, smirk #5 changing to #8, “I just wanted to help you.” His eyes rake over Baekhyun’s wet form, amusement clear on his face. “See, I helped you take a shower.”

Baekhyun growls at the pure bull Kyungsoo just spouted but before he could say anything, Kyungsoo is gone.

“You might want to come down for breakfast!” A voice calls from the hallway.

Baekhyun shouts some words back at him that has his mother walking into his room, grabbing him by his ear and taking him to apologise to Kyungsoo.

It seems like breakfast in the Choi household is as lively as always.



“I hate you.” Baekhyun turns back to his pancakes, stabbing them with the force of an angry teenager.

The lights in the Choi family household flicker and all members except Baekhyun stare in shock.

“What’s wrong with the lights?” Kyungsoo questions, turning to face his mother and father.

“Nothing.” His mother answers quickly, her voice quivering, “There is nothing wrong with the lights, they probably need to be checked by an electrician or something.” She looks at Kyungsoo’s plate, “Eat your food.”

Kyungsoo stared at his parents weirdly before nodding and going back to his plate, however he did give the lights one quick look. They were stable now and no longer flickering rapidly.

“What are you talking about?” Baekhyun had stopped stabbing his food and was now wolfing it down.

Kyungsoo opened his mouth to say something but his mother beat him to it.

“Nothing, I already told Soo that. Baek you need to concentrate.” He nodded at her before going back to his plate.


The atmosphere around the table was tense and no one knew why it had become like that.

However, to Kyungsoo it was just what he needed. He loved his family, really but they’re too loud and silence like this is rare. Even if it was an awkward silence.

He was bathing in the quietness and silence when his father had to break it. Glaring at the man, Kyungsoo listened to what he had to say.

“Me and your mother are going out today.” Kyungsoo sighed at the forwardness of his father.

“And you needed to tell us why?” Kyungsoo couldn’t help but ask, his eyebrow raising at the prospect of teasing his parents. His father just shrugged at the question before standing up and depositing his plate in the sink.

“Get ready honey.” His father called as he disappeared up the stairs, “We wouldn’t want to be late.”

Turning to their mother both boys watched as she to stood, deposited her plate and left for the stairs, her face red at the affection their father emitted.



“Do you think he noticed?” Mrs Choi asked as she joined her husband in their bedroom. He gave her a blank look, “The way we were acting when the lights started flickering, do you think, they think, that we know something about that?” Her voice had risen an octave and she was grabbing onto her husband’s shoulders for balance.

“God!” Her husband whisper yelled at her, for the matter they were discussing about was private, “It was just lights flickering, Marilyn. I’m sure they wouldn’t worry about that. The only thing worrying is the way you reacted Kyungsoo definitely noticed.” James, turned back and started fiddling with his tie.

“I know,” Marilyn sighed, “I’m just feeling really jumpy today. I don’t why, do you think it’s a good idea to leave them alone for a whole day?” James turned back only to find his wife pacing the room, her hands brushing against each other.

“They’re teenagers, they’ll be fine and they will call us if an emergency arises.” He walked towards his wife and wraps his arms around her, his hand rubbing up and down her arm, “It will be fine, everything will be okay and we’ll come home to our boys safe.”

She jerks her head forward and he lets go, “Now help me put on this goddamned tie!”



“Bye mum!” Marilyn waves to her sons and shouts back to Baekhyun before entering the car.

Both boys watch their parents drive off and return to the house. “What should we do?” Kyungsoo glares at that question, “Ooooh! Let’s have a PARTY!” Baekhyun was grinning widely at his idea when he felt something connect with the back of his head. “What was that for?” He glares back at Kyungsoo and is in turn subjected to the sight of his brother’s blank look.

“Mother left some chores for us. Don’t give me that look! They’re out for the whole day, someone has to maintain the house while they’re gone.”

Baekhyun groans at the prospect of doing work, manual work. Wasn’t getting out of bed enough for one day?

“What’s the first on the list?” Baekhyun is leaning against the counter, his pout still visible, eyeing Kyungsoo suspiciously as the other checks the list.

“Gardening.” The reply came quickly and Baekhyun pouted as he followed out into the backyard behind Kyungsoo.

“Gardening? Isn’t that like one of your super-powers? You’re good at gardening.” Baekhyun comments as they come out of the shed holding/carrying everything they’d need for the first task.

“Really? Thanks.” Even though Baekhyun was behind him, he could totally hear the smile in Soo’s voice.


Mission accomplished, now I just gotta get him to do it for the rest of the day!

Baekhyun blissfully follows Kyungsoo to the area that was specified and is completely ignorant to a set of eyes watching them from a distance.



Chanyeol couldn’t help but sigh again, they’d arrived at the meetup designation a few minutes ago, and during the 10 minute, journey from the bus stop and including the few minutes they’ve been waiting, Sehun’s glare had not given up. If anything, it seemed to get harder, colder and more threatening.

“Hyung,” Sehun’s barely there voice brought him out of his reverie, “he hasn’t arrived yet. You’ve been stood up,” Chanyeol could only stare as his brother gave him a pointed look, “by an internet friend.” The younger boy made to stand, “I really think we should leave.” He was standing now and had come face to face with a random stranger. “Who’re you?” Sehun questioned, stepping away from the weird guy that came from nowhere.


“Me.” The guy pointed to himself, “I’m the internet friend.” Chanyeol jumps up in happiness, his smile giving off radiations of warmth.


“Really!” He grabs the others hand and can’t help but shake it, fast. “I’m Chanyeol!” The other gives him a weird look. “I’m Big-Eared-Giant! And you must be IWFASO!”

He turns to Sehun to introduce IWFASO but stops when he notices the disgust on his brother’s face.

“IWFASO?” Sehun’s face twitches as he said it, the unnatural thing, not a name – a thing, roles off his tongue in a dastardly way.

“Yeah!” Chanyeol’s head rapidly moves up and down, “it stands for: I-Work-For-A-Secret-Organisation.” Sehun watches in fascination as his brother gestures for the other to sit down.

“Now that you know my name, can you tell me yours?” Chanyeol stares at the older male, “You said you’d tell me if we showed up and we have!”


They both watch as IWFASO cautiously looks around the area they’re in to see if there’s anyone listening in to their conversation. “You…want my name?” At this Chanyeol nods his head like an eager puppy. “My name.” He started and Sehun studied the man. His eyes started to wander and he constantly fiddled with his shirt. “My name it’s a very private, confidential matter-”


“Why?” Sehun couldn’t deal with this delaying and decided to take matters into his own hands. The guy glared at him and Sehun glared back – the man was getting on his nerves.


“I was just about to get to that.” The man hissed at him and Sehun couldn’t help but compare him to a snake. He cleared his throat, “What I’m about to tell you is private – if word gets out about this we will hunt you down.” He stared at them intently, as if making sure they were the right people to trust his 0h-so-goddamn-important secret with. “I uh…I work for a secret organisation called the…” the man slides a card across the table, and Sehun his brow – what the ?

He picks the card up before Chanyeol and scans its contents his face changing to that of confusion.


“So,” he starts looking over the card, “you work for ESM –”

“It’s pronounced ES-M so like without the E.” Sehun glares at the intrusion but carries on like nothing’s happened.

“You work for ESM.” At this he looks at the man, “which stands for Extra-terrestrial Space Mutators.” He puts the card down. “Do you seriously expect us to believe you? And even if this is true it just proves that you are actually creepy because your company goes around mutating aliens!” His voice spits fire as he eyes the other critically.


The other man shakes his head. “I knew it would take more to make you believe.” He stands and makes for the door, “Come with me, I will show you that what I’m saying is true and I will tell you my name.” At the last part – he glances at Chanyeol, who can’t stay still.

His hyung gets up and starts to follow the man when Sehun pulls him back and whispers in his ear: “Hyung. Don’t go – we can’t trust him.”

Obviously, the other doesn’t listen to him and Sehun can only sigh in defeat as he follows Chanyeol out.




“Hyung.” Sehun grits out, his eyes trained on the man who just revealed he worked in a ing secret organisation. “I still don’t think this is a good idea.” They – or Chanyeol follow the man as he turns onto a deserted street and Sehun can feel butterflies in his stomach – they’re fluttering harder and faster as they move further down the empty street.


“Stop worrying,” Chanyeol waved him off as he ran to catch up with the guy, Sehun followed his lead. “Dude,” Sehun glanced up to take in the sight of Chanyeol wrapping his arms around himself and shivering, “the weather said it wasn’t going to be cold but with this wind you’d think we’re still in December!”

“Really.” Sehun looked at him before looking around, “I don’t know what you’re talking about – it’s not windy at all let alone chilly.” Chanyeol made a weird face at him before turning back to ask the weird guy questions. “Where are, we going?” Sehun calls out and the other two stop. “If you want to tell us your name, you can tell us now. We are literally the only people on the street. Well except for that van that’s been following us for the past few minutes.” Sehun jerked his thumb towards the approaching vehicle, “I’m pretty sure it’s yours or part of your ‘organisation’,” he used his fingers to emphasise the word organisation.


The guy nodded before beckoning them closer and Chanyeol immediately moved towards him, apparently having no concern to whether the man would like his personal space being invaded or not. Sehun couldn’t help but look back – at the van and was startled at the proximity. It had travelled the long distance between them within a few seconds, the . His eyebrows furrowed as he continued staring at it before Chanyeol tugged him over and his concentration wavered.

They huddled together and the man began to whisper, “So as I’ve told you my name is very confidential and after I’ve told you, you guys should not repeat it or tell anyone else what it is. Okay?” At Chanyeol’s nod he continued, “It’s stated in the rule book of ESM that our names hold power and in no way, shape or form should we let others outside know our name and our position inside ESM. Not even under the worst of circumstances.” He was about to continue when Sehun cut him off again in irritation and when a cold gust of wind blew by them.

“Just tell us your goddamn name – I feel like your stalling for time or something…” Sehun trailed off as he saw the man send both him and Chanyeol a wicked grin. He was going to ask what the would have him smiling like that when he felt a painful tug in his hair.

They pulled him towards them and he felt something being pushed against his nose and mouth. He knew what was going on – he’d seen it in movies. All he had to do was not breather it in. However, that was easier said than done as another painful tug at his hair caused him to gasp and inhale the drug. He started to feel dizzy and drowsy. His body started responding against his attacker slower and somewhere in the distance he could hear Chanyeol’s voice calling out his name.


Chanyeol’s throat felt raw and his heart empty as he watched his lethargic brother be gagged with the rag still firmly pressed against his mouth and nose. His, Chanyeol’s hands were restrained by another man – this one bulkier than the other and his gaze travelled to his friend. He couldn’t ing believe it – of course Sehun was right. These people were kidnappers. “How – how…could..YOU! HOW COULD YOU –”

Whatever he was going to say was cut off by something – probably a rag – being pushed against his mouth and nose and another lay of cloth that circled around his head being tied. He guessed that it was a gag, they used it to keep the rag in place, just like with Sehun. Someone grabbed his elbow and he instantly flinched. The man that had lured them here laughed and Chanyeol turned to glare at him as he was dragged towards the same van. His glare started losing force though as he became more tired and dizzy; the world around him moulding together.


“Whew.” Baekhyun mutters as he wiped the sweat from his brow. It was lunch and they had gotten through most of the list before then and were now sitting down enjoying some instant noodles – because Kyungsoo said he would rather be fed to a minotaur then actually cook lunch for Baekhyun.

It had been a tiring day and now the only chore left was to tidy the shed. Baekhyun had no idea why they didn’t do that before gardening but Kyungsoo, apparently, has this thing where everything must be completed in the exact order that it was written down in.

“Stop eating like a pig!” Kyungsoo glared at him from the opposite side of the table but Baekhyun just ignored him and stood up.

“I’m done!” He grinned at Kyungsoo before heading towards the garden, “I’ll see how bad the state of the shed then go pick out some cleaning supplies. I’ll meet you there.” He grinned wider before skipping away, to the shed.


The fresh air hit him like a ton of bricks and Baekhyun had to squint his eyes, when did it get so goddamn windy. Ignoring the unnatural wind for now, Baekhyun started his trek towards the tiny shack at the end of their garden. For unexplainable reason, his eyes would shift around him and assess his surroundings. He caught himself looking behind him a few times and had to berate himself. He was literally walking to the shed – what’s so creepy about that?

Finally, he reached the worn-out structure and flung the door open, it made a creaky squeak – like all old doors do – and collided loudly to the wall. The shed was messy and Baekhyun had no doubt that them, rummaging through it didn’t help.

He was about to close the door and go looking for the cleaning supplies when a shadow of movement caught his eye. He turned his head so fast in the direction that it was surprising he didn’t get whiplash. But when his eyes locked in on the corner he couldn’t see anything except tools, dirt and the occasional mouse. His body angled towards the door and his eyes strayed around the see-able area – he was about to write it off to paranoia when his eyes zoned in on the shadow of a man.


Do I go closer, Baekhyun trembled as he stepped closer to it before immediately turning back, no this is how characters die in horror movies. He opened the door when a stray thought hit him, what if Kyungsoo? What if Kyungsoo notices and goes to check it out? Would I want to put him in danger?

No, he scoffed silently, obviously, he didn’t want to put his brother in danger.

So, his brain supplied, check it out.

And check it out he did. He crept closer and the shadow flickered, he instinctually flinched back before resuming his pace forward.

Standing in front of the shadow his head turned sideways rapidly trying to see what was creating it. He looked back to the shadow and was surprised to see it no longer there. Shrugging, he made to move back when he felt two hand grab his shoulders.


“Don’t move.” It hissed, Baekhyun struggles in its grasp and the thing whisper hissed again, this time right beside his ear. “Don’t move.” He stiffened, the thing breathing onto his neck before jerkily imitating a nod and becoming still. “Good.”

That was the last thing he heard before the back of his head erupted with pain and his vision started swimming.




Kyungsoo frowned as he stepped out to the garden, just a few minutes ago, the wind had been raging and now, it was like it was never there. He hadn’t seen leave the shed or enter it while he was washing the dishes, which meant that it was his first destination.

Walking down the path, he noticed that the shed door was wide open and from what he could see it looked like a mess – no cleaning had started. So, he changed course and headed for the garage. When he reached the specified area Baekhyun wasn’t there but there was a piece of paper lying contently on the floor. He walked towards it and picked it up, noticing that it was one of the horrible drawings of a colourful tree that Baekhyun drew when he was younger.

He was so absorbed in the memories that he didn’t notice anything until he was pushed to the ground with strong arms holding him in place and the covering of cloth that restricted his eyesight.

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