Back in Busan

Christmas in 10 years

“Why do you hate me so much, Tiffany?


I was taken aback. He called me by my name. That’s a first.


Seunghyun was looking at me with too much intensity that I had to look away. Why do I hate him so much? I’ve thought about this question a while ago and still, I can’t find an explanation to it. He always teased me but that can’t be the only reason why I hate him. I’m not that shallow.


“Because you’re a jerk.” I simply told him.


“I’m not.” He defensively answered, “I’m actually nice.”


“Yeah, to everyone. But not to me.” I was surprised that there was bitterness in my voice, and I suddenly became afraid that he’d notice it.


“I’m nice to you too, but you always snap at me so I can’t help but come up with a retort.” He explained. When I think of it, I realized that it was true; he was always nice to me. I was the bully; my blood just boils whenever he’s around. “Come to think of it, you were nice to me when I first came at the office.” He said.


Yes, I remembered that. I kinda had a crush on him back then because he was nice and well… handsome, but something happened and then, tada.


He became my worst nightmare.


I suddenly had the urge to change the topic. “Because I was a senior, that’s why I was nice to you. But then you proved to be a jerk—“


“No. It must be something that I did which made you mad at me.”


Here we go. It was another thing that I despise about him; he thinks that he’s some kind of a detective, figuring out things which were supposed to be kept as a secret. I gritted my teeth and just hoped that he wouldn’t rub it in.


“When did you start hating me?” He continued, narrowing his eyes at me.




“Early February? January? Actually, I’ve thought about this before. I tried to figure out why you’re like that.”


I didn’t answer.

“I joined the office in October. We were still talking in November. We used to have lunch together, right? We drank too. I even brought you home once.”



I don’t wanna talk about this for heaven’s sake. I feel my face growing red as he started enumerating things that we did. Before he could say more, I cut him off. “Sherlock, you’re overanalyzing things. I just hate you, that’s all.”


“It must be in December.” Seunghyun continued as if he didn’t hear me. “What happened December last year?” He asked, rubbing his chin with his thumb and forefinger. “Did I say something harsh? Did one of my december articles offended you in any way? Was it because I didn’t buy you a gift? Did you receive death threats from my fan girls?”


Can I just punch him?


“Of for the love of—”


“or…” His tone changed into a teasing one, “Was it because of the Christmas Ball?”


I glared at him, hoping it would scare him off and make him shut up, but the jerk didn’t even flinch. Instead, we just had a staring battle.


“It’s because of that, isn’t it?” He whispered as he bent down so we were eye-to-eye level. “Was it because I asked Yoona to be my date and not you?”



My heart started beating so fast that I was scared it would come out of my chest. I suddenly became nervous, but I hoped I didn’t show it in any way. I clenched my jaw tightly, kept a poker face and turned away. “Just… shut up.”


When the words rolled out of my mouth, the only thing that I could think of is…

I’m so dead.


I almost smacked my head in the window. Where is my wide range of vocabulary when I needed it the most?! I had done so well with my expressions and that’s the only thing I could say? Shut up? Urg. It’s like saying, ‘Yes. You should’ve asked me out back then, you insensitive nincompoop.’ I closed my eyes tightly while mentally cursing myself.


I took a sidelong glance when the jerk didn’t say anything. A playful smirk was playing along his lips, “Tiffany. I only asked her because the President asked me to.” He said and let out a sigh, “Yoona had a crush on me.”


I almost choke, “Don’t flatter yourself.”


“It’s true. I would’ve asked you back then if not because of that. I liked you. But since I was a newbie, I complied.”


Did I hear it right? He liked me? “Who cares.”


“You care.”


“I don’t. I don’t even know where you got all those ideas.” I snapped, mustering all my courage to face him, “Seunghyun, you’re a jerk. Period. I hate you because you make life harder for me; you initiate war, you always tease me, you embarrass me and its not even funny anymore, you’re like a kid,  You… you’re the complete opposite of my ideal man. It’s like… you were born...”


“for you.” He smirked, “I was born for you.”


My speech was almost perfect if the jerk hadn’t cut me off.

Please. You were born to annoy me.” I retorted.


“I annoy you because you wouldn’t talk to me.”


I rolled my eyes with that, “Whatever. I’m not interested.”


“and because, I like it when you’re mad.”


That caught my attention, “Why?”


“I thought you’re not interested?”


HOW.DARE.THIS.JERK. “Ugh.” I blurted out in frustration and made it clear to myself that I would just ignore him for the rest of the ride.


We spent the rest of the ride in silence; partly because I’m still irritated at him and partly because, well,  he didn’t talk either. I’m thankful for the latter by the way. The scenery ahead of us gave me a scent of nostalgia; everything looked familiar. The mountains, the beach and the boats, the houses… it’s like, it never changed, except for a few new infrastructures, but everything’s still the same.


A wave of memories hit me slowly.

I suddenly missed my old life, when everything’s just about school, my family and…



You’ll see him in a few hours, don’t worry. The voice inside my head told me.

Probably because I was obviously impressed by the view that Seunghyun suddenly asked me, “When’s the last time you visited Busan?”


I smiled, not at him, but outside the window. “… it’s been… a long time.”


“You feel homesick, don’t you?”


I nodded absentmindedly.


“Me too.”



When we finally reached Busan station, I quickly got out of my seat and excitedly went out of the train, not bothering to wait for Seunghyun. Heh. I have no plans of saying goodbye to the jerk. I made my way out, surprised by the sudden wave of people coming outside the train.


Busan Station had improved so much since the last time I’ve been here. It’s not surprising; it’s been 10 years anyway. I walked fast, fascinated by the things around me. Outside the station, everything was covered with snow.


I inhaled the cold air, stretching my arms wide.

Mark, I’m freaking back in Busan.


“Hey mushroom, you’re not in Titanic. ”


I turned. The big old gorgeous jerk was standing a few feet behind me, smirking.


I raised my eyebrows, “The hell you care.”


He walked up to me. I didn’t realize difference in our heights until now. Damn, the jerk was tall. “Are you in a hurry?” he asked animatedly.




“Let’s eat.” He grinned.


“Eat? Like, together?” I scoffed, “No way.”


He made a face, “Come on. After we eat, I’ll be your tour guide.”


“Tour guide?” I started to feel stupid, repeating whatever he said. I backed away, “I’m from Busan, you idiot. I don’t need a tour guide.”


“Yeah right. You said it’s been a long time since you last went here? There are new places around.”


I rolled my eyes, “… no thanks.” I walked away as fast as I could, leaving him behind.


The jerk reached me with just 3 long strides. Urg, the perks of having long legs. “Don’t be such a fun killer. Doesn’t kimchi soup sound amazing right now?”


“It does. Without you. Bye jerk.”


I stick my tongue out as I ran away. I would’ve felt completely free at that time if not for Seunghyun’s following acts.

I was just approximately 12 meters away from him when the jerk shouted,



I froze.

Some people turned in our direction. I gritted my teeth and slowly turned around, “Seunghyun you—”


The jerk kneeled. “PLEASE? JUST LUNCH?” he shouted.

More people looked at us like we were shooting a movie. Some started whispering, some had surprised expression on their faces because Seunghyun was literally kneeling on the hoary ground, and some were just standing, watching us like we were movie stars.

I closed my eyes and closed the distance between us, “What the hell Seunghyun?! Stand up!” I said between clenched teeth, apologizing to the people around us. We were causing quite a scene outside the Busan station.



The jerk whined like a kid with crossed arms.


Oh great, now he mentioned my name.


People started flocking around us. . I closed my eyes in frustration, not meaning to hear their comments.

“Oh God, that man’s gorgeous.”

“She’s one lucky girl.”

“Why wouldn’t she have lunch with him? I’d die to have a meal with that man.”


Suddenly, someone walked up to me, “Miss, it’s really cold. Your boyfriend might get sick if he stayed like that for too long.”


“HE'S NOT MY—“ I almost shouted at the old lady behind me. I sighed and bowed apologetically.


I’m soo going to kill you Choi Seunghyun!




The crowd cheered.


Seunghyun looked up with a big grin on his face. “Really?”


I want to strangle him to death the moment he looked at me.


YES! Stand up you jerk!” I helped him up and dragged him away from that area as far as possible. The jerk  was laughing behind me, shouting a ‘thank you’ as we left the place. “Gosh, You’re embarassing.” I glared at him as I let go of his arm.


Seunghyun just smiled at me like an idiot. “Come on, my treat.”


And before I could protest, he held my hand.





Done! last chapter to be posted... uhm maybe tomorrow or on January 2? I'm not sure if I can post it tomorrow because it's new year. I'll try. :)


Wow you guys are fast. Man. 


darlingyouremineilovesoshibang2xaxaxaPeanutButterOreospinkgirlNara1214, and tufu96: thanks guys for the comments. I see you regularly in my other story and I'm just so thankful for all your support. Sorry I can't reply to you individually, we're busy preparing for new year :))


 gauri92VipSone and you, chickenmushroom. Why are you guys like that................ I... I won't say anything. :| HAHAHA


I'll give my personal replies when I post the last chapter :)

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blckmenthol #1
HanaYui #2
Chapter 5: It was mark or it was seunghyun? hahaha I guess Mark is Seunghyun and Seunghyun is Mark, isn't it? And I wonder with what happen next, please update soon
trisha_ss23 #3
Chapter 5: Author-nim !! I'm dying here cause you haven't updated this story for I don't know, 3 years?! You're killing me hahaha author-nim there's still a lot of your readers are waiting for this. I know you have problems but please just post that you're still alive hahaha jk. I feel abandoned :'(
Chapter 5: Looking forward the next update author! :-)
Anding2810 #5
Chapter 5: This one too just let hanging without ending # hey it's rhyme........
dadecer101 #6
Chapter 5: update soon... your‘e such a great writer... really...~~
goodluck author...
good course huh :-)
hwaiting :-)
dadecer101 #7
Chapter 4: MAN~~!!!! THIS IS SO SWEET~~~~ HAHAHA XD
I keep smiling with squeel.. I‘m like an idiot here... ayieee~~
Chapter 5: please tell me that mark is fake
cloudragon #9
Chapter 5: you don't make seunghyun and mark a same person? i thought this would be a short one!
do whatever you want, dear writer. i'm too hooked up on you to stop reading, anyway.