Chapter 2

Personal hairdresser

After the cutting part was finally done, Luhan asked xiumin is he could gel his hair up, so he did so. Xiumin led Luhan to the counter, and Luhan paid the price required. Before Luhan left, xiumin stopped him.

'Wait, you've got some hair on your..' Xiumin tiptoed and placed a hand on Luhan's shoulder to balance himself, and used the other hand to brush away some strands of hair on Luhan's nose. Luhan's cheeks were turning red, but he managed to keep it down because xiumin was right in front of him. Xiumin was struggling to get the hair off of Luhan's nose, and stayed there for about half a minute. Luhan felt slightly dissapointed when xiumin finally brushed the hair off, but his dissapointment was replaced when xiumin combed Luhans hair back with his fingers to make his hair look neater.

'There. Off you go now... Have a nice day! ummmm.....' 

'Luhan. It's Luhan.'

'Oh, have a nice day, Luhan!' Xiumin exclaimed with his gummy smile.

Luhan wasn't satisfied yet. He didn't have enough. He wanted to ask for a phone number, but that'd be a bit weird. Then, he thought of an idea.

'Can i have an.. a card? I might come back some time and... i uhm, yeah.' Luhan mentally slapped himself for the nth time. But Xiumin just smiled and handed him a card that he took out from his pocket. 'Here ya go' he said.

'Thank you!' Luhan exclaimed, and xiumin left him standing in front of the counter to assist other customers. Luhan just stood there staring at the hairdresser. He wanted to hug him and ruffle his soft orangy-auburn hair. He's perfect, Luhan thought. Xiumin then noticed Luhan was still standing there, and Luhan scrampered off when he made eye contect with xiumin.



When Luhan arrived home, he thought of the man for an entire day. He was so immersed in the card that he memorised every single detail written on the card. When he was taking a shower, he kept thinking and thinking what he should do to meet up with xiumin again. Before going to bed, he saved the number into his phone, putting a heart as the contact name. Whilst having his beauty sleep, he dreamt about xiumin for the entire night.



'Hey Luhan, pass the ball here!' 

Luhan kicked the ball towards sehun. Sehun then ran off with the ball and attempted to kick the ball to the goal. Unfortunately, baekhyun kicked the ball away towards chanyeol. Sehun cursed, while tao assured him that it was okay.

Luhan decided to take a break, and sat on one of the long benches beside the field. He couldn't concentrate, just because of you-know-who. He lifted his head up, and saw xiumin walking through the door. Must be a hallucination, he thought, and rested his head down again. He then heard his name being called.

'Oi, Luhan hyung, come here!' sehun exclaimed.

Luhan lazily went down the stairs and walked towards sehun. Beside sehun is an extremely familiar face. Luhan wasn't hallucinating, xiumin was right in front of him, excitement written all over his face.

'Let me introduce you to my-' 

'Xiumin!!!!' Luhan shouted out with a wide grin, which made Xiumin laugh.

'Wait.. you guys know each other?' Sehun questioned.

'Y-yeah, i guess so.' Luhan said. It was more of a customer-worker relationship.

'More of a customer-worker relationship' Xiumin said with a meek smile. Luhan thought it was the cutest thing on earth. 

'oh' Sehun said. 'Well, xiumin's my second cousin, and Luhans my soccer friend.'

'What a coincidence' Xiumin said. Luhan thought it was fate. He bursted with happiness.

'So, umm, Luhan, can you bring Xiumin to the change rooms, pwetty pwease?'

Of course Luhan didn't object. He led xiumin into the change rooms. Xiumin placed his duffel bag on a bench, and took out his attire. Luhan gasped when he saw a Man u Jersey that was signed by Rooney.

'No. ing. way.' Luhan always wanted to see man u. 'How did you even get that?!?!?'

'Don't be so surprised... My uncle gave it to me as a birthday present.' Xiumin then took off his shirt. Oh . Luhan couldn't believe his sight. Xiumin is well built, his muscles so big, and he had perfect abs. Of course Luhan was better, but the fact that such a small and cute figure has such an amazing body astonished Luhan. Xiumin then replaced his bare upper body with his man u jersey.

'Woah.' Luhan accidentally let out. He then covered his mouth with his hand immediaely and mentally slapped himself again.

Xiumin laughed. 'I used to be a pro at taekwondo and kendo. I trained since young, so yeah.' 

Luhan laughed awkwardly. His fingers were twitching. He wanted to get his hands on xiumins abs, it was so tempting. Xiumin then stuffed his duffel bag into a locker and wore his football shoes. He ran out of the changing room exitedly, Luhan following after. As they reached the field, Sehun approached Luhan and whispered into his ear.

'Liked what you saw?' He said, and ran off with the stupid smirk of his that Luhan wanted to slap off. But, he did like what he saw.

Xiumin was put into Luhans team, and Luhan smiled stupidly at the thought.

When the game started, Luhan bursted in confident. He was like a super saiyan, no one could get in hs way. Just when he tried to kick the ball into the goal, baekhyun appeared in front of him. He looked around, looking for someone to pass the ball to. He saw Xiumin running towards him, and kicked the ball to him. Xiumin shot the ball into the goal, and chanyeol failed to block it. Luhan cheered so loud, and ran towards xiumin and gave him a hug. He was so proud of him. Luhan then realised that he was hugging someone that he just met, and let go instantly. 

'You were awesome!! You should play with us every saturday.' 

'Nah, that was just luck on my side..'

'Are you kidding?! That- that was the most perfect kick i've ever seen!!'

Xiumin blushed. 'Don't exaggerate,' He jokingly slapped luhans shoulder and went off to get a drink.

Baekhyun and chanyeol approached Luhan when they saw the dumb smile plastered on his face.

'Looks like someones in loveeeeee' Baekhyun said cheesily. 

Chanyeol rested his hand on baekhyuns shoulder and pulled him closer to his chest. 'Just confess' He said as he kissed the top of baekhyuns head, and baekhyun turned around to kiss chanyeol back.

'N-no guys, we just met like yesterday' Luhan said. He was turning red, he could feel the warmth on his cheeks. 'We're not like you two s.'

'What the hell? I only have eyes for baekkie, and Baekkie only has eyes for me, how the are we s?' Chanyeol said angrily.

'Okay, okay fine. But seriously, i've only met xiumin for a day, i can't just ask him out.'

'I'm pretty sure xiumin likes you too. Sehun mentioned that xiumin doesn't like to be in front of others, but he gladly took of his shirt in front of youuuu.' Baekhyun said.

Luhan froze. Now that was a little bit weird. There could be a possibility that he liked Luhan back. No wait, no no no no no. Luhan shook off his thoughts.

'There was no choice for him,' Luhan answered 'wait, you guys were spying on us?!?!

Baekhyun and Chanyeol snickered and ran off, leaving Luhan standing in the middle of the field, dumbfounded.

'No way...'




When Luhan went back to the changing room to pack his stuff, he found that xiumin had already left. The only people left were sehun and chanbaek. Chanyeol pinned baekhyun onto the wall and started kissing him, baekhyun gladly gave him entrance. Uggh, Luhan shivered at the sight. Just before he left, Sehun approached him.

Sehun snatched Luhans phone before gaining permission. Then he asked: 'Can i borrow your phone? I needa call minseok hyung. He left his shoes here.' 

'Hey! gimme my phone back you brat' Luhan tried to snatch his phone back. But Sehun ran off, and Luhan knew he was in trouble. 'That lil ...' 

Sehun keyed in xiumins number into Luhans contact list, and smirked when he saw the contact name.

A heart.

Yep, Luhan was completely lovestruck. Sehun called xiumin.

'Hyuuuuungggg, you left your shoes hereeeee, come get it or i'll keep it forevaaa.' Sehun said through the phone.

Xiumin removed the phone from his ear and looked at the caller id. It was an unknown number. 'Sehun, who's phone is this, did you change your phone number?'

'What, no, this is Luhan hyungs phone' Sehun giggled at the thought of Luhan having a massive crush on his cousin. 'Now come get your shoes before i take them.'

'You lil pieace of . I'm coming over (Hahaha that song is lit af) now' Xiumin said into the phone before hanging up. 

Sehun went back to the change rooms and handed the phone back to Luhan. 'F U oh sehun, You idiot'

'A heart eh?' Sehun smirked at him.

'Minseok hyungs coming to get his shoes. Stay where you are.' Sehun said before he left. So Luhan just say at the bench, waiting for xiumin. For 5 minutes, the only sound he could hear was chanyeol and baekhyuns kissing noises.

'Can you guys please be quiet?!?!' He screamed out in rage.

'Geez, fine... chill' Chanyeol said, carrying baekhyun bridal style and and walked away while kissing him.

Xiumin arrived a couple minutes later, and Luhan lit up with happiness.

'Your um, shoes.' Luhan handed xiumin his shoes.

'You didn't have to..' Xiumin said as he retrieved his shoes. He then patted Luhans back lightly and thanked him before running off again. Luhan stood there, and felt warmth spreading in his body.

'I'm hopelessly in love...' Luhan signed and left the field.


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Chapter 6: This is cute
Chapter 5: Awww cutee
Chapter 4: Cute! Cute! Cute! I love this story!!!!!!!
Chapter 3: You's never enough! I'm soooo in love with your Xiuhan!!!!!
dangerousfool #5
Chapter 2: Author-nim... update juseyo!
Chapter 2: It's so cute..haha Luhan is hopelessly love with Xiumin.. Can't wait for next update
Chapter 1: Can I have a little bit more...very soon....please????? It's soooo cute! Very well done!