



official name



neverland ent.


8 members

fan club

name: TBA



A brand new entertainment has come around the corner, hoping & praying to become one of the top entertainments out here in South Korea! However, what is a brand new entertainment without a group debut? Neverland Entertainment soon to debut group goes by the name of " Journey " . 

It is said by the CEO of Neverland Entertainment is that the reason being that the group is called Journey is because each member of the group once had a dream, a dream that they would love to achieve and now since they had come together as one they would like to achieve that dream of theirs together; which is most likely to be one long journey ahead for them within this world of entertainment. 

Every single one of them has a goal that they had set once they all debut, but for now we will have to wait to see that goal of theirs is!

Now can Journey prove that they are great performers both talent and visual wise? not just great performers but great people as well.




rules and guidelines


001 // Subscribe is a must; upvoting is opt. No bashing nor plagiarizing. 

002 // The password will be found somewhere in the cheatsheet. If you have any questions do not be afraid to ask me!

003 // Have your app in a blog post, be sure to comment every once in awhile.

004 // If you had made any changes to your app do tell me.

005 // Have some fun while making your app be original! + go down to read more.


author's notes


Hello! I'm prexomise or you can just call me abby; I have not made an apply fanfic in so long, please forgive me if there are any mistakes here or there! I don't have much to say but to enjoy this + I will also take part of this story which means I will be one of the characters in this fanfic. 





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Height not fixed. Enter + shift for new paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla molestie convallis lacus. Proin ultrices suscipit lorem a molestie. Etiam at sapien congue erat aliquam vulputate sit amet nec leo. Donec efficitur, risus sit amet tempor eleifend, est lorem imperdiet elit, vitae rhoncus sem ipsum in mi.


the magic of new beginnings



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