


Around a decade and few years has passed




“Luhan!”, Minseok shouted out after his brother, “where are we going?” The Korean was baffled to how the Chinese boy could have so much energy.


“We’re going to see our friends, remember!” Luhan screamed back with just as much intensity as Minseok, except Luhan’s was higher in pitch and made Minseok wish he couldn’t hear. After thinking that Minseok, would immediately scold himself, he ought to be grateful to be born a healthy, young man.


“You’re too slow!” Luhan yelled from the front, “Mind hurrying up!”


Soon they had arrived at the designated area, but none of their friends were there yet.


“Luhan,” Minseok sighed, “what is the allocated time for the meet up?” Whilst checking his phone.


“Erm, four, well I think it’s four.” Luhan checked the text they were sent earlier today, “Yeah it’s 4,” he replied looking at Minseok for the other boys input.


“Luhan,” Minseok sighed again, “It’s currently 3.”


“Oh,” Luhan instantly brightened up, “we can go to the new cafe, it’s really immediate!”


Minseok sighed as he was pulled along by his older sibling, until he realised something.


“Luhan.” His brother turned around and stared at him.




“You said it wrong.” Luhan made a confused face, whilst mumbling the sentence he had just said, “No, Lu-Ge what I mean is that you used the wrong word, instead of ‘immediate’ it should be ‘recent’. You used the word in the wrong context.” He explained watching the Chinese boy take in everything he explained. Luhan smiled.


“Thanks for telling me Minnie!” Luhan then continued to drag the younger boy away.


There family was a really weird one. They had Korean parents and one Chinese child and one Korean child. Their parents loved either way, nothing else mattered, their uality didn’t, their nationality didn’t and neither did the fact that they were adopted. However, to other people it mattered. They wondered how the family communicated on a constant basis, how they tolerated having a homoual in the house and no one even knew what polyuality was. However, that was all irrelevant because their parents loved them and were there for them. He was proud to be part of the Chong family. Even if his last name really is Kim.


Minseok was brought out of his mind wondering, when Luhan tugged on his arm excitedly.


Wǒmen zài zhè'er!” Luhan called out and Minseok just smiled at his brother's enthusiasm.






Two other boys, who’re a year younger than Luhan and Minseok, were passing the cafe as the other two were finding a table.


Baekhyun, a 17 year old male, was ranting to his younger brother about bullies. Certain people had been picking on the two due to their uality. However, their parents had sorted it out but Baekhyun always developed a bad mood whenever the topic was brought up or he saw one of them. It wasn’t like it had stopped either but the bullying had gone down significantly since they’re parents had intervened.


“I can’t believe it, Soo!” Baekhyun yelled dramatically, hands everywhere, “seeing that bastard just ruined my day.” Kyungsoo could only fake sympathy and pat his older sibling on the back.


Baekhyun started ranting again and Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, he seemed to be over that quickly. He chuckled in head, only a wisp of a smile forming on his face. Before Baekhyun could start ranting again, Kyungsoo in, “Hyung, do you want to go into the cafe?” Baekhyun looked at him surprised.


“It’s a really warm day and I think a few cold drink would help us.” Kyungsoo deadpanned.


“Great!” Baekhyun grinned, his mouth forming a rectangle, “but you’re paying!” He then quickly rushed into the cafe and stopped.


Kyungsoo followed after him and glared at his brother who was blocking his way, “Hyung!” He called out, no reply, “Bacon, can you move please.” The please seemed to be added on as an afterthought. That snapped Baekhyun out of his daydream, maybe he saw someone really hot, same old same old. He looked pointedly at what Baekhyun seemed to be staring at and everything seemed to freeze.


“Soo!” Baekhyun called out to him. Kyungsoo snapped out of his reverie and followed after Baekhyun swearing to himself not to look that way again.




Baekhyun couldn’t help but let his eyes wander to the two who were sitting opposite to them in the cafe. He didn’t know why but he was drawn to them, and he knew Soo felt the same way if he’s reaction on seeing them earlier was any indication. Everytime, he caught himself staring at the duo, he would reprimand himself and quickly look away. Each time hoping he wasn’t caught. As well as that, Kyungsoo seemed to be uncomfortable, facing away from the duo and staring into his drink as he twirled the straw around. Baekhyun knew that Kyungsoo was trying to avoid looking at the other people. He had also seen Kyungsoo take peeks at a mirror on of the walls and stare at the suo before shaking his head and turning back. He seemed to repeat it every few minutes. He didn’t know why, but everytime he looked at the duo a sense of nostalgia bubbled in him. His eyes wandered to them again and this time, with a start, he realised he had been caught. He looked away quickly and felt his cheeks redden at the embarassment.


“Soo, do you want to drink these whilst walking around town?” He asked, hopeful. He couldn’t stand this atmosphere the other two males were not staring at him and Kyungsoo and not even trying to hide it.




Kyungsoo just vaguely registered what Baekhyun was saying, but he definitely registered the tense atmosphere that seemed to come up out of nowhere and the hopefulness in his hyung’s voice. So he replied with a quiet ‘yes’ and soon the two brothers were walking out the door and escaping the questioning looks the other two males had sent their way. When they had crossed through the door Kyungsoo sighed in relief, the atmosphere in there was not good for his brain as a migraine had started to develop.


“Can we drink these on the way home, I think I’ve got a migraine,” he asked his hyung who was casually sipping his bubble tea. Baekhyun shrugged and then nodded and the two hurried off.


A few steps away from the cafe, they passed two other males who seemed to be heading to the place the brothers were leaving from. Baekhyun was content sipping his tea and being quiet (for once) so it wasn’t Kyungsoo’s fault that his eyes had started wandering. Somehow, his eyes had met that of one of the tall males (they were both very tall) and Kyungsoo found himself pulled in. It seemed time had stopped as they just stared at each other. Kyungsoo drinked in every detail of the young male's face from his large ears and height to his quirky smile and then time sped up again. Kyungsoo found himself and the male going further away from each other and for some reason that got him agitated. He peeked behind him and turned his head away so fast he was surprised his neck hadn’t snapped, his face red. The other male had been looking at his retreating figure so when he looked back their eyes had connected. Kyungsoo blushed even harder at the curiosity in the othes eyes and ignored the vague feeling of wistfulness to start a conversation with Baekhyun.


“So hyung,” He started, “what was the name of the guy you were ranting about before?”




Chanyeol and Sehun were just walking to get to the new cafe. Sehun wanted to visit it really badly. Something about bubble tea that Chanyeol wasn’t bothered to remember. They were only a few 50 steps away when they had passed by two males who were walking in the opposite direction. They seemed to have just come back from the new cafe and Chanyeol should care less about that except that half of the group was made up by a small dark haired male and Chanyeol couldn’t help himself from staring. While they were passing each other, the small male made eye contact with him and Chanyeol swore that time seemed to slow down and stop as he drank in the males features. Then just as quick as it had slowed down, the time sped up and soon he had already passed Chanyeol. That didn’t stop his neck though as it had followed the little male and now he was looking at his retreating figure, for some reason it made him anxious. The dark haired male (he notice with amusement that the male looked like the penguin Pororo) now to be called Pororo had looked back. The moment their eyes made contact Pororo turned back to look in front of him and he smiled when he noticed the red creeping up his neck. He heard Pororo ask something to the other male. Something about bullies. He also heard the male call Pororo ‘Kyungsoo.’ Chanyeol nodded to himself, so Kyungsoo is his name. Meh. Pororo is better.




“...Hyung!” Sehun called out to Chanyeol, his older brother must have gone deaf, “hyung!” He tried again but louder and it seemed to have caught the other's attention as he turned to look at Sehun. “Who were you looking at?” He asked, his voice laced with curiosity.


“No one,” Chanyeol replied quickly, Sehun narrowed his eyes, way too quickly but Sehun let him off for the time being. “Let’s go and get your bubble tea.” Chanyeol changed the subject (not subtly) and rushed towards the cafe. He looked behind them to see which one had caught his hyungs attention and watched the retreating figures of two males and briefly considered the taller one to be the guy he’s brother was ogling but then decided against it. His brother was into short guys (and the occasional girl) so he took the safe route and betted (with himself) that it was the shortest male. Who, surprisingly resembled the penguin Pororo (even if he could only see the back of the male.)


He followed his brother into the cafe and wondered if he should question him on it but decided against it. If Chanyeol wanted to tell him something he would in his own time. As, he entered the cafe his eyes wandered over the customers and stopped at a petite male who was sitting with another male. The petite male, who resembled a deer, was speaking fluently in…..mandarin? And the other male seemed to absorbed in what he was saying, nodding at the right times. He forcefully removed his eyes as Chanyeol called his name and both the males sitting at the table, jumped at the loud noise. To stop his hyung from embarrassing himself even further he rushed over to him, ignoring the snickering that came from his classmate. Unconsciously, his hand went to his head and he started playing with his hair and pulling his beanie over it. Sehun was always bullied or made fun of at school for identifying as an aual because apparently in Korea most people were homophobic or something. Growing up in America taught him not hide himself and to be himself and maybe tumblr had something to do with that. The bullying just increased 100 fold when he dyed his hair to rainbow and even though his classmates made fun of it, his family was surprisingly supportive, maybe it was the years spent in America that allowed his parents to let him dye his hair that colour.


He banished that thought and reached Chanyeol in the line, Chanyeol and him both ordering the caramel bubble tea. As he waited for his order, he and his brother were sitting at a table not far from the deer looking guy. Sehun had been playing a really hard game on his phone when he heard one of them speak.


“Lu-Ge, we should go it’s almost 4 the meet up, remember” At this Sehun looked up and saw the deer looking male speak.


“You’re right Minnie, we should. It’s almost four, should we head out now?” The other chubby looking male nodded and stood up ready to leave and the deer-looking-male also stood up and as he did, he accidently looked at Sehun and their eyes instantly found the others.


Sehun’s breath was blown away as he stared at the petite male and neither broke eye contact until the petite male blushed and looked away following after his companion.


“Sehun are drinks are here? Should we stay here, or drink them on the way home?”


“Huh,” Sehun replied to hyungs questioned mind still locked onto the picture of the male, “oh, I think we should drink them on the way home, more efficient.” Chanyeol nodded and stood up to collect as Sehun’s mind once again drifted to the deer-looking-male.






Minseok and Luhan watched as the two males who had entered the shop a few minutes ago stand up to leave. The moment the two males had spotted them they were through into the pit as nostalgia hit them like a ton of bricks. They forcefully pried their eyes away and continued on in silence occasionally talking about something. That is until they had spotted one of them staring at them. When he caught he turned away and his cheeks blared with the colour red and Minseok kept staring at the weird duo not trying to hide it. Luhan, hit him under the table and told him to stop scaring them but it was too late. The duo had stood up and were walking out of the cafe. Watching them leave a wave of sadness seemed to wash over the two teens and they realised how lonely it seemed. Which was weird, since they were never lonely.


Minseok and Luhan brushed away that feeling and started chatting again about anything and soon they were immersed in their own conversation.


They didn’t even hear the bell ring, or notice the young teen who had stopped and was no observing Luhan with curiosity and interests. That’s why both Luhan and Minseok jumped from their seats startled when a loud voice cut through the air. They watched as a young boy rushed towards the teen shouting and they both noted that the boy's name was Sehun.  


Minseok went back to his drink but Luhan watched the boy go towards the older looking male. As he was moving past some tables, Luhan noted that some teens were snickering and making rude comments about his hair and surprisingly his gender. Sehun didn’t seem to let the comment affect him as he moved towards the counter where his friend (?) was waiting for him. The rude comments however didn’t cease, poor boy, it must be really hard for him.


Luhan thought before his attention was once again taken by his younger brother. He silently gushed about how cute and adorable Minnie was as the other spoke bad about their football coach. Luhan had to admit, there were some points in which he agreed with his brother.


Suddenly Minseok mentioned that they should go and Luhan nodded agreeing with him as it was almost four and they had to meet their friends. Minnie was the first to stand and up and head towards the door. As he was standing up, Luhan’s eyes made contact with the young boy from before - Sehun, his mind supplied to him. He was really handsome and tall, Luhan recognised, his own thoughts causing him to go red in the face. Sehun also seemed to be holding his phone so Luhan guessed that he boy must have been playing games on it. They continued staring at each other and Luhan’s face grew redder and redder. He swore, he could see the beginnings of a smirk in the teens face and he immediately tore his gaze away and followed after Minseok, because damn that was hot. Luhan’s mind kept replaying the scene and every time it got to that point he felt like his whole body was on fire and he had no way to stop it.






Wǒmen zài zhè'er




We are here













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