My Other half

(Continuation of flashback #4)


Yul and his friends were leaving the room they are drunk but not too much except tiff who passed out yul opened his car's backseat and placed tiffany inside he was about to close the door when Jaewoon came running and patted his shoulder


"Bro is it okay if I take her home?"he asked as yul him"Why?"yul asked frowning not liking that Jaewoon is ruining his plan on getting tiffany


"Her mom called me and said that she has to go home already"Jaewoon answered"Sorry bro but can you tell her mother that she's with me today is my birthday anyway"yul being impaitient"And she came with me so I'm going to take her home"he added


"Dude your off way your heading to Bundang-gu sunny is coming with us so we'll take her home"While jaewoon was explaining yul just smirked and looked away"tss you'll pay for this jung"he thought


"Hey sunny let's go fany-ah wake up"Sunny parted from hoshi while jaewoon was having a hard time in waking tiffany"sorry bro"he apologized at yul"it's okay"he nodded and gave way to jaewoon and tiffany"Let me tell you I'm not going to forget this day"jaewoon didn't seem to hear yul because he was struggling on tiffany





Jaewoon was being dragged by yul and being followed by his other friends Nickhun and Taecyeon to a park in the middle of the night yul pushed jaewoon forcefully at a wall making him groan in pain taecyeon and nickhun held him by his hands while yul was smirking while walking towards jaewoon"do you remember what I said earlier,I said I'm not going to forget this day,and as a payment of what you did take this"yul gave him two punches on the stomach luckily he dodged yul's fist that was about to puch his face and got off nickhun and taecyeon's grip while yul's fist punched the wall he held his wrist"Damn it"he hissed


Nickhun pulled jaewoon at the back of his shirt,gave him a headlock and kicked his stomach yul got up and was about to punch him when he got off nickhun and gave yul's face a puch yul fell again on the ground clenching his jaw


Taecyeon tackled him down and they continued beating him yul got a wood from the grass and stood up he pushed taecyeon and nickhun and hitted jaewoon's head making him lose consciousness


( End of Flashback)




Tiffany had her eyes teary as she took out a necklace the other half of her's she grabbed his hand lightly and opened his fist and placed the necklace inside them closed his hand and held on it tightly after a few seconds after she letted go of his hand he slowly opened his eyes and smiled lightly jaehyun smiled while looking at his older brother same as tiffany 


"What's the point of having wealth,fame,talent if the person doesn't have  a good heart it's pointless choose the person who will always be there for you not the person who just talk but the person who truly values you"


"Love the person not just because of their outer beauty but also their inner the person who will love you whole heartedly"


"He's the one who deserves to be loved"


"He's the other half of my heart"





\The end thank you for those who subscribed which couple do you want as the next characters of my upcoming story 'Married to my Ex' I'm actually planning on doing it a chang wook and yoona ff but I must get your opinions first ^^





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Choon79 #1
Amazinggg keep updating thor!
Chapter 3: i love this words "What's the point of having wealth,fame,talent if the person doesn't have a good heart it's pointless choose the person who will always be there for you not the person who just talk but the person who truly values you"

you're so talented, fighting :))
yuutoo #3
Chapter 2: Is when tiff pass out yul take a advantage to her?
Imjessica #4
Chapter 2: Short bab
YongSeo_63 #5
Chapter 2: I completely agree on Jaewoon's words he deserves to be tiffany's other half
Choon79 #6
Please updateeee
Imjessica #7
Chapter 1: Next
Imjessica #8
Next chapter
Jsooyeon_18 #9
I like the plot, but i am confusing with the names.... XP
JeTiLoVe #10
Chapter 1: Just my opinion, when you change their name, the feeling for jeti or taeny or other pairing doesn't exist anymore. I feel like reading OC pairing.. I was so excited when the tag jeti n genderbender appear.. But when the name change to very different it make me confused and turn down my mood to read.. Jesse for male jessica also ok..
Sorry.. It just my opinion.. Its up to you.. Since this is your story.. :)