When the Sun Rises


Junmyeon has been fighting the evils of his world for over ten years. Who knew that his life could be ripped away from him in just three days?


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fiqahaina #1
I read this while listening to my answer well i literlly cried waterfall.
2449 streak #2
Chapter 1: i regret reading this... LOL KIDDING!

it's dystopian ofc it was bound to happen... and i loved how when everything boiled down to the end for Yifan, they poured everything out already... words of love were exchanged and just how much they love each other, gratitude over the time they spent together... it was so emotional as there was no more chance to say it! this is literally rihanna's "we found love in a hopeless place"

and then when Yifan personally requested for Jun to end his life... HUHUHUHU

Jun may not have honored Yifan's dying wish, but it's not hard to understand why... they were each other's hope and salvation during the dark times and Jun just saw no point anymore with continuing on the tiring journey of escaping from the mongrels...

what could've been Minseok's reaction if he came back from hunting only to find 2 dead bodies on their base camp... aigoo
Cedric_B #3
Chapter 1: I'm sad but I'm happy they are together!!! Apocalyptic Romeo & Juliet love story is amaze balls.