the pleasure is all mine

I'm Ready To Order!

Baekhyun couldn't stop fidgeting the whole way home.

He took a through shower and attempted to spritz the remaining bits of a cologne sample he got on his skin.. He was trying to look as clean and sophisticated as possible tonight. Unfortunately, he realised he would probably never be able to match Chanyeol's level of style. Going through his closet, he came to abrupt realisation that he didn't have many fancy clothes. He didn't need them. He only had one suit, that he wore to weddings and such, but that would be too flamboyant for a first date.

In the end, the brunette decided on a large oversized white sweatshirt with ripped black jeans. Next was simple makeup, with straight eyeliner and a little bit of BB Cream. Looking at himself in the vanity mirror, Baekhyun thought he looked as good as he could get.

Right before leaving, he made sure his wallet had some cash and he had his phone. He checked for the time. 7:03. The address was about 10 minutes away from his job, so about 15 minutes away. He still had about an hour and a half to kill, so he decided on picking up some remedies for Suho on his way.


He knocked on the door on Suho's apartment with a bag of Gatorades, soups, and painkillers in hand. He hoped the other would be healthy enough to be able to get out of the bed.

A few moments later, the door slowly opened revealing a vastly ill Suho sheltered in many blankets in pirate pyjamas. His faced was flushed and was a nice complement to his groggy eyes and red nose.

"I bought you some stuff from the store, you filthy goblin! Today as ing ridiculous by the way." Baekhyun said, pushing past the shorter.

Suho chuckled. "Like I said, I owe you one! Thanks."

Baekhyun dashed to the living room and started to stove to warm up some soups. "Feeling any better?"

Suho moved to the makeshift fort made of a couch and various blankets in his living area and dove into it. "Lots, actually! I think ill be able to take my shift tomorrow if I get some rest today!"

"Great,"  the latter said, pouring the soup into a bowl and grabbing a spoon. "Now I can finally catch up with my studying for once!"

Suho snickered. "Studies? It's like- what? Three weeks until university starts?" He looked up when his coworker approached with the tray of food. "What are even you doing toda- Is that cologne I smell? Are you going on a date?" He said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Don't worry about me. Eat up you little troll!"

"Awe~ My little Baekkie has got a hot date tonight! How cute!" Suho thrashed as his fit of laughter turned into a sea of coughs and hacks. Baekhyun snorted.

After some more arguing and talking about their classes next semester, Baekhyun checked the time on his phone. 8:08. He started heading out and getting his stuff together.

"Well, don't let me keep you from your princess, Baekkie~" Suho said, reverting to his older character. "Go on," He groaned, placing a hand on his forehead immitating an old british woman. "Leave me. Goodbye!"

Baekhyun rolled his eyes for the millionth time that hour. "Make sure you finish that soup and show up for your shift tomorrow, okay? Bye!" He called while unlocking the door. "And also, don't call me Baekkie!"

Baekhyun got into his car and routed the directions to the restaurant in his notes. He took a deep breath while tightening his grip on the steering wheel. 

This was going to be a long evening.


Pulling up to the venue, Baekhyun honestly thought he was at the wrong place. It appeared to be a 5-Star restaurant, housed with women in formal gowns and men in suits. It was decorated with tall hedges that were trimmed to perfection, fairly lights hanging over the patio, and what appeared to be steel wallings. He already felt like an outsider.

He took a deep inhale as he started walking towards the entrance. 8:28. Right on time.

"Welcome to Mason Blanche. Name, please?" The host said while scrolling through the store's electronic menu.

"B-Byun Baekhyun? Or it may just be-"

"Ahh. Mr. Baekhyun. Mr Park is awaiting you. Follow me, if you please."

Park Chanyeol. Baekhyun found the name oddly familiar but put it to the side to understand later. 

As Baekhyun followed the host through the dimly lit restaurant to what seemed to be a private area, he really felt the effect of feeling out of place. As he walked through the business-savvy restaurant with ripped skinny jeans on, he noticed high class, people, foods and items that he didn't belong with. He looked like a sore thumb protruding from the restaurant.

Upon his date's approach, Chanyeol stood from his chair. He looked more than dashing, per usual, wearing freshly pressed black slacks and a light black button up. 

"Your server should be with you in a minute, gentlemen. Have a nice night."

Chanyeol proceeded to pull Baekhyun's chair out for him. "Have a seat, Baekhyun. I'm very pleased that you could make it tonight and be on time. Very admirable, Baekhyun."

Baekhyun flushed. He had never gotten similar treatment in past relationships. "T-thank you. For inviting me and the compliment, I mean." he looked in his lap and fiddled with his fingers, not daring to look up at the man across from him. "Were you waiting for a long time?" He asked with a small voice.

Chanyeol readjusted himself in his seat. "No, you came right on time, so I wasn't here for long."

A server finally showed to the table. "Good Evening, gentleman and welcome to Mason Blanche." He set a menu in front of both of them. "May I get you started with our selection of wines?"

"I'll just have water, please." said Chanyeol.

"I'll have that too, please." said Baekhyun.

The server nodded. "Very well. I will get those out for you shortly and give you a chance to browse your menus."

As the server walked away, Baekhyun suddenly felt more or so comfortable with the man across from him at the small table. As he averted his eyes from the decor on around the room to the menu, which seemed to be primarily Spanish. He was straining to find something that he could recognise to order it.

"Baekhyun, are you okay?" Chanyeol looked concerned. "You look like you're uncomfortable." he set down his menu and tried to make eye contact with his date.

Baekhyun looked up to take a quick look up at the man and returned to fake-reading his menu, trying to hide the heat rising in his cheeks.

"Yeah. I just can't read the menu and feel a bit underdressed. I only took English electives in school, so I don't know a word and-"

Chanyeol let out a quiet but hearty laugh. "That's it? It's fine, I can translate it for you! I was thinking about recommending the Paella anyway, I've heard amazing things about it from my mutuals."

Baekhyun let out a small smile and looked at Chanyeol, raising his eyebrow. "You speak Spanish?"

Chanyeol nodded. "I'm not fully fluent, but I've been speaking it for a while. I was in an international program when I was in college." The latter nodded.

"Well, I think I will go with your Paella recommendation. It looks good!"

Chanyeol showed a warm grin. "I'm glad I've earned your trust."

The server approached with two glasses of water and set them down. "Did you gentlemen have time to look over the menu?" he said while taking out a notepad.

"Yes. We'll both take the Paella' Chanyeol stated.

"And would you like them spicy?"

"Yes. Baekhyun?" Chanyeol asked.

"Um.. No thank you." Baekhyun never liked spicy food, ever.

"Excellent choice, gentlemen." He collected their menus. "I'll have that out for you as soon as possible."

Once the server left, Chanyeol crossed his legs and placed his elbows on the table. "So tell me bout your day, Baekhyun."

Ohh that voice. So y. So close. "Well Suho was sick so I had to spend my day off at the shop during one of the busiest shifts on the busiest day. It was terrible!"

Chanyeol took a drink from his water as Baekhyun tried hard not to look at his Addam's Apple bob. "Who's Suho?"

Baekhyun mentally punched himself. "Suho is a coworker and friend of mine." He explained. "He got really sick and I had to over his shifts for him."

Chanyeol nodded. "That's why you looked so worn out why I came into order." 

Baekhyun widened his eyes and winced. "Was I that obvious? I'm s-sorry you had to se-"

"Shhhh. You were on the job, and you had the hardest shift. The sides, you looked adorable anyway."

Baekhyun looked in his lap as his ears turned red.

"And that, too! That must be the millionth time you've blushed!"

"I'm not adorable, Chanyeol. Its called makeup." Baekhyun pouted.

Chanyeol chuckled. "Okay, you're just enchanting"

Baekhyun lightly kicked Chanyeols leg under their table. "Anyway, what about you? What do you do?"

"I'm Cheif Operating Officer at my father's company, Park Industries."  Ahh, that's where the name's from! I knew I found it familiar.  Baekhyun nodded. "I'm actually fairly new to the area, too. I spent most of my childhood in Busan with my parents and sister, but I moved to Seoul recently to get closer to Headquarters. You should show me around, sometime."

"I would love too! Although..." Baekhyun looked around. "I think you might be lying, based off of your restaurant choice you know the are pretty well."

"My best friend, Sehun, recommended it to me. It was like gambling deciding whether or not to come. The guy is such a child."

Baekhyun smiled. I was heartwarming knowing the mountain of a man working at a multi-billion dollar company was still confused about some things.

The server approached the table balancing two plates of Paella in his hands. He set them down in front of them. "Ustedes Disfrutan, gentlemen. I will be back to chek on you soon."

At this moment, Baekhyun realised how hungry he was. The second the server turned his back, he dove into his food like a starved wolf. As he took a bite, he revelled at the taste when it melted in his mouth. Within seconds, he was on his fourth bite already.

Chanyeol smiled warmly at the younger.

"What?" He asked, mouth full of food.


They ate in a cosy silence as they ate their food. Baekhyun asked questions about Chanyeol's company's workings, and Chanyeol asked about the classes he was taking next semester. Baekhyun's anxiety was slowly dying down as he got lost in Chanyeol's world. By end of the meal, Baekhyun could safely say he really liked this man. He really, really, liked this man.

The server finally returned to the table, collecting their food. "I hope your meals met your standards. Are you considering dessert?"

Baekhyun gave a weak smile to Chanyeol. I want you to have me for dessert. He received a chuckle from him.

"Have you had Tarta de Santiago?" Baekhyun shook his head.

"We'll have that, then." The server nodded.

Baekhyun resumed talking. "Like I was saying, he took the paperclips on his notebook and stuck it in the socket!"

Chanyeol snorted. "What'd the sub do?"

"She almost passed out! Poor lady, she was such a sweet woman!" Baekhyun said, biting back tears.

The server came back with one large plate with the Tarta de Santiago on it. It was littered with powdered sugar and strawberries, glazed with chocolate accompanied with a bowl of honey on the side. He placed it in the middle of the table. "Enjoy."

"So to eat the Tarta de Santiago;" Chanyeol explained, "cut a square out like this, and dip it in the honey."

Chanyeol demonstrated this by taking his fork and knife and cutting an almost perfect square to the edge of the circular dessert. He picked up a piece and held it to Baekhyun's lips. "Try it first."

Baekhyun bit his lip, looking up questionably before opening his mouth and trying the Spanish dessert. "Ooh! That tasted so good! You should just quit your job and become a food critic or something!" he groaned.

Like the other food at the restaurant, he fell in love with the taste right away and the dish was quickly gone.

The server came back to set down their bill. "I can come back to take this whenever you're prepared, gentlemen. Thank you again for choosing Mason Blanche." He collected their dishes and left.

Baekhyun looked at the bill while Chanyeol was putting on his jacket. Holy this place is expensive. This is like 1/16th of my monthly rent. What. The. . He fished for his wallet in the back of his jeans. Chanyeol waved him off. "I told you, this is on me."

Baekhyun looked up in a way the other found angelic and shook his head. "I insist. I was being a pig eating most of the food anyway-"

"Don't argue with me, Baekhyun." he said in a gentle, yet authoritative voice. "Earlier I said it would be my treat. You being here is worth much more than the meal iself, okay?"

Baekhyun silently nodded and put his wallet back in his jeans.

Chanyeol took out a shiny black credit card and paid the bill. The host from earlier came by and collected it.

As the night came to an end, Chanyeol and Baekhyun exited the store to take a quick stroll in the chilly night. Baekhyun was so refreshed after that meal and was having one of the best dates in his life tonight.

"Let me walk you to your car," Chanyeol insisted.

The two strolled through the parking lot, until they neared a small black coupe. "Welp! Here it is." Baekhyun said at arrival. "She's not much, but she packs a punch!" he giggled.

Chanyeol took a step forward, closing the space between them and the car. He used his index and middle finger to lift his chin up to face him. "Baekhyun, tonight was wonderful. I hope we can make time to do this again."

Baekhyun flushed again for the millionth time. "T-thank you, too. For everything, I mean."

Chanyeol nodded and took a step back. "The pleasure was all mine. Goodbye, Baekhyun." He lightly squeezed Baekhyuns arm before walking away.

Baekhyun entered his car and squeezed the wheel. Chanyeol touched him. Infact, the Park Chanyeol touched him. God, he was so ready for everything already. He should've made the first move. But that is for another day, I guess.

The pleasure was all mine. That phrase kept repeating in his head like mantra on his way home. He felt himself get hot and bothered again.


Sorry the update took me so long! I wanted to make this one extra long for you guys, so i made it about 2 times longer than usual!

anyway, to be clear Chanyeol will be older in this fic, because i like it that way aaaa (you can look at it either way, but when i say the younger between them, i mean baek) to be more specific, baekhyun is a college student and chanyeol has graduated. I havent decided on his age yet.

thanks for reading! xx

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YoItsItati #1
Chapter 4: I love this!! I know it’s a bit late but I can’t wait for your update!! (:
teufelchen_netty #2
Chapter 4: Please more soon :)
Chapter 4: OMG I JUST GOT A SHOUTOUT!! >< It's so nice to know that you see my comments! XD This was a great chapter (as usual)! Keep up the great work!! ^^
flowersfrom-paradise #4
Mirae00 #5
Chapter 4: Shirtless Chanyeol telling you to lay in his lap while he feeds you??!!?!!? Ugh I'm dying for baek honestly what else could you want in life
Chapter 3: Ahhh, what a great chapter! I really love this story! I can't wait for the next update! :)))
apinkcrcr #7
This is so cute ! <3
Chapter 3: Cute! I love the blushing Baekhyun.....