Shinee Farm


With the newspaper clipping in hand and luggage in the other, she entered the train station. Checking in her bag, she saw her baby Dalmatian sleeping soundly. "Good girl Jeomie, stay asleep for a little while longer." Finding her seat in the back corner of the carriage, she waited for the conductor to come check the tickets and the train to start moving before she finally let Jeom out of her bag. Still a little sleepy, she curled up on her lap while she read the newspaper clipping once more.


Caretaker needed

Needs to be able to cook, clean and work with animals. Room provided with Sundays off. Manual labour in the fields may be required on occasion.

S. Farm






“So I got a call today. There’s a young girl on her way here tomorrow, one of you is gonna have to go pick her up from the station.”

“She’s come all the way from the city?”

“Yeah, said she had a little dog she was gonna bring with her. We can help her train it when it grows up a bit.”

“That’ll be fun.”






This is just a bit of a celebratory fic, it's my two year anniversary since I began writing here and I wanted to do a little project for myself and turn one of my funnier dreams into a little fic~

It's up now~~~


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