Crash Land


“How did this happen?” Yongguk asks, walking around aimlessly in circles. The other boys with him shrug and go back to helplessly staring at the setting sun.


A few hours earlier…


“Daehyun,” Jongup shouted from the living area of their spaceship, “Stop eating!”

A grunt came out of the are called the ‘kitchen’ and the door slid open to reveal Daehyun. He was stuffing his face with food and Himchan cringed, watching as the crumbs fell on the polished floor.

“ off,” Daehyun spat, eating the other slice of the intergalactical pizza he found in the storage. Yongguk glared at Daehyun before attempting to cover Zelo’s ears. Only to get his hands smacked away as Zelo stands up and walks out of the room. Probably to his room, Jongup ponders. Before he can get up and follow Zelo, Youngjae appears.

Youngjae watches Zelo’s retreating figure until he takes a sharp turn and disappears, before turning and staring at the other occupants.

“What do you want?” Himchan muttered as his hands frantically search his skin, “is there something on my face?”

“No,” Youngjae answered, staring in distaste as he watches Daehyun devour the last piece of the pizza they’d ordered yesterday. “I just thought I’d let you guys know that we’ll be dead in a few hours.” He stopped, “Give or take.”

At this everyone snapped to attention. Eyes trained on Youngjae as he went to get a drink.

“The !” Zelo brought everyone out of their stupor. His voice echoing through the room.

“I mean what I said,” Youngjae answered, his drink in his hand. He looked so calm, standing there, sipping his drink.

“Explain.” Yongguk demanded, his voice deeper and commanding.

Youngjae sighed.

“Has anyone been to the control within the last 48 hours?” Everyone shook their heads. They saw no reason to, the ship drove itself. All they had to do was set the coordinates.

“Well, within the last 48 hours, our spaceship has ploughed straight towards a black hole.”

“But wouldn’t the ship have changed route to avoid it.” Jongup spoke up, clinging onto Zelo, who he had pulled to the seats with him.

“It should’ve but it seems that for some reason it didn’t pick up.”

“Well then,” Yongguk said, “we should be able to get out of it, per the training and lessons, we should just about be at the end of the first layer so if we hurry we could turn back.”

“We just passed onto the second when I had gone to check. We’re dead.”

Everyone went quiet.


“What happens when we pass the first layer?” Daehyun asked, his hands getting ready to stuff the remaining pizza into his mouth.

“No one knows,” Youngjae answered, “we were told that once we get to the second layer we burn, disintegrate, whatever the word is. However, recent studies into black holes show that once you get to the second layer reality and time start to bend and probably meld together and that the rules of physics wouldn’t apply as the dimensions have become to warped. The studies say that you get cloned and that one of you dies whilst the other you live on and gets closer to the hole. The people outside the second layer see you die.” He sighs, “But is just a theory and hasn’t been tested and because we’re alive I’ll say it’s true. I’m convinced, though that once we reach the middle, we will die.”


“How can you be so calm about this? And how do you know so much?” Himchan asks genuinely curious and terrified.

“I had enough time to freak out before I told and I also payed attention during class. How are you so calm about this?” Youngjae asks back.

“I don’t know, maybe it hasn’t sunk in yet.” Himchan replies, burying himself deeper using the pillows.

“Well, it should sink in soon Himchan, we just passed into the second layer, soon it will be the third then we get in. The best that could happen is that we end up in another universe that is inside the multiverse. The worst is we die.”

“!” Zelo exclaims suddenly before running out the room, Jongup stands to go follow him but the others shake their heads.

“Let him, he needs to be on his own.” Yongguk says, holding his wrist. When he sees Jongup nod he releases the grip and turns to Himchan, ready to comfort.



“Guys,” Youngjae’s voice comes through the speakers, “meeting in the control room.” There was a crackle of noise before it went silent and everyone started moving towards the said room.


“Is everyone here?” Youngjae asks, as he looks at the people sitting at the table.

“Yep, I’m 100% sure everyone is here.” Yongguk answers, his hand on Himchan’s shoulder – comforting him.

“Okay, good. I just thought that I’d tell you guys that I think we’ve passed to the third layer.”

“What do you mean think.” Daehyun said, Jongup and Zelo nodding with him.

“Shouldn’t you know is we have.”

Youngjae sighed, rubbing his forehead, “No, because no one outside the black hole knows what actually happens. We were told that you die, the moment you enter the second layer, however we are very much alive. I think we’ve passed because I felt the same lurch that I did when we passed to the second and judging from our position to the centre, I think the third layer is the shortest so we should reach the middle soon. All of this is documented on my independent servers.”

“Why?” Zelo asks, squinting at Youngjae.

“Why what?”

“Why,” Jongup answers, “would you document it onto your independent servers. We are going to die, unless you forgot.”

“How do you know?” Youngjae retaliates, “if there is a chance that we make it out alive, I want to have all this research on me.”

Daehyun opened his mouth, probably to ask something but he never got the chance as then the ship chose to lurch forward.

“What’s going on?” Himchan speaks up, “Youngjae, what’s going on?”

“We’ve passed through we should be entering the centre of the hole.”


This caused major panic and the control room was louder than it had ever been.

“SHUT UP!” Yongguk’s controlling voice called out, respectively shutting everyone in the room up. “It’s not good to panic in a situation like this, Youngjae what do you suppose we do?”

“Well, I would say we should just go to the living quarters but we shouldn’t leave the control room, so I say try and make this area as comfortable as possible. Everyone stays in here, except Daehyun – you go get food, Zelo and Jongup – get us blankets, lights, and anything that will keep us entertained.”

The people whose names were mentioned, nodded before leaving the room. Only Himchan, Yongguk and Youngjae remained. In an instant Youngjae was on the controls, trying to get an accurate distance and measurement of the hole whilst Yongguk comforted Himchan, who told him to get lost as he didn’t need any comfort.


When the others came back the room had darkened, Youngjae went to flick on the lights when Daehyun barged in carrying dozens among dozens of foods, before going back for drinks. Zelo and Jongup came in carrying blankets and pillows respectively before leaving to get lights and anything they found mildly entertaining.

When they had, all settled down, the room had darkened even more and the lights . Most of them were dim but still, they allowed them to see each other at least.

The day was very tiring and soon fatigue crept up on them and one by one they fell asleep. Daehyun being the last one to doze off, the last thing he saw was an empty pizza box and a brief glimpse of them finally entering the black hole.


Back to the present…


“We should get back to the spaceship.” Youngjae said solemnly, none of them knew where they were and that made them feel unsettled.

“Yeah, we should,” Zelo stood up and turned, willing to be the first to step onto their home and forget his mess ever happened when he came face to face with a pale man, who had white hair and dark eyes.

“Taemin!” A voice called out and the white-haired man disappeared and appeared next to a brunette, the one who had called him ‘Taemin.’

Soon, the other members of his team turned and spotted the two standing a good foot away from them. They were soon joined by 10 other people.

One of them, a man with pink hair, stepped forward. “Who are you?” He asked his voice ringing across the clearing.

“We are B.A.P,” Yongguk had stepped forward, “Border Andromedian Patrol.”

“Ah, so you’re from Planet MATO.”

They looked at each other before looking back to the pink haired man, “Yes, I guess you could say that. I mean, MATO doesn’t exist anymore.”

“Just because it’s destroyed beyond repair,” the pink haired man began, “doesn’t mean that you aren’t from it. We’re the Guardians of EXOplanet.”

They all nodded in understanding, these men were from EXO.

“Why are you here then? Is it because of the war?” Jongup spoke up.

“Yes,” this time another man answered, he was shorter than the pink haired man and his hair was black, done in a similar style to the pink haired man except it was in the opposite direction. “We are here because of the war, we brought the Legends here and because of this we must stay.

I am curious, however to how you got to Earth.” The male smiled at them and grabbed the pink haired one’s hand. “We will take you to our home, follow us.” The pink-haired male looked like he wanted to argue but the petite male holding his hand glared at him before smiling at them again and turning around, leading them towards their sanctuary. The other ten males followed them and Yongguk also followed, his group trailing behind him.


They walked for a few minutes before they stopped, the Guardians were one by one disappearing after they walked passed a tree. The white-haired male from before, saw their reluctance to go and came to them. “It’s nothing, just a precaution. You might feel a bit funny but that’s all. So, come one and if you didn’t get it earlier my name’s Taemin.” He held out his hand for a shake.

Yongguk grabbed it and shook it, “I’m Yongguk.”

Taemin nodded and walked forward to the barrier before entering he gestured for them to follow and they did. They weren’t the last in though. The brunette from before who had called out Taemin’s name followed them and from the other side of the barrier they watched him come in and say a word which caused a ripple to go through the barrier. “Don’t worry,” the male said, “I made sure no one else can come in now. I’m Minho, by the way.” Minho nodded at them before walking towards Taemin.

“WOW!” Zelo’s exclamation caused people to chuckle and look at him.

“I’m Jinki,” the pink-haired man from before stuck out his hand, Zelo shook it. “It’s beautiful isn’t it.”

Zelo only nodded quietly, “What’s your name?” Jinki asked.


“Well, Zelo I hope you enjoy it here.” He gave him a bright smile, that caused Zelo’s stomach to do flips before walking towards the petite male that had welcomed them.


Did you guys like? I rushed this as I needed it finished and am not bothered to look for mistakes.


I sincerly apologise.




Anyways, I am feeling kinda better, I guess but that doesn't matter. Did everyone see the fog yesterday? It was amazing though it did cause a lot of problems.




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