The Playboy



   GD was reading his favourite book on his bed.Suddenly,his phone rang."Hello,GD is speaking here"."Hello,GD is me Sandara.Can we meet at Choco Ca`fe at this evening?".GD was sighing."I can`t.I have to study for this exam.Sorry".GD felt guilty but its okay."Oh,am I disturbing you?".Sandara slowly say sorry."Its okay.How about tomorrow?".Sandara agree and end their conversation on phone."Hello Irene,can we meet at Akdong Restaurant.I heard their Milkshake and sandwich is the best".GD excited to say that."Okay we meet at 5 o clock".Irene sound excited.Meanwhile,Sandara feel strange and look at GD inbox."I Think GD was cheating".Sandara log in her Instagram and stalking GD instagram`s."Who is she?".Sandara saw GD and someone in GD private photo.

           At the evening,Irene was waiting for GD."Irene,sorry im late".GD took a break to  breath because he was running to the ca`fe with a rush."Its okay,only 2 minutes I am  waiting for you.Come on".Irene hold GD`s hand and enter the Akdong Restaurant."Can I have a special set of breakfeast for 2 person,please".Irene order  the food straight to the point without looking at the menu."So,are you okay GD?".GD nodding and looked at his phone."GD,please look at me while we are talking".Irene was  talking  loudly to GD."Yes,what did you say?".Irene was sighing."Can you hear me?".GD nodding."Just nodding huh?".Irene continue looking at her phone."Your food is here.Enjoy".The waiter serve the food. Irene smiled at the waiter and said,"Thank you"."Your smile is so sweet".The waiter gave a wink to Irene."Can we eat now?".GD felt disgusted and ate the sandwich."So,tomorrow I can`t date with you.I have to study for my exam".GD look at Irene`s face."Oh,okay.So next time?".GD nodding."Okay,see you".GD left Irene alone at the bustop."Hello Dara,can we meet this night?".GD called Dara."Hello,okay but at 8 o clock".Sandara felt so happy and excited."Okay,meet at Choco Ca`fe.Its near to your house and mine".Sandara agreed and end the conversation.

  "Hello Minzy,can you help me?".


  "I think GD was cheating on me"


  "He is not talking to me.I dont know why.He always look at his phone only and smiles".


  "Okay,just spy at GD.I will pay you"


  "Thank you.I appreciate your help"


                  GD and Sandara walking together and holding each other hand."I think my mom want us get married".Sandara look at GD."Im not ready.We only 21 are your mom crazy haha".GD and Sandara laughing.Minzy quietly followed them."Its strange.Why Irene sister with GD?".Minzy took a picture and send it to Irene."What,are you serious.The girl is my sister!?".Minzy nodding."Its complicated thing to know.Its okay.You make a good work".Irene pay Minzy and satisfied with the picture."Dara,can I talk with you?".Irene enter Sandara room and sit on her bed."Yeah,sure sis what is it?".Irene put the picture on Sandara book."Who is this?".Irene show the picture."Oh,its GD my boyfriend.He from Busan".Irene nodding and look at Sandara."He`s my boyfriend too".Sandara shocked and look at her sister face."I think he just make we his toy.We have to give a word".Irene and Sandara came to the park."GD are you cheating on us?".Sandara hold GD hand."No,I don`t".GD agitated and make a strange face."Really,you be my sister boyfriend and my boyfriend huh?".Irene show herself and hold the water balloon."Err,we discussed at the lake can we?".Irene and Sandara chasing GD around the park.

            "Take that.The playboy.I Hate You!!".



HI GUYS! THANKS FOR READING MY FOURTH STORY.I hope you enjoy the story and dont forget to leave a comment below.


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